If you play NA´s i would encourage you to just do away with super-fortress (USA NA) Invulnerable SBR bomber is so incrediable unbalanced not even funny.
What nation do you like the least
my vote is for the usa because they require patience and planning ahead
I dislike Germany, too. For me it’s always hard to make Ger effetive offensively (against an Allied triple team) and even though playing (Turtle) defense with them is fairly standard I always get the feeling that I should have done more to help Japan.
England is the worst for me, mainly because your options are so limited and after a while you have nothing to add to the fight, but support for america and give some love in norway.
Russia is a ton of fun, whacking at germany and then trying to get them to overextend is good fun and challenging against a canny opponent. Japan is great fun because done right Asia is just to easy of a plum to pick. The Gerry’s ar good because action is imminent and once again a good sucker play is well worth having. America, is probably one of the most challenging to get right and I’m still working on it, but the challenge in itself makes it interesting.
Actually, in a good game, Brition can be very effective. They can take land and force America to do nothing all day but reinforce their holdings to prevent their loss to Germany.
I dislike Germany, too. For me it’s always hard to make Ger effetive offensively (against an Allied triple team) and even though playing (Turtle) defense with them is fairly standard I always get the feeling that I should have done more to help Japan.
The trick with Germany in a KGF is to always, no matter what, buy at least 1 offensive unit each turn. ART if cash is tight, or an ARM since it also boosts defense.
That, with your remaining AF, will allow you to continue to annoy and harass Russia’s advances and harry Allied landings.
A single ART adds only 1 IPC to your build cost to get teh same number of units, but you get two 2’s for attack. 1 ARM gets you enough range that any remaining INF on the front lines can be boosted teh next round with an ARM to add punch to contiuing to trade with Russia. And relying purely on AF is risky, especially if the Allies are playing well and shifting AA’s to their LZ’s…
Once you lose all of your offensive punch and you are down to 1’s for attack, you are toast.
I dislike Germany, too. For me it’s always hard to make Ger effetive offensively (against an Allied triple team) and even though playing (Turtle) defense with them is fairly standard I always get the feeling that I should have done more to help Japan.
The trick with Germany in a KGF is to always, no matter what, buy at least 1 offensive unit each turn. ART if cash is tight, or an ARM since it also boosts defense.
That, with your remaining AF, will allow you to continue to annoy and harass Russia’s advances and harry Allied landings.
A single ART adds only 1 IPC to your build cost to get teh same number of units, but you get two 2’s for attack. 1 ARM gets you enough range that any remaining INF on the front lines can be boosted teh next round with an ARM to add punch to contiuing to trade with Russia. And relying purely on AF is risky, especially if the Allies are playing well and shifting AA’s to their LZ’s…
Once you lose all of your offensive punch and you are down to 1’s for attack, you are toast.
Gosh, I sure do love friendly anti-aircraft guns! Nothing’s quite as good a feeling as when you take that AA gun you didn’t buy and shoot down an enemy fighter or bomber…especially if it’s luftwaffe!
I dislike playing the US the most. They are far from the action and are powerful. By the time they seriously get involved in the fight, they rip through the lines of the Axis and then it’s about over….I enjoy the more challenging position of the Axis…
To me the US is very much support. It just takes WAY too long to get the transport chain in place (turn 4 or 5 before it is stably delivering 3 or 4 tran of stuff). The UK to me is doing most of the offensive heavywork against Germany. It is very quickly within range of dropping 4 tran of stuff into Europe so it tends to have the most troops in Europe, and anything that you built can be used right next turn instead of waiting a few. The US is good at liberating Africa and throwing in little bits of support troops for the first few turns, and even later is mostly just waiting for the UK to attack first while holding territories for them.
The trick with Germany in a KGF is to always, no matter what, buy at least 1 offensive unit each turn. ART if cash is tight, or an ARM since it also boosts defense.
I have a bit of a different view here. To me, Germany should just buy infantry nonstop after any initial naval purchase. Germany is playing a defensive game hands down. Remember that it starts with 6 fighters, 1 bomber, and 9 tanks on the mainland. It could be very well 5 fighters, 1 bomber, and 7 tanks on the mainland after the Russian attack, but that is plenty of offensive units to trade territories or crush an early landing in W. Europe easily. You just can’t have enough defense as Germany, because you have to hold out until Russia bites it. I do see where the 1 or 2 leftoever IPCs can be converted into art/tanks, and it is useful, but I’d rather just save every last bit and funnel it into the most efficient defense available, while using the existing network to do the heavy work.
I have a bit of a different view here. To me, Germany should just buy infantry nonstop after any initial naval purchase. Germany is playing a defensive game hands down. Remember that it starts with 6 fighters, 1 bomber, and 9 tanks on the mainland. It could be very well 5 fighters, 1 bomber, and 7 tanks on the mainland after the Russian attack, but that is plenty of offensive units to trade territories or crush an early landing in W. Europe easily. You just can’t have enough defense as Germany, because you have to hold out until Russia bites it. I do see where the 1 or 2 leftoever IPCs can be converted into art/tanks, and it is useful, but I’d rather just save every last bit and funnel it into the most efficient defense available, while using the existing network to do the heavy work.
I agree with Trihero on this. I think that Germany starts with a fair ammount of offensive units - I stick to infantry buys, occasionaly upgrading 1 INF to ART or ARM with spare IPCs. Lately I tried INF and FTR (1 per turn) buys (bringing the Luftwaffe up to 8-12 FTRs). I also like to bring the Jap airfore (if applicable) to Europe ASAP.
Never let income sit idle when you are on the defensive. You need every bit of help you can get.
Upgrading 1 INF to an ARM now is better than another INF next round.
And adding the single offensive unit, ART or ARM, each turn, even when massing INF, allows you the flexibility to keep trading territories as Germany very late into the game…
i like USA the least-i think its beacuse i enjoy thinking about strategies when i am inferior to my enemy; with USA my homeland is almost never attacked and i have lots of units and money; with others one mistake can cost me my capital; so thats the reason
i enjoy playing with UK beacuse i have thousands of possible strategies
with germany and japan is also very interesting to play
with russia i throw away lots of dices every turn but i must admit that Russia isnt so complicated to playbut when playing 3 or 4 players one always plays with Russia and USA-this is logical because they dont have as much possibilities as the other three countries
thats only my opinion, correct me if its wrong
You have to keep trading territories and relying on your air craft is not good since sooner or later it will be chewed up in a tough naval battle. I tend to but inf and a boat (or heavy bombers if they are in play) then second round ful linf again, then thrid roung 3/4 inf 1/4 attacking, since that is when most of my ealier offensive power is starting to get used up. I also tend to stockpile tanks in eastern Europe in a hope to keep them in a one turn ability to take advantage or defend myself. All in all, I just wait with Germany and try to build a stack I can send to Russiea when the Japs start coming close.
Fighters are great for Germany. I think every other round they should be building at least 1 fighter to replenish losses. However, I do not ascribe to the Germany’s on the defense theater of thought.
Once you get it in your head you are defensive with your power you are going to loose the battle. No nation can fight a defensive war against an aggressor and win. This is why the South invaded the North in the Civil War (they did so too late, IMHO.) Likewise, the option of 100% infantry is a turtling maneuver that slows you down WAY too much, in AAR. (in classic it’s a different story, you don’t have 3 eastern fronts to defend, only 1.)
With Germany you have GOT to keep a ratio of 3:1 infantry to armor and at least 5 fighters to defend France. More would be extremely better!!!
Go on the offensive IMMEDIATELY. Keep hammering away. Leave Fin/Nor and Karelia empty if you have too, but put as many troops on the Muscovite border as humanly possible as fast as humanly possible. This will force Russia to consider pulling eastern troops away from Japan, meaning Japan doesn’t have to kill htem, just gobble up the land.
Remember, it’s going to take 3 rounds for America to get that BB to England. That’s 3 rounds you have to destroy any British forces you can find, so that when that BB does make it, it’s not as protected. (A few subs will help here.)
Buy 1 Carrier R1
Buy 1 Fighter R2
Buy 1 Sub R3
Buy 1 Fighter R4
Buy 1 Sub R5etc.
5 Subs, 1 DD, 1 Trn, 1 CV, 2 Fig is a pretty strong offensive force. Especially if you can manage to get the BB/Trn from the Med to join it.
But in order to do that, you have GOT to be grabbing land.