Russia would have to put a lot in India to be able to hold it, or are you saying that the allies could hold Yunnan with Russian support?
Losing France Capitol on First Turn.
If Germany takes France’s capitol on first turn what money do they take since France hasn’t played yet and thus doesn’t have any money. The way it makes sense to me is that the starting money isn’t there until they actually start their turn. What do you guys think?
If Germany takes France’s capitol on first turn what money do they take since France hasn’t played yet and thus doesn’t have any money. The way it makes sense to me is that the starting money isn’t there until they actually start their turn. What do you guys think?
All nations begin the game with their “starting income”, this is how each power is able to use the purchase new units phase of their first turn. Therefore, Germany will take 19 IPCs from France if they capture Paris G1.
And it is not a given that Germany will always take Paris the first round. I’ve seen France survive the first round attack on two occassions. It really delays Germany’s game.
And it is not a given that Germany will always take Paris the first round. I’ve seen France survive the first round attack on two occassions. It really delays Germany’s game.
Oh come on, it’s pretty much a given, unless Germany, either knowingly or not, takes great risk by also taking Normandy and/or Southern France. You will not see France stand up against a German attack outside of 1% odds or poor playing.
And even when Germany fails to take it, which I’ve only seen once, Italy will.
France falling on the first round is essentially built into the game.
A strategy employed by one of the players in my group is for Germany to strafe France 2 combat rounds and then let Italy finish it off. This really boosts Italy at the sacrifice of Germany.
My first time playing Germany, I took France on Germany 1 but did not attack Normandy until Germany 2. Less losses this way (complete overkill on both attacks vs France) and I let Italy take Southern France. That bonus income to Germany for taking France Capital (worth) gives you more building options on Germany 2.
I agree. Even with occasionally taking out Normandy or Southern France, I have always taken out Paris G1
A strategy employed by one of the players in my group is for Germany to strafe France 2 combat rounds and then let Italy finish it off. This really boosts Italy at the sacrifice of Germany.
Realistically the extra IPC for Italy just helps them take and potentially hold Egypt - something that comes into play much later in the game.
If you anticipate the US will KJF then it may be a very good play for the Germans to let the Italians get bigger early. A 35-40 IPC Italy is a serious issue for the Allies trying to establish a presence in Europe.
Still - I prefer to keep the pressure on the Russians early and those IPC are invaluable for additional units making the long march to Moscow. Egypt is irrelevant if Moscow holds.
And it is not a given that Germany will always take Paris the first round. I’ve seen France survive the first round attack on two occassions. It really delays Germany’s game.
If this happens it is almost always the fault of the Axis because the dilute the France attack too much.
99% on France G1 is a must for the germans. Not only to win but to keep the losses as small as possible.
I personally like Germany to have France.
And it is not a given that Germany will always take Paris the first round. I’ve seen France survive the first round attack on two occassions. It really delays Germany’s game.
If this happens it is almost always the fault of the Axis because the dilute the France attack too much.
99% on France G1 is a must for the germans. Not only to win but to keep the losses as small as possible.
Agreed. Whenever it happens in our games we just call it an Allied victory and restart. Had to do the same one time after Germany got absolutely demolished in the sea.
I was playing the Allies against Ike and the SZ 106, 110 and 111 battles were a disaster. Germany lost all its ships, 4 planes, and killed exactly 1 British DD :lol:
OK just admit you know how to role dice and get whatever you want.
I’m in a game right now as the allies. I did a tech roll and got Radar. Since Japan has such a ridiculous air force I decided to send some American AA’s to india. My question "If I have British and American AA’s in the same zone I do I get two shots per plane (American=1 British =1 thus getting two shots per plane). Thanks for your help.
Afraid not.
You still only get one shot per plane; you can shoot at more planes though. -
I once had a game that France survived 3 rounds, by G3, the Soviets entered the war, Italy finally took Paris, but by the end of the round, there was literally only 6 German sculpts on the board, after a epic failure of dice of German units consisting of 34 Infantry, 9 Mechs, 7 Artillery, 11 Tanks, and 3 Tactical Bombers took on 21 Soviet Infantry, 2 Artillery, 2 Tanks, 1 AAGun, and 1 Fighter, resulting in destruction of the whole German group, with only the Tactical Bombers and a few Tanks taking the territory, enough lost for the Soviet player to push him entirely out of original Soviet territory. Japan did slightly better, but it was obvious where this game was going.
I have to agree with you on the the failure of the axis player in our game. He tried to hit Normandy and Souther France as well as Paris. He had played so many times, he becoame over confident or something but for what ever reason, he did not take Paris. He brought a fighter and tac from the east in to Paris and had both shot down by AA right off of the bat. The two smaller battles were won but Paris stood with a tank and fighter. They fell the next round to the Germans but it delayed the Germans and made it hard to recover. It is highly improbable that Paris stands but not impossible. That is what I meant but it not being a given.
As for the Italians taking it…that is very interesting. -
A competent German player will take France 99% of the time. If he cant Italy will. Never ever attack all three French territories.
But what if you attacked Paris with less-than-usual forces on purpose so you could get all three territories? If you don’t take Paris, you can send in the Italian units in Northern Italy to mop up!
Attack Normandy with 3 inf, 1 art from Holland.
Attack Southern France with 2 mech inf from Western Germany and 1 tank from GSG and 1 ftr from Slovakia-Hungary.
Attack Paris with 1 inf, 1 art from Holland and 3 inf, 2 mech inf, 3 tanks from Western Germany and 2 tanks from GSG and 1 tac bomber from Poland.This gives you somewhat good chances of taking all three, and, like I said, Italy take finish off Paris if Ger doesn’t get it.
But what if you attacked Paris with less-than-usual forces on purpose so you could get all three territories? If you don’t take Paris, you can send in the Italian units in Northern Italy to mop up!
Attack Normandy with 3 inf, 1 art from Holland.
Attack Southern France with 2 mech inf from Western Germany and 1 tank from GSG and 1 ftr from Slovakia-Hungary.
Attack Paris with 1 inf, 1 art from Holland and 3 inf, 2 mech inf, 3 tanks from Western Germany and 2 tanks from GSG and 1 tac bomber from Poland.This gives you somewhat good chances of taking all three, and, like I said, Italy take finish off Paris if Ger doesn’t get it.
Never take Southern France as Germany on G1. You’ll probably lose the 3 IPC’s from Southern France because the French cruiser and destroyer are allowed to convoy.
You can take Normandy for 2 IPC’s (i never do it G1, always G2). If you attack Normandy G1 you’ll use 2 inf. and 2 artillery from the France battle. By doing so, you’re weaker in France and you’ll lose more units in France and probably 1 or two in Normandy. The 2 IPC’s you receive for Normandy are nothing if you lose 3-10 IPC’s in infantry, artillery and mec’s.
Has anyone of you ever tried to strafe France G1 and take France with Italy? I’m curious if this works (the Brits can land fighters in France if Germany doesn’t take it).
Yes, you could land UK fighters in Paris and reinforce what ever is left but If you are going to attack Paris with the Italians, you will lose those figthers for no real reason. If the German player was insistant on taking France and left the Italians to take Southern France or the Balkens, then the UK fighters might be enough to force the German player to commit alot more resources to taking France. It would delay the German advance on Moscow for another turn or even two but that is a very expensive sacrifice to delay the inevitable.