New Axis & Allies Global War Variant (free map)

  • It’s a shame that you feel that I have been ignoring the participants of this thread, but I would have to say that the previous 32 pages show unequivalently that I have in fact given every “reasonable” idea its due. True, some ideas deserve more due then others, while others do not need a response.

    For all the viewers out there,

    They are right, this can not continue without input or feedback.  My production spreadsheet has had 16 views but only 3 people have giving feedback.

    If I or someone else post an idea I need to know if you like it or not.  Just because one person post saying “ya” or “nay” that is still just one person I need to get an idea of what the group wants.  That can only happen if people contribute.

  • True, some ideas deserve more due then others, while others do not need a response.

    But this is exactly the kind of thing that created our current situation… Others see this and think they will be treated the same way… and leave.

    Its all up to you!

  • Moderator

    My first Installment

    China=10 IPC’s
    No graphic changes needed

    New IPC producing territory-

    Set Up
    2 inf in following-, Chungking, inner mongolia, Shensi, Hunan, Yunnan,
    3inf. in, Kwangtung, Kwangsi, Tsinghai
    4inf in- Szechwan

    1fighter in Chungking

  • Moderator

    Next Insallmant

    United States= 75 IPC’s + China’s 10

    Graphic Changes-
    Need to add 10 IPC’s

    My Suggestions

    Washington=10 IPC’s +2
    San Fransisco=10 IPC’s +2
    NorthEastern US=6IPC’s +2
    Great Plains=6 IPC +2
    Alaska=3IPC +1
    Applachia=3IPC +1

    The rest of their Territories stay the same.

    60 IPC,s from land, 15 from convoy’s

  • Moderator

    Next Insallment

    Russia=45 IPC’s +1

    Graphic changes
    None your totals are already correct, 41 land,4sea

  • Moderator

    Next Installment: :)


    Lost Territory- Saigon :(

    Japan= 45 IPC’s

    Graphic Changes Needed:

    • 5 IPC added

    French Indo China= 3 IPC’s +1
    Formosa=1IPC +1

    Convoy left of Philippines=5 IPC’s +2
    Convoy by Corroline Islands= 4 IPC’s +1

    The rest stays the same.

    28 by land, 17 by sea

  • Moderator

    Next Insallment:

    ITALY :) = 25 IPC’s

    Graphic changes needed
    Albania = 1IPC -1
    Sicily= 1 IPC -1

    22 by land 3 by sea

    The rest stays the same

  • Moderator

    MY next Installment

    UK=75 IPC’s

    Graphic Changes Needed
    No Air base in England
    Cairo =2IPC +1 My reasoning is
    1 Suez Canal, 2 capitol of Egypt

    57 by land 17 by sea

    The rest stays the same

  • Moderator

    Next Installment

    GERMANY= 54 IPC’s

    New Territory- Berlin Circle

    Graphic Changes Needed

    Berlin Cirlce=8 IPC’s +2
    West Germany 6 IPC’s +2 (Rhineland)

    or you could put a convoy in the Baltic worth 4 IPC’s if it will fit. :)

    So 54IPC’s by land, or 50 by land 4 by sea.

  • Moderator

    So what we will have in the grand scheme of things is-

    ALLIES = 205 IPC’s
    AXIS + 123 IPC’s

    22.5pts  over Half of Allied Production

    This leaves England room to breath without smothering the Axis powers

    So there it is
    My 12 Cents

    Take it as you will.    :evil:


  • Moderator

    I will be working on set ups for each country using original set up chats from Europe, Japan and Positronicas set ups. I did China’s cause it was short. :)

    Give me a day or 2 and it will be done
    Thanks for your time
    Deaths Head 420

  • I like Death Head’s suggestions.  I compared it to the original map, and like the slightly higher Axis income.  Here is the comparison:
    Original USA 85, DH USA + China: 85
    UK same at 75
    Russia original 44, DH 45
    Original Germany 50, DH 54
    Original Italy 24, DH 25
    Original Japan 40, DH 45

    Original Allies total 204, DH 205 for a 1 point increase.
    Original Axis 114, DH 123 for a 9 point increase.

    Deep Blue - Keep up the work, I like where we are going.  And someone has to make the final decision, so continue to make them.

    If a map and startup graphics are available by Sunday, I will print and play test it for the next 4 Tuesdays.  Otherwise I have to wait about 4 months before its my choice of game again with the Tuesday evening play group.


  • Moderator

    Thanks Craig Bee

    I have extensively play tested on original map. I truly believe that these will be appropriate totals for each country.
    It also allows for a 7th player if needed(China) to go simutaniously with the US. I literally have somewhere between 20 -30 games played already on the old Positronica map. Both the allies and the Axis Powers have won several times. The US even fell once to Japan. HeHe, I was Japan. :evil:

  • @Deaths:

    Thanks Craig Bee

    I have extensively play tested on original map. I truly believe that these will be appropriate totals for each country.
    It also allows for a 7th player if needed(China) to go simutaniously with the US. I literally have somewhere between 20 -30 games played already on the old Positronica map. Both the allies and the Axis Powers have won several times. The US even fell once to Japan. HeHe, I was Japan. :evil:

    What has changed on the map that would make you recommend 9 extra income for the axis?

  • Moderator

    I feel The 9 extra IPC’s will even it out a little more, besides the Allies went up 1 also, so it is only a 8 IPC increase percentage wise.
    I have found that the Axis powers struggle just a little bit to get going.

  • @deepblue:

    Industrial Production Certificates (IPCs)

    | A&A REVISED |
    | | IPCs | % of World Total |
    | US | 42 | 25% |
    | UK | 30 | 18% |
    | SU | 24 | 14% |
    | Allied Total | 96 | 58% |
    | |
    | GER | 40 | 24% |
    | JAP | 30 | 18% |
    | Axis Total | 70 | 42% |
    | |
    | Total Diff | 16% |
    | World Total IPCs | 166 |

    | PROPOSED |
    | | IPCs | % of World Total |
    | US | 72 | 24% |
    | UK | 51 | 17% |
    | SU | 39 | 13% |
    | Allied Total | 162 | 54% |
    | |
    | GER | 63 | 21% |
    | JAP | 51 | 17% |
    | ITA | 24 | 8% |
    | Axis Total | 138 | 46% |
    | |
    | Total Diff | 8% |
    | World Total IPCs | 300 |

    I would say to go with the 250.  I’d like the 300, though it would extend the game, but just don’t like the idea of the US being able to drop 20+ INF a turn, and I don’t like to have to remember a bunch of rules that limit amounts of production for particular pieces per country.  If you need more pieces, buy them, and if you want a shorter game, play Classic.
      On the other hand, Lend Lease can play into it, though then the Soviets can perhaps drop multitudes of commies into the trenches…  So, Lend Lease is good, but the 250 still would be better.

    I like following the percentages you had referenced from LH and AAR, definitely a good starting point without having to debate territory by territory, which would end up with even higher totals.  And basing whether this is good or not solely on playtesting at this point is going to give you skewed results based on incomplete rules and the house rules that will be factored in because people like them. 
    All that being said about the numbers for countries, I am not a big fan of valueless land territories.  I can understand islands, but there are an awful lot of current valueless territories throughout central asia and that is already an 8 turn trip to Moscow for Japan at best, with half of that being of no added value.  Just in looking at the big picture and the current amounts, could it be feasible to at least make the current valueless territories have some value.  i mean, could there really be nothing there of use for a country’s warmachine?  men, metal, chemicals, food, supplies, chicks?  something…  making them 1 ipc each at least gives some meaning to defending abit. (this would add about 7 ipcs to Russia and 3/4 to China, couple to UK.  Anyhow, that may be a bit later in the discussion, but just my 2 cents at least, maybe it’s better to have them without value…

    Yes on the convoy boxes not producing IPCs, bravo.

    And on a delayed note, the Berlin circle v2 looks good, and I see no problem in having a factory for Germany in Berlin and in the Germany territory north of it for shipping.

  • Moderator

    I say build the trans Siberian Railway so that a few of the valueless territories have a Different kind of Value. Strategic Value

    My Marker is going to draw it on if it’s not printed on.  :-o

    The worlds “value” does not have to be a nice round number either

    If England only MAKES 51ipc’ THE GAME WON’T BE WORTH PLAYING BECAUSE IT WILL BE OVER WAY TO SOON. I feel people will start bidding for UK instead of Germany.  UK has to fuel the war machine for 3 different countries.(England, India,Australia) Kind of hard to do on this large of a map with each country getting to spend 17, 17 , and 16IPC each. not enough fuel for the fire. :(

    Whats the point in convoy boxes if they make no $.

  • They will have to add some lend lease rules to balance it out.

  • @Deaths:

    Whats the point in convoy boxes if they make no $.

    –check out pages 22 and following, this was discussed quite a bit.

  • Moderator

    No sir, I don’t llike it. Leave them the way they are.

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