RetroFuhrerMeister's 1940 Rules and Setup

  • Minor Note: Any rules that exist in the 2nd edition still apply unless something here overrides it, with the exception of National Objectives, 2nd editions ones are ignored entirely and replaced. Also, some of this is not originally from myself.

    Some credits to Young Grasshopper, Baron Munchhausen, SS, and Oztea.

    NEW Unit Rules:
      Submarines cost 7 IPCs now.
      Each Destroyer may now only disable one Submarine’s abilities.
      Major Factories get 1 extra roll in AA fire following bombing
      Anti Aircraft Artillery may now be used in Attacks, this means firing at 3 air units during an attack phase, but only during the first round, much like when they defend, their cost is now 6.
      Transports may now carry any two land units.
      Strategic Bombers can only attack at 2 against naval units.
      Strategic Bombers only receive a +2 bombing damage bonus if they depart from an operational Airbase.
      Cruisers cost 11 IPCs now.

    NEW Amphibious Assault Rule: Any land units, except Anti Aircraft Artillery, in the defending territory will be given +1 in defense.

    NEW Impassable Territory Rules: Air Units may move over Impassable territories, but it costs 1 extra movement to do so. The Sahara is a unique exception to this, the borders on the map are treated as traditional borders for Air Units, but the Sahara also adds an extra space between these territories, thus it would cost, for example, 4 movement points to move from Algeria into Anglo Egyptian Sudan.

    NEW Neutral Flyover Rules: Air Units may move over friendly Neutral territories

    NEW Tech Chart (Optional): The tech chart itself has 12 techs to choose from, it costs 10 IPCs to purchase a tech token, you then select a tech, and a roll of 1 is needed to gain this technology, if successful, the tech will not be activated till the Activate Technology phase of your next turn, if it fails, then you will keep the dice, and the value needed for the technology to activate will increase by 1 (in other words, now you only need a 1 or 2 to activate it) for your next Tech Development phase, if it fails again, then the process will continue till you finally get the tech (or if the value has reached 6, in which case, it’s a guarantee).

    1. Heavy Tanks: Tanks may now absorb 1 extra hit, while attacking, for every enemy Tank to controller’s Tank
    2. Efficient Industrialization: Every time the following type of unit is purchased, the second purchase of similar unit is reduced; Land units 1 IPC less, Air units and minor naval units 2 IPCs less, Capital naval units 4 IPCs less
    3. Jet Engines: All air units may now move 1 more space
    4. Advanced Mechanization: Mechanized Infantry may now move 1 more space
    5. Rocket Systems: Factories may bomb Facilities up to 4 spaces away
    6. Increased Transportation: Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers may carry one Infantry
    7. Improved Artillery: Artillery now supports 2 Infantry/Mechanized Infantry in attacking, and supports 1 Infantry/Mechanized Infantry in defense by a value of 1
    8. Paratroopers: One Infantry unit of the controller, in a territory containing the controller’s Air Base, may attack a land territory up to 4 spaces away
    9. Better Shipyards: All naval units, in a sea zone bordering the controller’s Naval base, now move 1 more space
    10. Dive Bombers: Tactical Bombers, unless the territory contains a Anti Aircraft Artillery, may sneak attack land units
    11. Super Carrier: Aircraft Carriers can now carry 3 Fighters/Tactical Bombers
    12. Specialized Submarines: Submarines may attack twice, this ability is disabled if a Destroyer is present, per Destroyer per Submarine

    NEW Turn Sequence: Activate Technology > Tech Development > Politics > Repair Facilities > Unit Production > Combat Movement > Bombing > Combat > Non Combat Movement > Place New Units > Collect Territorial Income > Collect Objective Income > Convoy Disruption

    NEW Turn Order: France > Germany > United Kingdom > Soviet Union > Japan > ANZAC > United States > Italy > China

    NEW Political Situation:
      United Kingdom and ANZAC are politically the same power.
      France, United Kingdom, and ANZAC are at war with Germany, Japan is at war with China
      Two Powers of the same alliance may not enter one another’s territory unless they share a state of war with at least one enemy power. This rule also applies to Canals and Straits.
      Germany way freely declare war at any time.
      Italy may freely declare war at any time.
      While Italy is neutral, no Allied units may move into Sea Zones 95, 96, and 97.
      Japan may freely declare war at any time.
      The Soviet Union may not declare war on a European Axis power till round 4 unless: London has been captured; Germany or Italy captured Turkey, Northwest Persia, Persia, Eastern Persia, or Afghanistan.
      The Soviet Union may freely declare war on Japan at any time.
      United Kingdom, ANZAC, and France may not declare war on Italy till round 2.
      United Kingdom, ANZAC, and France may freely declare war on Japan at any time.
      The United States may not declare war on an Axis power till round 4 unless: London, Calcutta, or Sydney has been captured; the Axis have captured all originally Chinese territory; Japan declared war on the United Kingdom, ANZAC, or France; Any Axis naval units enter Sea Zones bordering United States territory.
      The United States may capture Dutch territory during it’s Non Combat Movement phase, if it’s at war with at least 1 Axis power, unless the territory was already captured.
      The United States, while neutral, may only move naval units on both the Pacific and Europe halves of the game if they border a United States territory.
      China may not declare war on a European Axis power unless: The Soviet Union is at war with Japan, and at least one European Axis power.
    *The term any time is referring to any round of said power’s Politics phase.

    NEW Capital Rules: The first time a enemy capital is captured, the enemy power’s IPCs are plundered to the capturer, any other times for the same capital, will only result in the enemy power’s IPCs being destroyed.

    NEW Factory Rules: When a Major Factory is captured, it is reduced to a minor, if a Minor Factory is captured, it is destroyed, the exception to this is if it’s being liberated, then the Minor Factory will remain. In addition, Minor Factories may be built on Islands.

    NEW Special Chinese Rules:
      China may only enter the following territories: All originally Chinese territories, Korea, French Indo China, Kwangtung, Burma, India, Siam, Shan State, Malaya, Formosa, Hainan, the Mongolian territories, Sea Zones 19, 20, and 36.
      At the start of China’s turn, a Chinese Infantry is spawned in each non-coastal Chinese territory under Axis control that does not contain at least one Axis land unit. These “guerrillas” engage in combat wherever they are spawned and may not be moved until China’s next turn.
      China may not build in newly captured territories, nor territories that were not originally Chinese.
      China may only build up to the territories’ value.
      China may only exit it’s restricted territories if: All Chinese territories are under their control at least once; Moscow, Syndey, Calcutta, or London has been captured; Tokyo has been captured.
      If all Chinese territories have been captured, the one who took the most will plunder China’s IPCs, much like capturing a capital, this can only be done the first time, any other time will only result in China’s IPCs being destroyed.
      China may not enter the Tech Development phase nor the Activate Technology phase.

    NEW Soviet Mobilization: If the Soviet Union enters a state of war with European Axis power: remove the Minor Factory in Russia, and place Major Factory in Russia; place a Minor Factory in Volgograd; place a Minor Factory in Novgorod; place a Minor Factory in Ukraine. If a territory in question already has the listed new unit, then ignore this territory and move on to the next one in this rule.

    NEW American Mobilization: If the United States enters a state of war with any Axis power: remove the Minor Factory in Western United States, and place a Major Factory in Western United States; remove the Minor Factory in Central United States, and place a Major Factory in Central United States; remove the Minor Factory in Eastern United States, and place a Major Factory in Eastern United States. If a territory in question already has the listed new unit, then ignore this territory and move on to the next one in this rule.

    NEW Mongolian Rules: If Japan attacks a Soviet unit or territory bordering a Mongolian territory, then immediately all Mongolian territories will be Soviet controlled, and all the units within them will be Soviet units. If the Soviet Union attacks a Japanese unit or territory bordering a Mongolian territory, then this rule is disabled.

    NEW Russian Winter: Once per game, the Soviet Union player may declare a Russian winter on one of it’s original territories that is under control of an Axis power, and mark it with the Russian Winter token, Axis units in this territory may not move out of the territory, nor can Axis units repair in it, or Axis units outside move into it or over it. This lasts till the Soviet Union player’s next turn, after of which, remove the Russian Winter token.

    NEW Victory Conditions: This setup uses Young Grasshopper’s victory objectives, with the exception of the R&D bit about being unable to purchase tokens, in this setup, you may do so if the rule is enabled, but you also get a free technology as a reward if you achieved the victory condition, if the Tech Development phase is disabled however, then the whole reward of the R&D rule is ignored.

    Once a victory objective is achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day wins the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved, and a token can never be taken away or awarded twice for the same objective. It doesn’t matter which game round the game ends, however, a win or a tie can only be declared at the end of a full game round.

    The first that collects 3 (Short Game), 5 (Normal Game), or 7 (Long Game) wins.

    Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side.

    Axis Powers:

    • London
      The Axis control London
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Moscow
      The Axis control Moscow
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Calcutta
      The Axis control Calcutta
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Sydney
      The Axis control Sydney
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • North Africa
      The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
      (R&D) *The nation with the most
    • Pacific
      The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
      (R&D) *The nation with the most
    • Europe
      The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
      (R&D) *The nation with the most
    • Global Economy
      All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 136 IPCs on the income tracker
      (R&D) *The nation with the most

    Allied Powers:

    • Berlin
      The Allies control Berlin
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Rome
      The Allies control Rome
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Tokyo
      The Allies control Tokyo
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Africa
      The Allied powers control all territories on the continent of Africa
      (R&D) *The United Kingdom Europe
    • Paris Liberation
      The Allies have liberated Paris
      (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    • Philippines Liberation
      The Allies have liberated the Philippines
      (R&D) *The United States
    • Asia
      The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
      (R&D) *The United Kingdom Pacific
    • Pacific Fleet
      There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
      (R&D) *The United States


    FRANCE “Vive La France”:

    Maintance of Empire: +9 IPCs for France to control all of it’s original territories

    National Prestige: +2 IPCs for each French controlled territory: Holland Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Greater Southern Germany, Albania, and Ethiopia

    Liberation of France: +12 IPCs worth of units for France the first time Paris is liberated, these units are then placed in Paris

    GERMANY “The Third Reich”:

    Trade and Training: +6 IPCs for Germany to be neutral to the Soviet Union

    Lebensraum: +1 IPC for each German controlled territory: Baltic States, Eastern Poland, Bessarabia, Belarus, Western Ukraine, Ukraine, Smolensk, Bryansk, and Rostov

    Swedish Iron Ore: +4 IPCs for control of Norway, and Sweden being neither Pro Allies or Allied controlled.

    War Fever: +8 IPCs for the first time Germany captures Paris

    National Prestige: +10 IPCs for the first time Germany captures London

    Strategical Middle Eastern Oil Reserves: +2 IPCs for each German controlled territory: Iraq, Northwestern Persia, Persia, Saudi Arabia, and Caucasus

    South American Expedition: +2 IPCs for German or Italian control of at least 1 South American territory

    Propaganda Boost: +4 IPCs for Axis control of Stalingrad or Leningrad

    Atlantic Wall: +3 IPCs for Germany to be at war with the Soviet Union, and in the control of Normandy Bordeaux, Holland Belgium, Western Germany, Denmark, and Norway, and have at least 1 German land unit in all these territories

    UNITED KINGDOM “Their Finest Hour”:

    Maintance of Western Empire (Europe): +6 IPCs for United Kingdom to control all of it’s original territories in the European half

    Control of the Atlantic (Europe): +4 IPCs for there to be no Axis submarines in the Atlantic, except for the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Baltic Sea

    Maintance of Eastern Empire (Pacific): +6 IPCs for United Kingdom to be at war with Japan, and to control all of it’s original territories in the Pacific half

    Security of the Pacific (Pacific): +4 IPCs for United Kingdom to be at war with Japan, and there are no Axis warships in Sea Zones 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, and 44

    SOVIET UNION “Call of the Motherland”:

    Oil Reserves: +4 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, and in the control of Caucasus

    Atlantic Supply Line: +3 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, Archangel and London to be Allied controlled, and Sea Zone 125 free of Axis warships

    Persian Supply Line: +3 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, Persia and Union of South Africa to be Allied controlled, and Sea Zone 80 free of Axis warships

    Siberian Supply Line: +3 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, Amur and Hawaiian Islands to be Allied controlled, and Sea Zone 5 free of Axis warships

    Spread of Communism: +1 IPC for Soviet control of each originally Axis or Pro Axis territory

    National Prestige: +7 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, and there to be no non Soviet allied units in Soviet controlled territory

    JAPAN “East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”:

    Security and Honour: +4 IPCs for Japan to be neutral to the Soviet Union

    Primary Oil Supplies: +12 IPCs for Japan to be neutral to the United States, has not declared war on France, United Kingdom, or ANZAC, and has not attacked French Indo China, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and Celebes

    New Source of Oil: +5 IPCs for Japanese control of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes

    Pacific Sphere of Threat: +3 IPCs for Axis control of Phillippines, Guam, Wake Island, Midway, Gilbert Island, Solomon Islands, and New Britain

    Control of Vital Defensive Islands: +3 IPCs for Japan to be at war with the United States, United Kingdom, and ANZAC, and Axis control of Marianas, Marshall Islands, Caroline Island, Iwo Jima, Paulau Island, and Okinawa

    New Chinese Colony: +5 IPCs for Japanese control of all originally Chinese territories, Hainan, and Formosa

    Siberian Oil Regions: +2 IPCs for Japanese control of Yenisey, Yakut S.S.R., Buryatia, Sakha, Amur, Siberia, and Soviet Far East

    Breaking of the Status Quo: +2 IPCs for each Japanese controlled territory: Malaya, Burma, Kwangtung, Hawaiian Islands, Calcutta, and Sydney

    Projection of Power: +5 IPCs for Axis control of Central America, Mexico, or Southeast Mexico

    ANZAC “Defense of the Crown”:

    Maintance of Oceanic Region of Empire: +4 IPCs for ANZAC to control all of it’s original territories, and Allied control of Dutch New Guinea, New Hebrides, Malaya, and Gilbert Islands

    Maintance of Dutch Oil Supplies: +6 IPCs for Allied control of Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Celebes

    Aiding of the Empire: +3 IPCs for there to be at least 1 ANZAC land unit in Egypt

    UNITED STATES “Day of Infamy”:

    Full War Economy: +25 IPCs for the United States to be at war, and in the control of Western United States, Central United States, and Eastern United States

    Western Theatre Defense: +4 IPCs for the United States to be at war, and in the control of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Hawaiian Islands, Johnson Island, and Line Islands

    Pacific Influential Centre: +6 IPCs for the United States to be at war, and in the control of Philippines

    National Prestige: +1 IPC for each territory that contains a United States land unit: Normandy Bordeaux, Southern France, France, Holland Belgium, Western Germany, Denmark, Southern Italy, Northern Italy, Eire, Spain, and Portugal

    Staging Grounds for Invasion: +5 IPCs for the United States to be at war, and Allied control of Iwo Jima, New Britain, New Guinea, Dutch New Guinea, Paulau Island, Okinawa, Solomon Islands, and Caroline Islands

    American Coalition: +3 IPCs for American control of Mexico, Southeast Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Greenland, Suriname, and Brazil

    ITALY “New Roman Empire”:

    Greater Italian Lake: +5 IPCs for Italy to at war with the United Kingdom, ANZAC, and France, and there to be no Allied warship naval units in the Mediterranean

    Regaining Lost Roman Possessions: +1 IPC for each Italian controlled territory: Switzerland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Syria, Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Northwestern Persia, Persia, Eastern Persia, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt

    Strategic Mediterranean Positions: +4 IPCs for Axis control of Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, and Crete

    Maintaining of the Kingdom: +6 IPCs for Italy to be at war with the United Kingdom, ANZAC, France, and be in the control of Northern Italy, Southern Italy, Sardinia, and Sicily

    East African Thorn: +2 IPCs for Axis control of Ethiopia, British Somaliland, and Italian Somaliland

    North Africa Conquered: +6 IPCs for Axis control of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, and Alexandia

    CHINA “United Chinese Front”:

    National Prestige: +5 IPCs for there to be no non Chinese allied units in Chinese controlled territory

    Burma Road: +3 IPCs for Allied control of the Burma road territories, China also gains the ability to purchase Artillery and Anti Aircraft Artillery

  • The 1940 Setup (Blue for Pacific only, Red for Europe only; Any national objectives regarding regions in the Pacific or Europe are altered or removed to only apply to said region if only one side of the map is played; much like my 1942 setup, Soviet units don’t exist in Pacific only game, and ANZAC units don’t exist in Europe only game, in addition, with the exception of French Indo China [see below], no French units exist in the Pacific only game):

    France: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Major Factory, Airbase
    Normandy Bordeaux: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor Factory, Seabase
    Southern France: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AAGun, Minor Factory, Seabase
    Morocco: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Algeria: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Tunisia: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Syria: 1 Infantry
    French Equatorial Africa: 1 Infantry
    French Indo China: 1 Infantry, Seabase
    French Indo China: Seabase
    Sea Zone 36: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 51: 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 72: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 93: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 99: 1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 105: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport

    GERMANY-30 IPCs:
    Germany: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 2 AAGuns, Major Factory
    Western Germany: 11 Infantry, 4 Artillery, 2 Tanks, 3 Fighters, 3 Tactical Bombers, 2 Strategic Bombers, 4 AAGuns, Major Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Greater Southern Germany: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery
    Holland Belgium: 6 Mechanized Infantry, 6 Tanks, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 2 AAGuns
    Poland: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Hungary Slovakia: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank
    Romania: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
    Denmark: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Norway: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, Airbase
    Sea Zone 95: 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 2 Tanks, 2 Transports
    Sea Zone 90: 2 Submarines
    Sea Zone 102: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 108: 2 Submarines
    Sea Zone 112: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 113: 1 Submarine, 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 117: 2 Submarines
    Sea Zone 124: 1 Submarine

    UNITED KINGDOM-[28/[color=red]29 IPCs Europe] [17/[color=blue]16 IPCs Pacific]:
    United Kingdom: 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 4 AAGuns, Major Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Scotland: 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Fighter, 2 AAGuns, Airbase, Seabase
    Iceland: Airbase
    Ontario: 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry
    Quebec: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor Factory
    New Brunswick Nova Scotia: 1 Strategic Bomber, 1 Airbase, 1 Seabase
    Gibraltar: 1 Infantry, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Malta: 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 AAGun, Airbase
    Cyprus: Airbase
    Alexandria: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 AAGun
    Egypt: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor Factory, Seabase
    Egypt: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, Minor Factory, Seabase
    Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 Infantry
    Rhodesia: 1 Infantry
    Union of South Africa: 1 Infantry, Minor Factory, Seabase
    West India: 2 Infantry
    Normandy Bordeaux: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry
    Sea Zone 71: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 71: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 91: 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 98: 1 Submarine, 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 106: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 109: 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 110: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 111: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
    India: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 3 AAGuns, Major Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    India: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, 4 AAGuns, Major Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Burma: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Kwangtung: 1 Infantry, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Malaya: 1 Infantry, Seabase
    Gilbert Islands: Airbase
    Samoa: Seabase
    Sea Zone 37: 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 39: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport

    SOVIET UNION-37/28 IPCs:
    Russia: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Minor Factory, Airbase
    Volgograd: 1 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, Airbase
    Novgorod: 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 4 AAGuns, Airbase, Seabase
    Vyborg: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Karelia: 1 Infantry
    Baltic States: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
    Eastern Poland: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
    Bessarabia: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
    Belarus: 1 Infantry
    Western Ukraine: 1 Infantry
    Ukraine: 1 Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber, Airbase
    Archangel: 1 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank
    Caucasus: 1 Infantry
    Novosibirsk: 2 Infantry
    Novosibirsk: 4 Infantry
    Samara: 2 Infantry
    Kazakhstan: 2 Infantry
    Yakut S.S.R.: 1 Infantry
    Buryatia: 2 Infantry
    Sakha: 2 Infantry
    Siberia: 2 Infantry
    Soviet Far East: 1 Infantry, Seabase
    Amur: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 AAGun
    Sea Zone 5: 1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 115: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 127: 2 Submarines

    [BONUS National Objective] Soviet Far East Reinforcements and Siberian Supply Line: +14 IPCs for the Soviet Union to be at war with a European Axis power, and in the control of Novosibirsk

    JAPAN-26 IPCs:
    Japan: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 1 Strategic Bomber, 3 AAGuns, Major Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Korea: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 AAGun
    Okinawa: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Airbase
    Iwo Jima: 1 Infantry, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Marianas: 1 Infantry
    Marshall Islands: 1 Infantry
    Caroline Islands: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Paulau Island: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, Airbase
    Formosa: 1 Fighter, Airbase
    Hainan: 1 Infantry
    Siam: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Manchuria: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Control Marker
    Jehol: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
    Shangtung: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, Airbase, Seabase, Control Marker
    Kiangsu: 3 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, Minor Factory, Control Marker
    Kiangsi: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
    Kwangsi: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, Control Marker
    Sea Zone 6: 1 Submarine, 2 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers, 1 Battleship, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 17: 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 19: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 20: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 33: 2 Submarines, 1 Destroyer, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber

    ANZAC-10 IPCs:
    New South Wales: 2 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 AAGun, Minor Factory, Seabase
    Queensland: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, Airbase, Seabase
    New Zealand: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tactical Bomber, Airbase, Seabase
    Solomon Islands: Airbase
    Malaya: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 AAGun
    Sea Zone 36: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 54: 1 Submarine, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 59: 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 62: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 63: 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 72: 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 99: 1 Destroyer

    UNITED STATES-52/17/35 IPCs:
    Eastern United States: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Minor Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Eastern United States: 4 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Minor Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Central United States: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, Minor Factory
    Western United States: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Minor Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Western United States: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Strategic Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Minor Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Panama: Seabase
    Alaska: 1 Infantry
    Hawaiian Islands: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Midway: 1 Infantry, 1 AAGun, Airbase
    Wake Island: Airbase
    Guam: Airbase
    Philippines: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 AAGun, Airbase, Seabase
    Sea Zone 10: 1 Battleships, 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 25: 1 Submarine, 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 26: 2 Battleships, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Fighters, 2 Tactical Bombers
    Sea Zone 35: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 51: 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Fighter, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 64: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 64: 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 101: 1 Submarine, 1 Destroyer

    [BONUS National Objective] Western Front Total War: +35 IPCs for the United States to be at war with Japan, and in the control of Western United States (Replacing Full War Economy Objective)

    [BONUS National Objective] Eastern Front Total War: +30 IPCs for the United States to be at war with a European Axis power, and in the control of Eastern United States and Central United States (Replacing Full War Economy Objective)

    ITALY-10 IPCs:
    Southern Italy: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tactical Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Minor Factory, Airbase, Seabase
    Northern Italy: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Strategic Bomber, 2 AAGuns, Major Factory
    Albania: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Sardinia: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Sicily: 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Libya: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Tobruk: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 AAGun
    Ethiopia: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Italian Somaliland: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 76: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 95: 1 Submarine, 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 96: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 97: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 103: 1 Submarine

    CHINA-12 IPCs:
    Yunnan: 2 Infantry
    Szechwan: 4 Infantry
    Kweichow: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 AAGun, Airbase
    Hunan: 4 Infantry
    Shensi: 2 Infantry,
    Hopei: 1 Infantry
    Anhwe: 2 Infantry
    Suiyuyan: 1 Infantry, 1 AAGun
    Chahar: 4 Infantry
    French Indo China: 1 Infantry

  • I like it a lot! Unfortunately my group refuses to play a game which “forces them to learn everything all over again.” Particularly the NOs.

  • I updated the rules, I am trying to figure a good rule for the Canadian territories.

  • 1. Heavy Tanks: Tanks may now take 2 hits

    I find this tech extremely questionable from both a gameplay and historical perspective.

    Gameplay wise, would this not make tanks really overpowered? They’d be vastly superior to 2 Infantry offense-wise, but also nearly their equal defensively!

    Historically, heavy tanks were not that great. They were expensive, slow, prone to mechanical failure, and generally not that much better than medium tanks, which is why they aren’t used in modern warfare. Main battle tanks are superior.

  • @amanntai:

    1. Heavy Tanks: Tanks may now take 2 hits

    I find this tech extremely questionable from both a gameplay and historical perspective.

    Gameplay wise, would this not make tanks really overpowered? They’d be vastly superior to 2 Infantry offense-wise, but also nearly their equal defensively!

    Historically, heavy tanks were not that great. They were expensive, slow, prone to mechanical failure, and generally not that much better than medium tanks, which is why they aren’t used in modern warfare. Main battle tanks are superior.

    I changed it a little, slightly more balanced. I wanted to somehow get Heavy Tanks in here without adding more units (notice the lack of the new Marine unit created for the Balance mod).

    Some national objectives changed, mostly for the sake of adding more areas of interest for particular nations. I’ll do more if any ideas on my end or yours come up.

    I’m still trying to figure a rule for the Canadian territories, I want one for them due to the different control marker, to give it more of a purpose than simply just acknowledging Canada’s contributions.

    EDIT: Forgot some units in the setup for United Kingdom.

  • I love this setup! great work!

    The NO’s and the order of play makes a lot more sense. some rules i won’t use such as R&D, new unit prices, Amphibious assault rules etc.
    The game will be very complicated because there are lots of new rules and many many many new air- and naval bases.

    Great to see ANZAC and France a lot stronger so they really aid the Allies!

    Can you write down the philosophy behind the political situation , the setup, the NO’s and the order of play ? Just to introduce the scenario for new players

  • '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    I love that you have France going first, and I think your changes to the unit stats (cheaper cruiser, strategic bomber doesn’t massacre ships, etc.) are several steps in the right direction.

    I’d encourage you to spend some more time balancing the value of your techs against each other. I enjoy playing with techs, but a common, valid criticism of A&A Revised Edition was that if you rolled Heavy Bombers or Long-Range Aircraft, the game was yours, and if you rolled Rockets or War Bonds, then you wasted your money. The “roll at ever easier targets until you discover something” solves the problem where you might not discover any tech, but it doesn’t solve the problem where some techs are worth much, much more than others.

    Imagine, for the sake of argument, a nation that’s earning about 65 IPCs / turn. Could be Germany, Japan, USA – doesn’t really matter. A major power. Efficient Industrialization tech is worth at least 16 IPCs / turn to that major power, even if they don’t alter their strategy at all. If you build something really balanced and ordinary like 4 inf, 2 art, 1 tnk, 2 DD, 1 CV, and 1 ftr, you save sixteen IPCs because of your new tech. Every turn.

    Now let’s take that same 65 IPCs and see how it benefits from Improved Artillery tech. Well, you could get away with building 5 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 2 DD, 1 CV, and 1 ftr, for total savings of 1 IPC per turn. If you really wanted to stress your artillery advantage, you could build something like 10 inf, 3 art and save 2-3 IPCs/turn. It’s just not in the same league as Efficient Industrialization. It could be useful for Russia if you’ve already built a huge stack of infantry and you need an offensive boost NOW because you’ve run short on artillery with which to trade territories … but I think Russia would still much rather have the Industrial advantage, because with the savings from Efficient Industrialization, Russia could just buy more infantry and more artillery.

    So, yeah, my advice is to look at each of your techs, calculate the rough value in IPCs/turn that each tech represents to a major power, and make sure they’re within a few IPCs/turn of each other.

    Specifically on the Heavy Tanks thing, I think your idea is really cool, but I agree with ammantai that heavy tanks historically were crazy expensive and could not be manufactured in strategically significant quantities. They were also no better than medium tanks at mowing down infantry – you only needed heavy tanks if you were fighting against medium tanks. With that in mind, here’s how I would reword Heavy Tanks:

    “During land battles, in each round of combat during which both you and your opponent have at least one tank, you ignore the first casualty inflicted on you (if any).”

    That way you can’t use a tank stack to (unrealistically and annoyingly) absorb a dozen hits each round, but your tanks will still fight better than your opponent’s tanks in a way that’s fun to exploit.

  • @Don:

    I love this setup! great work!

    The NO’s and the order of play makes a lot more sense. some rules i won’t use such as R&D, new unit prices, Amphibious assault rules etc.
    The game will be very complicated because there are lots of new rules and many many many new air- and naval bases.

    Great to see ANZAC and France a lot stronger so they really aid the Allies!

    Can you write down the philosophy behind the political situation , the setup, the NO’s and the order of play ? Just to introduce the scenario for new players

    My philosophy was putting the start date a bit earlier, prior to the evacuation of Dunkirk. Thus France has one last moment to provide an impact before Germany destroys her. The British are still stuck in France, so the Germans have the opportunity to wipe them out and correct a mistake. The Soviet Union must prepare itself for the fight of it’s life if it wishes to spread “communism” to Europe, it’s industry is behind somewhat. Japan presses itself further into China, but must be cautious of the Soviet forces and the ever painful Chinese guerrillas. ANZAC must position itself for the moment Japan decides to play aggressive in the Pacific. The United States is in a vulnerable position, it’s units are stuck almost exclusively to American regions. Italy is about to enter the war, and will receive German aid in crushing the British in Africa. China will need to weigh it’s options. Eventually everyone gets in the war, most if not all neutrals will be invaded in all likelihood. Basically in a nutshell, I wanted every nation to be able to contribute a significant bit.


    I love that you have France going first, and I think your changes to the unit stats (cheaper cruiser, strategic bomber doesn’t massacre ships, etc.) are several steps in the right direction.

    I’d encourage you to spend some more time balancing the value of your techs against each other. I enjoy playing with techs, but a common, valid criticism of A&A Revised Edition was that if you rolled Heavy Bombers or Long-Range Aircraft, the game was yours, and if you rolled Rockets or War Bonds, then you wasted your money. The “roll at ever easier targets until you discover something” solves the problem where you might not discover any tech, but it doesn’t solve the problem where some techs are worth much, much more than others.

    Imagine, for the sake of argument, a nation that’s earning about 65 IPCs / turn. Could be Germany, Japan, USA – doesn’t really matter. A major power. Efficient Industrialization tech is worth at least 16 IPCs / turn to that major power, even if they don’t alter their strategy at all. If you build something really balanced and ordinary like 4 inf, 2 art, 1 tnk, 2 DD, 1 CV, and 1 ftr, you save sixteen IPCs because of your new tech. Every turn.

    Now let’s take that same 65 IPCs and see how it benefits from Improved Artillery tech. Well, you could get away with building 5 inf, 1 art, 1 tnk, 2 DD, 1 CV, and 1 ftr, for total savings of 1 IPC per turn. If you really wanted to stress your artillery advantage, you could build something like 10 inf, 3 art and save 2-3 IPCs/turn. It’s just not in the same league as Efficient Industrialization. It could be useful for Russia if you’ve already built a huge stack of infantry and you need an offensive boost NOW because you’ve run short on artillery with which to trade territories … but I think Russia would still much rather have the Industrial advantage, because with the savings from Efficient Industrialization, Russia could just buy more infantry and more artillery.

    So, yeah, my advice is to look at each of your techs, calculate the rough value in IPCs/turn that each tech represents to a major power, and make sure they’re within a few IPCs/turn of each other.

    Specifically on the Heavy Tanks thing, I think your idea is really cool, but I agree with ammantai that heavy tanks historically were crazy expensive and could not be manufactured in strategically significant quantities. They were also no better than medium tanks at mowing down infantry – you only needed heavy tanks if you were fighting against medium tanks. With that in mind, here’s how I would reword Heavy Tanks:

    “During land battles, in each round of combat during which both you and your opponent have at least one tank, you ignore the first casualty inflicted on you (if any).”

    That way you can’t use a tank stack to (unrealistically and annoyingly) absorb a dozen hits each round, but your tanks will still fight better than your opponent’s tanks in a way that’s fun to exploit.

    I’m considering the Artillery tech to provide 3 Infantry an attack boost, weakening Efficient Industrialization somehow, and have it where Tanks only get a free hit during an attack for every Tank the enemy has.

  • @RetroFuhrerMeister:

    Two Powers of the same alliance may not enter one another’s territory unless they share a state of war with at least one enemy power. This rule also applies to Canals and Straits.

    We will be playing A&A this weekend, we might try this alternatve setup and rules. I like it a lot!

    Can you explain the political situation between Germany and Italy? Italy is neutral till round 2 so France and UK can’t attack Italy. Italy however can (and probably will) attack the UK and/or france It.1.

    Germany starts with two loaded transports in SZ 95 and share this zone with Italy. France and the UK are at war with Germany and neutral to Italy. They can’t enter SZ 95, 96 and 97 so the german transports are safe in this seazone.

    I was wondering: is Germany allowed to drop their units in Lybia or Tobruk (so the transports stay in SZ 95 or 96)? If so, can Germany also send land units into northern Italy during NCM? this way Germany can send reinforcements to Africa G2.

    If Germany is not allowed to do so, i’ll leave the transport in SZ 95,96 or 97 G1. When Italy is at war the Germans can use their transports. Leaving the transports outside SZ 95,96 or 97 is suicide.

  • @Don:


    Two Powers of the same alliance may not enter one another’s territory unless they share a state of war with at least one enemy power. This rule also applies to Canals and Straits.

    We will be playing A&A this weekend, we might try this alternatve setup and rules. I like it a lot!

    Can you explain the political situation between Germany and Italy? Italy is neutral till round 2 so France and UK can’t attack Italy. Italy however can (and probably will) attack the UK and/or france It.1.

    Germany starts with two loaded transports in SZ 95 and share this zone with Italy. France and the UK are at war with Germany and neutral to Italy. They can’t enter SZ 95, 96 and 97 so the german transports are safe in this seazone.

    I was wondering: is Germany allowed to drop their units in Lybia or Tobruk (so the transports stay in SZ 95 or 96)? If so, can Germany also send land units into northern Italy during NCM? this way Germany can send reinforcements to Africa G2.

    If Germany is not allowed to do so, i’ll leave the transport in SZ 95,96 or 97 G1. When Italy is at war the Germans can use their transports. Leaving the transports outside SZ 95,96 or 97 is suicide.

    Germany and Italy are neutral to one another, technically all Axis powers are neutral to each other at the moment.

    Thus units can’t enter Italian territory, they are basically stuck till G2, unless France moves it’s units out of neighboring sea zones to it’s own territory.

  • '17 '16

    Facilities roll AA Fire now at 2.
        Strategic Bombers can only attack at 2 against naval units.
       Strategic Bombers only receive a +2 bombing damage bonus if they depart from an operational Airbase.

    What line of reasoning made you radically change the AA facilities to @2?

    The other two seems enough to better balance StBs.
    I can see from historical perspective reducing StBs vs naval units to A2 or from game POV to limit Dark Skies Strategy.
    The first one, IC’s AA@2, completly negates StBs usefulness in SBR.
    Hence, StBs stay unhistorically useful for regular combat against ground units.

  • @Baron:

    Facilities roll AA Fire now at 2.
       Strategic Bombers can only attack at 2 against naval units.
      Strategic Bombers only receive a +2 bombing damage bonus if they depart from an operational Airbase.

    What line of reasoning made you radically change the AA facilities to @2?

    The other two seems enough to better balance StBs.
    I can see from historical perspective reducing StBs vs naval units to A2 or from game POV to limit Dark Skies Strategy.
    The first one, IC’s AA@2, completly negates StBs usefulness in SBR.
    Hence, StBs stay unhistorically useful for regular combat against ground units.

    It was to help aid the Soviet Union, who is destroyed by bombing faster than by actual combat, resulting in most of the axis victories you tend to see.

    I’ll change the AA fire rule. It will only apply to Major Factories, and it is modified enough to still help out the Soviet Union and not discourage bombing too much for Germany.

    Please see the original post.

  • '17 '16



    Facilities roll AA Fire now at 2.
       Strategic Bombers can only attack at 2 against naval units.
      Strategic Bombers only receive a +2 bombing damage bonus if they depart from an operational Airbase.

    What line of reasoning made you radically change the AA facilities to @2?

    The other two seems enough to better balance StBs.
    I can see from historical perspective reducing StBs vs naval units to A2 or from game POV to limit Dark Skies Strategy.
    The first one, IC’s AA@2, completly negates StBs usefulness in SBR.
    Hence, StBs stay unhistorically useful for regular combat against ground units.

    It was to help aid the Soviet Union, who is destroyed by bombing faster than by actual combat, resulting in most of the axis victories you tend to see.

    I’ll change the AA fire rule. It will only apply to Major Factories, and it is modified enough to still help out the Soviet Union and not discourage bombing too much for Germany.

    Please see the original post.

    Interesting idea to increase AA defense in a progressive way :
    1AA for minor IC and 2AA for major IC.
    Maybe when a major IC is unable to produce, it cannot use the second AA?

  • I realize this is quite out of place as I see that’s the main goal was better rules than better setup, but is it possible to play this with standard rules (perhaps only change the turn order)? My fellow gamers still refuse to play it, but I love to play any alternate setup I can get my hands on! Thanks.

    de Gaulle

  • @Charles:

    I realize this is quite out of place as I see that’s the main goal was better rules than better setup, but is it possible to play this with standard rules (perhaps only change the turn order)? My fellow gamers still refuse to play it, but I love to play any alternate setup I can get my hands on! Thanks.

    de Gaulle

    You could try, but expect possible balance issues.

  • '19 '18 '17 '16

    Is there any feedback on playing this set up/turn order/NO’s?

    • France goes first with more units & aircraft carrier

    • Italy starts out neutral

    • US navy with 4 aircraft carriers to start

    Just to name a few changes that seem big to me.  The victory conditions listed & different NO from the original I have used before and found them to enhance the game play.

    Hopefully, I can get this set up/rules in place and we can try it out soon.  Just curious in the meantime what others have discovered from their experience.

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