• Because factories can only build the ipc limit of the territory, i came up with the idea of investing in a territory.  Basically you purchase extra factories for that territory (I represent this with chips under the factory).  For every chip it doubles the amount of units you can produce from that factory.  These extra factories can be destroyed by a SBR if you aquire 10 hits.  You can also destroy the main factory by aquiring 20 hits to a factory.  So if you have two bombers and you roll two fives then an extra factory is destroyed.  You would need additional hits to destroy the original factory tho.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ve always had a house rule that you could build infantry anywhere up to the land value.  And you could build a factory for mechanized units.  (or more Infantry.)

    Means 1 IC in FIC can get you 3 armor, 3 infantry a round.  Much better!

    In AAR: Factory on Japan gets you 8 infantry + 8 mechanized units.

  • This brings up an important ( perhaps very important) optional rule:

    I prefer the idea to invest in your industry for example:

    All unexpended IP from previous turns can be saved and invested into a nation’s economic growth and alter that nations base income level. In this case all unused IP are then multiplied by each nations growth rate with all fractions rounded down. Each nation’s growth % is as follows:

    1. Germany 15%
    2. Italy 10%
    3. Japan 10%
    4. United Kingdom 10%
    5. Soviet Union 15%
    6. United States 25%

    Example: Germany manages to save a total of 37 IP after turn 3. She decides that instead of just buying more units she would rather invest in her economy. The figure is multiplied by her growth of 15% yielding an additional 5.5 IP, which is rounded down to 5. Thus to begin with Germany’s forth turn, her base income where her factories are located  moves up to 5 IP every turn.

    If the factories are ever taken by enemy forces, they revert to original values if retaken.

    also when an enemy takes an original territory you should only gain 50% rounded up of the original value of the territory. The reasoning is in war there is no way say after taking england that Germany is ever gonna get the same value out of this territory under occupation. Conquerd people dont work too hard for their captors.

    the % can be tweaked because an average game consists of longer turns than from where i got this idea ( which is one of my games called War in Europe)

  • the % can be tweaked because an average game consists of longer turns than from where i got this idea

    the countries are already in total war
    its not easy to have big growth

    I would keep it to smaller values

    and I rather something to do with production capacity increase

    eg. an IC can only process 3X income value of the territory it is located (yes I know in AARHE we have it at 4X standard)
    so IC at Southern Europe can only process 18 IPCs
    investment makes it 4X, so ability to build 24 IPCs worth of units there

  • They are at war but the United States, Germany and the Soviet Union are still peaking their wartime economy

    Germany was most efficient by 1944

    Soviets by 43

    USA by 45

    if the war went better for axis i suspect italy may have had some growth provided the middle east was secured.

    so you want this under optional rules?  changes?

    please post your exact idea for the 3x rule.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    If we’re going to do this, maybe America should be reduced to 67% income until they are attacked?  They start with 42 IPC, but if no one attacks them (and yes, hitting Pearl is an attack) they drop to 29 IPC a round. (28.14 round UP.)

    Now you don’t need an Axis bid. :)

    BTW, they also cannot attack.  They can, however, NCM onto friendly territories/naval vessels and act as a shield.  (1 US Fighter on a UK CV get’s attacked by Germany and America’s in the war, and yes, they get to defend.)

  • Jennifer, that 67% idea would be great for a 1940 scenario

    Imperious Leader, we could do something like…

    IC has 3X IPC income capacity limit (currently our project has it at 4X)

    you can upgrade an IC but playing the cost of a new IC in that territory (recall this is dependent on VCP/population)
    so Germany for example is quite cheap to upgrade, only 5 IPC

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