Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • Thanks guys! I was honestly hoping they’d started with the Pacific first, but since Italy is goosestepping and using Panthers, I can see they obvious need, lol.

    That leads me to imagine what they will do when get around China. Maybe special looking Chinese units to represent the highly trained and best equipped forces under the Sino-German argeement of the 1930’s? Or maybe artillery?

  • Customizer

    Not 100% sure if FMG will do a Chinese set. If they do, it will surely be a smaller set since they only need Infantry, artillery and perhaps a P-40 fighter in that yellow-green Chinese color. One idea suggested they may include China with the “Commons” set which would include Major ICs, Minor ICs, AA Guns, Air and Naval Bases, Bunkers, Pill boxes, etc. However, HBG has also planned to do a China set at some point and being as China has so limited units, he may end up covering everything needed for China. Additional unit possibilities for China might be a Commander figure and perhaps T-26 tanks which China got from Russia early in the war.
    Here is the FMG nation list as best as I can remember:
    Italy – FINISHED
    Germany – IN  PRODUCTION
    United States – IN SCULPTING PHASE
    Soviet Union
    Commons Set (ICs, AA guns, Bases, Bunkers, etc.) Possibly with China?

    One other thing: Jeremy mentioned at one time wanting to do all the nations of the Europe game first so Japan might be last on the list. Also, he mentioned possibly bumping France up to after UK since currently France doesn’t have any unique units other than their infantry. We still have to get Germany completed and that dang factory seems to be dragging it’s feet on them and the new Combat Dice. Then hopefully the USA sculpts will be complete and we can get them going. They have a NEW factory lined up to start USA and it is hoped they will have better production time and be more responsive to Jeremy’s queries on the progress.

  • For Chinese, just duplicates of units from other sets but in the Chinese green color should be suficient.

  • HEY GUYS!!! IM BACK!!! did you miss me…??? >:D

    i decided to take a break to pursue some other ……hobbies cough**cough GIRLS cough**cough
    that went well so im taking some time to come back and check in on my favorite group of people. :)

    any one care to summarize what updates have been posted?

  • Welcome back Cminke. Italy is done and is available. Germany should be any day now. I hope. Some USA sculpts are done check out the other thread. Beyond that you know about as much as the rest of us.

  • Any current pictures of Germany?

  • TripleA '12

    Hi Jeremy, it’s been nearly six weeks since we last heard from you and I think we’ve all been very patient here, but can you please provide us with an update on the production of Germany Combat Units? Many thanks.

  • At least an estimated date of arrival

  • I have a feeling we are going to get some great news or bad news. Fmg is either going to post a TON of info on the new units or say something went wrong. I must say the silence is deafening right now. Makes me wonder if something went wrong again with the factory.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Guys, RELAX

    He’s in the middle of selling his house - etc.

    Chill out.

  • TripleA '12

    Sorry guys, it’s just that my heart skips a beat whenever I see there’s been a new post added to this thread!  :oops:

  • Customizer


    Guys, RELAX

    He’s in the middle of selling his house - etc.

    Chill out.

    Selling his house?

    I agree with Lozmoid on this. We just want some information on the progress, good or bad. That’s what I liked when we were still doing Italy. Jeremy kept us informed every step of the way. Yeah, I know there were some jerk-wads that pissed and moaned every time there was a delay but I personally appreciated being kept in the loop and tried to support Jeremy and FMG as much as I could.
    Now that we are on Germany, things seem different to me. It’s like we have these long stretches with no info at all. His last post was very cryptic “Things ARE moving”. That’s not information, it’s just a vague statement.
    One of the things I really liked about being a part of this project was the continuous flow of information to us. Frankly, I don’t like the way this is being handle now.

  • Yes, his house is up for sale.  Took a lot of time and effort out of his days to get the thing ready to sell so that accounts for a huge part of the silence.

    Then there’s FMGC2012 coming up in 4 short weeks with a lot of preparation going on for that.  Along with dealing with the development for The Conflict (ww1 game) and his regular full time job … things have been pretty damn hectic for him lately!

    Oh yeah, and as Knp pointed out … the people who made things miserable for FMG during the Italy process.  I really wouldn’t want to keep giving information on a regular basis only to be whined at constantly for things out of my control.

    Speaking of FMGC2012 … I have a feeling we may see the official release of German combat units then.  :)

  • I agree with Rorschach.  The problem Jeremy kept running into when he gave us periodic updates on the Italian pieces went like this:

    1. The factory would give Jeremy a new update or a new projection on the work they were doing.

    2. Jeremy would pass this information along to us.

    3. People would get excited about the new information.

    4. The factory would then miss another deadline or run into an unexpected problem which invalidated the information they had initially given to Jeremy.

    5. Jeremy would pass the bad news along to us.

    6. People would get mad at Jeremy, or at least would be frustrated or disappointed.

    Since Jeremy is dealing with the same factory for the production of the German pieces, I can certainly understand why Jeremy would be reluctant to pass along to us the information they give him, since last time it usually turned out to be wrong and Jeremy ended up unjustly receiving the flak for it.

  • '10

    I am very sorry for my silence.  It is true I am selling and buying a home - If any of you have done this before you know what I am going through.

    I would like to say there is a “possibility” That COMBAT UNITS: GERMANY will be released at FMGC.

    To be 100% open here is a cut-n-paste from my recent update from my Agent.  (We have now hired an Agent from HK to nagg these guys EVERYDAY for us… yeah it got that bad!)

    _"Re: So was there any News?

    Mould will be done in 2 weeks.

    is going to visit the factory over Easter.

    I gave #### 1 week to inject as many Germans as possible.
    Ship whatever he has.
    1 more week to finish the remaining sets to make 1,000
    2 more weeks to finish 1000 sets in black.

    the conflict mould is almost complete, revisons done.
    Dice unknown at this time will advise ASAP"_

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    And you guys wonder why Larry under represents China in his games…

  • TripleA '12

    Thank you so much for that information, Jeremy. It is appreciated. Now I can go out and enjoy my weekend!  :wink:

    thanks jeremy.   unfortunately i will be away in hawaii for the FMGC2012…:(  yes UNFORTUNATELY!.
    but be sure to have a good time with out me okay?
    and thanks for the update!! :D

  • @Gargantua:

    And you guys wonder why Larry under represents China in his games…

    Yes, one of China’s problems at the time of WWII is that it wasn’t yet heavily industrialized.  China has since become a major industrial power, but it sounds like the factory Jeremy is using is still stuck back in the 1940s.

  • '10

    Right now we are looking at a MARCH Release date.

    I will update you as soon as I have all the details

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