1st Annual Cellar Gaming TripleA Octathalon – Brackets and Win Posts
ACGTO TAW DizzKneeLand33 (Anti-Romans) v Entek (Romans)
DizzKneeLand33 wins.
I knew it! I hated Rangers and Druids most of all. I was a nasty 1/2 Orc Assassin or Human Cleric. (As a good Catholic, being a devil worshipping, undead controlling, money grabbing, human sacrificing, gold greedy, man of the cloth, came naturally.)
:-o :-D :lol:
Total Ancient War:
mike48484 [Sides: (even is Roman Alliance, odd is Anti-Roman Alliance)] vs Entek
Rolling 1d20:
(18)redrum [Sides: (even is Roman Alliance, odd is Anti-Roman Alliance)] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(11) -
NWO - redrum (Axis) defeats Entek (Allies)
NWO - Bacala (Allies) defeats DizzKneeLand33 (Axis)
New World Order:
redrum [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs Bacala
Rolling 1d20:
(11)DizzKneeLand33 [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs Entek
Rolling 1d20:
(18) -
Well that kind of worked out…
WaW Dizzkneeland over Balladeer (Axis)
Link to game above:
World At War:
Mike48484 [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs DizzKneeLand33
Rolling 1d20:
(17)Mike, are you still with us? Please check in with me either here or via pm to let me know. Otherwise, I will have to forfeit you in your games if I don’t hear back within the week.
To all: if you need to take a break from time to time, no worries, but please just let the rest of us know so that we don’t assume that you have disappeared. If it’s easier, you can post in one place here in this thread. This is for times when you know you will be gone for a week, or playing sporadically for a longer period.
Do you think there should be a bump rule (like league) for the next tournament? I was trying to avoid that to give more flexibility, but maybe that is best – all input is appreciated!
WaW dawgoneit (Axis) over Entek (Allies)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37030.new;topicseen#new -
TRS Bacala (axis) over Entek (allies)
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37290.0 -
World At War:
Balladeer [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs Entek
Rolling 1d20:
(4)The Rising Sun:
Bacala [Sides: (even is Allies, odd is Axis)] vs redrum
Rolling 1d20:
(11) -
Whackamatt (Good) loses to Balladeer (Evil)
Balladeer wins over captain walker( France) in NE.
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=37329.msg1507485;topicseen#msg1507485 -
Lord of the Rings:
Whackamatt [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs Narushima
Rolling 1d20:
(13)dawgoneit [Sides: (even is Good, odd is Evil)] vs Balladeer
Rolling 1d20:
(4)Napoleonic Empires:
Balladeer [Sides: (even is Coalition, odd is Carolingians)] vs wittman
Rolling 1d20:
(9) -
And that gives us the added current standings.
Looks great, Balladeer! Say, should the players left in TAW still be at 8 instead of 6 since really no one has been eliminated yet?
Also, have any of you heard from Mike? No one has yet given any feedback on what a good policy for “disappearing” would be (bumps, etc.), but of course we can’t wait forever or the tournament becomes delayed for us all….
Not that many players left, so i would give it some more time, maybe 1 more week?
Not that many players left, so i would give it some more time, maybe 1 more week?
Agreed, last activity was 2 weeks ago, I don’t know how it is where he lives, but if it’s holiday or smth 3 weeks might be normal… Although saying you’d go on holiday would be too.