• What if I told you this game already do exist, its called the struggle http://ww2wargame.com/

  • @Narvik:

    What if I told you this game already do exist, its called the struggle http://ww2wargame.com/

    Once again, I’m trying to be nice


    If LH and Wizards of the Coast ever were to develop a 1939 game of the series, what do you want to see, please do not try to post answers like “We already have a game like that”, “Just houserule your 1940 game”, or even “It will never happen”, this is not to refer to unofficial games, modifications to existing games, or the possibility of such a game existing, simply go under the assumption here if it was in development and is meant to be an official game to the series. Thank you.

    Please stop derailing.

  • Customizer

    If the game were to have a 1939 start date, you would have a lot of extra countries to have units for. Here’s what comes to mind just off the top of my head:
    ALLIED or Neutral but attacked by Axis

    Those are just for Europe. If you include the Pacific, I think Burma had an army so they would be Allied or Neutral. Thailand was Pro-Japanese.
    Even though these minor nations wouldn’t need the whole range of different units like you mentioned in your original post, most would at least need a sort of basic set of pieces (infantry, artillery, tank, fighter plane, medium bomber, transport ship, submarine, destroyer, and cruiser). You could probably do away with capital ships for the smaller nations. Also, for the land locked nations you could probably do away with ships all together. Even so, that would be a lot of different new pieces in many colors.
    Then again, WOTC might simply have the minor nations just share sculpts of the bigger nations just in different colors (German sculpts for Hungary, Romania, etc. and British or French sculpts for Belgium, Holland, etc.)
    If you get into too many new sculpts, that will surely jack up the price and at some point, it will be cost prohibitive. Either it will simply cost too much for WOTC to make the game or if they do, they will have to price it too high for people to buy it.

    That being said, it does sound like a very interesting project. I am wondering about the political situations. Could you make different choices?
    Like could Germany decide NOT to invade Poland first thing and instead go after France?
    If Germany does invade Poland, Will the Soviet Union also invade Poland?

    I ask this because WW 1 basically started when Austria/Hungary invaded Serbia. In Axis & Allies 1914, they force you to invade Serbia as Austria/Hungary round 1 and that gets the game started. Whatever else Austria/Hungary does, they HAVE to attack Serbia. So, in a proposed Axis & Allies 1939 game, would Germany be forced to invade Poland first thing? OR could they take another course?
    I’ve always been fascinated by the “What If” scenario.

  • Burma was a British colony.

  • This post is deleted!

  • I can imagine, at most, we would only get Canada, India, and two axis powers as new nations, with the two best candidates being Finland and Siam. Siam since Japan is all alone in the east side of the map, and Finland since it will allow the winter war to take place and give Russia something to do till Germany attacks.

    I would prefer neutral pieces to come with the game, but I can settle with a printed images.

    For neutral rules, something akin to WW1 1914 would be most suitable, that way, neutrals like Mongolia would be only friendly to Russia but neutral to everyone else, and can solve the Poland issue, Poland would be pro-UK only.

  • Why wait for LH, just get HBG’s Global 39 game and add pieces to that game with your own rules. They have been adding new pieces with rules for the pieces on there website. Change the starting ICP’s and mess around with it.

    I have 1 D6 39 game and 1D12 39 game that is more advanced than HBG’s 39 game with the pieces you mentioned ( and more ) in your posts. I can post cost and values if you want.

  • @SS:

    Why wait for LH, just get HBG’s Global 39 game and add pieces to that game with your own rules. They have been adding new pieces with rules for the pieces on there website. Change the starting ICP’s and mess around with it.

    I have 1 D6 39 game and 1D12 39 game that is more advanced than HBG’s 39 game with the pieces you mentioned ( and more ) in your posts. I can post cost and values if you want.

    I already gave someone reasons why. Anyway, I don’t like the map used for 1939, too many oversized territories that see little action, and the ones that do are too small. It’s worse than the official A&A games. The game itself is fine, but I wouldn’t play it more than once on table, I would prefer if someone released a Triple A version of it already, I would play more often. My major gripe with it is the IPCs, too little, so many 0 IPC territories it’s almost laughable. The political rules are also ridiculous, too many.

  • :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:  W E

  • '12


    What if I told you this game already do exist, its called the struggle http://ww2wargame.com/

    I own it and its an amazing board game.

  • Customizer

    Hmmmmm…… Well I don’t see why you posted this here RL, as this is a variants forum which includes exactly what you don’t want reffered to in your OP. I’d suggest you read the the official A&A Global introduction in the game instructions as to why Larry Harris did not start in 1939. Not sure what you expect as far responses go.

    You could try posting this on the Harris Game Design website and get a better answer. I’d suggest asking Larry and seeing what his answer is. If you get that please feel free to post it here.

  • 1939 Global from HBG.


    Developing a game that starts in 1936

  • Burma declare war against the allies.
    Wang Jing Weis-China to.
    Laos and Cambodja was independent states in august 1945.
    Are this states axis?

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