@Midnight_Reaper thank you!
Quick question on Battleships
I am new to A&A and really enjoy the game.
Regarding battleships, the rulebook states “If a battleship survives a combat after taking 1 hit, return it upright”. Is this for each round of combat or only at the end of the combat? I am assuming this is after combat has concluded (step 7 in the general combat sequence), but was not entirely sure.
Not familiar with 41 but I would say your assumption is correct. I’ve never heard of a BB repairing during combat.
After getting a feel for the gameplay, I think the battleship would be way too powerful if it had that capability. If that were the case, no single unit could take it out.
Hi tbt Delta.
You understood correctly: is at the end of the combat. Not each Round. -
Thanks Wittmann!