• Sounds cool.  The “season” should follow the NFL season.  Of course we cant get a game a week like the NFL, and even if we could I and many others wouldnt want to.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I would assume a tournament is 1 game with an opponent, whereas a league may be best 3 in 5 games or best 26 in 50 games with one opponent.

    Though, I would say do something a bit more fun.  Instead of just going win/loose, give points for certain things.

    Maybe limit games to 10 rounds.  You get 5 pts for each VC you control.  You get 1 pt for every 5 IPCs you control at the end of 10 rounds.  You get 3 pts for every continent you control (you have to control it as a single power, for instance England owns all of Africa or Germany owns all of Africa, but Germany/Japan cannot own parts of Africa)  For this, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and Midway would be counted in the island groups (Japan would not.)  Brazil, West Indies would be counted in the America group.  Europe would not include West Russia.  SE Asia would include India, Persia, Trans-Jordan, Manchuria, Kwangtung, French Indo-China, China and Sinkiang.  No points for capitals, that’s too much of a bonus for the allies since they have 3 and the axis only have 2.  Finally, total all units on the board and determine their combined defensive power (AC+2 Fighters = 11 Defensive power) and divide that by 100 for “extra credit” points to each side.

    It might add a new dimension to the game.  Now it’s more about position then capturing a capital.  (Though capturing the capital is still a mega plus.)

    This way you can win the game, but loose the war.  Or you can win both.  In any event, it’ll shake things up!

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’m in. I’d rather just go by won/lost record with no limits, though. I want to be in the National League, Central Division. Bears all the way.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Count me in too.

  • Moderator

    Cool, we have enough interest.  More are of course welcome.

    I’m aware of TripleA but have never used it, so I’ll look into it.  I suppose we could really use whatever as long as the 2 players agree.  I have no preference of DAAK, FoE, or any other site/roller we may use.

    Those are some good ideas Jen, but I think I want to keep it won-loss for now.  At least for the first go around and make sure we actually complete this.  I’d hate to come up with all these cool rules only to have the league never really get off the ground.

    Oh yeah, It will be full bid placement with no limitations.

    So, should we do a standard bid for all league games, meaning all games are 6, 7, 8 (we can decide on amount)
    just leave it open for the players to decide?

    If we go with a standard bid of say 7 for all league games the in-house roller will be used to determin who plays which side, although all players will be guarenteed to play an equal number of games as the Axis and as the Allies.  So if we had 5 players, that means 4 games so everyone would have 2 as Axis and 2 as allies.

    If we leave the bidding open, that means you may potnetially get to play all the games as the Axis for different bid amounts.


  • I’m in too. So long as we dont use a “low luck” dice program.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Count me in for this league.

    This give everybody a chance to be respected, ranked and noticed.

    I’m definetly going to try my hardest, I want to be the best…lol

    I dont know where I currently stand compared to everybody, But I can give anybody a good run for there money I bet.

  • Moderator

    So far I have:



    ShadowHawk is a possibility.

    Okay, well we are definitely going to need multiple divisions, since I don’t think it is practical for us all to play each other in a timely manner, that will be just too many games.

    More are still welcome and even if a few of the above drop out we’ll still have plenty.

    Right now, I think if we had 10 or something, that would be 2 divisons on 5 each, meaning 4 regular season games and then the top 2 from each division make the playoffs and then the championship.

    If that is too many games (6), we could just do the division winners face off and that would be 5 total games.

    Just some thoughts and examples of layouts, if:Â

    Teams / Divisions / Max Games played

    12     /  3  /     5   
    12    /  2  /    7    (7 might be too many games though)
    10     /  2  /     6
    8      /   2  /     4

    And we’ll have to adjust some things if we end up with an odd number of players.

  • 2007 AAR League

    if an odd amount. Somebody would have to get a Bye or free win. something like that.

    how are the divisions going to work exactly?

    are you just going to play against players in your division? then if so how will the divisions be made up? ( What i’m trying to say is somehow make the divisions fair to give evry1  a chance. Example Baseball, my team the Blue jays can’t outspend the yankees or red-sox and therefore almost next to impossible to make the playoffs.)

  • This is an interesting concept.

    Can I ask why you would insist on using the “inhouse” roller?  With all due respect, it is significantly inferior to AAMC, FOE, or DAAK/Wargamer’s Club rollers.  While it is relatively simple to initiate a roll, after that it is needlessly complicated.  All hits have to be calculated manually while each of the other rollers does that automatically and then updates the units for the next round.  Manual adjustments are only necessary for non-standard OOLs.  For AAMC and FOE, all rolls create a game log that can be checked for future reference.  If you get a game number for Rich at Wargamer’s club, you can get a roll log created there as well.  You don’t have to clog up your message board with all your game turns.

    Those are just my thoughts.  I’d be interested in playing but not on the AA.org roller.


  • Moderator


    This is an interesting concept.Â

    Can I ask why you would insist on using the “inhouse” roller?  With all due respect, it is significantly inferior to AAMC, FOE, or DAAK/Wargamer’s Club rollers.  While it is relatively simple to initiate a roll, after that it is needlessly complicated.  All hits have to be calculated manually while each of the other rollers does that automatically and then updates the units for the next round.  Manual adjustments are only necessary for non-standard OOLs.  For AAMC and FOE, all rolls create a game log that can be checked for future reference.  If you get a game number for Rich at Wargamer’s club, you can get a roll log created there as well.  You don’t have to clog up your message board with all your game turns.

    Those are just my thoughts.  I’d be interested in playing but not on the AA.org roller.


    No, no, no!  :-D
    I ment I’d only use the “in-house roller” to pick who is in each division or to help make up the schedule, NOT to use for the games.

    That way everyone can see out in the open how the divisions were made up or schedules and we can avoid things like “how come X,Y, and Z are in this divison, but I have to play…”


    if an odd amount. Somebody would have to get a Bye or free win. something like that.

    how are the divisions going to work exactly?

    are you just going to play against players in your division? then if so how will the divisions be made up? ( What i’m trying to say is somehow make the divisions fair to give evry1 a chance. Example Baseball, my team the Blue jays can’t outspend the yankees or red-sox and therefore almost next to impossible to make the playoffs.)

    See above.
    It will be completely random and out in the open.
    At this point I have no way of really judging what could be an “unfair” division or not.  I’ve only played about 10 games total and while I’ve played you twice (1-1), I have not played anyone else who is interested and have no idea what a “division of doom” may look like.  :-)

    Example below:

    I think I would do something like this:
    list the players
    Player 1
    Player 2
    Player 3
    Player 10

    Then roll saying 1 = divison 1, 2 = division 2,
    Results stop after either divison reaches 5 (10 player example)

    DiceRolling 10 2-sided dice:
    1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1

  • Moderator

    Example continued

    Division 1
    Player 1
    Player 2
    Player 3
    Player 4
    Player 8

    Division 2
    P 5
    P 6
    P 7
    P 9
    P 10

    Something like that.

  • 2007 AAR League

    sounds good.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d go with static 7 bid, 2 Infantry in Libya, 1 IPC to Japan or whatever we consider a NORMAL bid with placement.

    It makes the games a bit more even from game to game.  Otherwise, you might have 1 team bid 24 for the axis (2 destroyers in SZ5) and another bid 30 for the axis (3 fighters in Belorussia) because neither side wants the axis.  Talk about a screwed up game!


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh yea, before you say it wouldnt happen, I did it!

    I bid, once, 44 IPC.  1 Fighter Ukraine, 1 Fighter Libya, 1 Battleship SZ-5.  I was almost guarenteed to be under bid (blind bid of course) no matter what!

  • 2007 AAR League

    i could be interested as well

  • 2007 AAR League

    was there a bid restrictment in that game Jennifer?

    Sounded like a foolish game from the start but you could of stacked I dunno lets say West-Russia with 10 Inf and Ukraine with some extra units for good measure. or some trns for the med. seems like Russia would be toast in no time.

    and yes I agree with Jennifer a static bid should be set in place at 6-9 for every game to ensure there isn’t any crazy games for 1, and it keeps everybody on the same playing field.

    I love the 2 inf in Lib and 1 IPC torwards Japan as well. the extra Africa units sure help vs a counter-attack from UK on turn1

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No bid restriction.  It was blind (DAAK) so he bid 6 IPC against me, and won. :)

    Sometimes I just wanna be allies!

  • While I am very interested in the idea, I think I am going to have to beg away from it.

    My 1 game at a time restriction (both due to technology, and to keeping my marriage), as well as other time demands, would make it so that I could only play League games or Tournaments.

    I am not sure that I want to lock myself in THAT tight at this time.

    For those who can play multiple games at once, sounds like a grand idea!

  • 2007 AAR League

    if your computer can run the internet i’m sure it can run the battlemap….

    I’m a die-hard fan of the actual board also switch… but noticed I could do 3 games at once instead of 1. so the way i love axis and allies this was a sure win win situation for me. I still have the board around for reference and stuff.

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