Thanks! Will do.
New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)
I have play tested on the original map extensively and I have found that Positronica’s Total IPC production for each country at the begining was very good and balanced.
Total=204 IPCGermany 50 IPC
Italy 24 IPC
Japan 40 IPC
total= 114 IPC’sSince most of the territories fought over in the first few turns belong to UK, they will be down to around 50-60 IPC’s quickly
UK also has to build for Australia, India and the home Islands, so your UK starting Income is way Low at 51. If you start them at that, UK will be making 30 IPC’s by turn 3. To little too 2 cents
Death’s Head: How had the map changed since you play tested, and how do you think those changes will effect play?
Most of the changes they have made so far are cosmetic changes, and therefore No big deal. Some territories may now find them selves 1-2 IPC’s lower or Higher to achieve the already established totals
I’m sure when this map is finished and printed on my table, I will still take a Sharpie or other majik marker and adjust the map to my liking.
So where did everyone go?
Due to lack of progress this week I will not be posting a draft.
I am a little surprised by the lack of input from the group on such an important topic as IPCs. IPCs are a major issue but I have only received feedback from 3 people. I can only assume that the rest of you have been too busy this week to write. Hopefully this weekend we will see some more activity from the group.
See you next week
deepblue -
So did you relocate Paris yet?
Oh, and for the love of all that is good, please relocate Paris so Imperious Leader can focus on the game and not small yellow Paris graphic ;)
I could not have said it better myself :roll:
It’s been since October 1st since this project started, We should have been done at least 2 months ago. We as a group keep going off topic with mundane Priorities(yellowdots) and new rules(oil). I think we should focus on the task on hand, which is the IPC’s. thats the last step in producing a piece of quality work. Lets get it done and start rolloing dice. :lol: :-P :evil:
I really need to pick up Photo shop. This seems to be dead in the water because it is taking way to long to produce, there fore people are losing interest.
I have also noticed that when we, the people, submit Ideas to this project, if the person creating the map at present, doesn’t like the Idea, it gets ignored. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate his time, but sometimes I feel it is not in the best interest of the group and the game.I have Big plans for this map and have invested heavily into WaS and AAM mini’s for use as playing pieces on a 4x8 version of this map.
The possibilities are endless here.
So please use every one’s 2 cents for what it’s worth, and if it is a worth while idea, use it. Just cause you don’t like it or agree with it does not make it wrong or bad.Thank You.
DH -
Patience Deaths Head 420. This map is moving along rather quickly when you consider that Deepblue is doing this in his free time. I like the fact that there is debate about what should be put in and what shouldn’t. This way we don’t wind up with a finished map that everybody complains about needing to be fixed. I downloaded and printed out Postronica’s first map, it is a great map I wish I had waited for this current version to be done.
I like the debate also, This map has been under construction for 9 months. It seems to me the the enthusiasm is just not there as it was 7 months ago or even 4 months ago.
All I am saying is people are losing interest and that is why less input is being put in to it. Most folks are sitting on the sideline waiting and not helping.By the end of this week the 15th of june 07 i will post a detailed IPC Count and distribution list. Then we will see where it goes.
Till friday, or sooner. :-o :-DDH
I too am not too pleased as the structure of discussion is not as open as it should be. Some posts never get addressed nor replied too, while others receive a lengthy discourse but conclude an apologetic ‘Nay’ in the end. Basically its great that such a project is being made, but they asked us for input and none or close to none of our input sees the light of day resulting in many posts: ….“I guess theirs no comments ( except for a few which we will not address)… so we will also stop working until others (besides those same frequent posters) can provide input.”
It’s a shame that you feel that I have been ignoring the participants of this thread, but I would have to say that the previous 32 pages show unequivalently that I have in fact given every “reasonable” idea its due. True, some ideas deserve more due then others, while others do not need a response.
For all the viewers out there,
They are right, this can not continue without input or feedback. My production spreadsheet has had 16 views but only 3 people have giving feedback.
If I or someone else post an idea I need to know if you like it or not. Just because one person post saying “ya” or “nay” that is still just one person I need to get an idea of what the group wants. That can only happen if people contribute.
True, some ideas deserve more due then others, while others do not need a response.
But this is exactly the kind of thing that created our current situation… Others see this and think they will be treated the same way… and leave.
Its all up to you!
My first Installment
China=10 IPC’s
No graphic changes neededNew IPC producing territory-
ChungKing=1IPCSet Up
2 inf in following-, Chungking, inner mongolia, Shensi, Hunan, Yunnan,
3inf. in, Kwangtung, Kwangsi, Tsinghai
4inf in- Szechwan1fighter in Chungking
Next Insallmant
United States= 75 IPC’s + China’s 10
Graphic Changes-
Need to add 10 IPC’sMy Suggestions
Washington=10 IPC’s +2
San Fransisco=10 IPC’s +2
NorthEastern US=6IPC’s +2
Great Plains=6 IPC +2
Alaska=3IPC +1
Applachia=3IPC +1The rest of their Territories stay the same.
60 IPC,s from land, 15 from convoy’s
Next Insallment
Russia=45 IPC’s +1
Graphic changes
None your totals are already correct, 41 land,4sea -
Next Installment: :)
Lost Territory- Saigon :(
Japan= 45 IPC’s
Graphic Changes Needed:
- 5 IPC added
French Indo China= 3 IPC’s +1
Formosa=1IPC +1Convoy left of Philippines=5 IPC’s +2
Convoy by Corroline Islands= 4 IPC’s +1The rest stays the same.
28 by land, 17 by sea
Next Insallment:
ITALY :) = 25 IPC’s
Graphic changes needed
Albania = 1IPC -1
Sicily= 1 IPC -122 by land 3 by sea
The rest stays the same
MY next Installment
UK=75 IPC’s
Graphic Changes Needed
No Air base in England
Cairo =2IPC +1 My reasoning is
1 Suez Canal, 2 capitol of Egypt57 by land 17 by sea
The rest stays the same
Next Installment
New Territory- Berlin Circle
Graphic Changes Needed
Berlin Cirlce=8 IPC’s +2
West Germany 6 IPC’s +2 (Rhineland)or you could put a convoy in the Baltic worth 4 IPC’s if it will fit. :)
So 54IPC’s by land, or 50 by land 4 by sea.
So what we will have in the grand scheme of things is-
ALLIES = 205 IPC’s
AXIS + 123 IPC’s22.5pts over Half of Allied Production
This leaves England room to breath without smothering the Axis powers
So there it is
My 12 CentsTake it as you will. :evil:
I will be working on set ups for each country using original set up chats from Europe, Japan and Positronicas set ups. I did China’s cause it was short. :)
Give me a day or 2 and it will be done
Thanks for your time
Deaths Head 420