German Empire versus British Empire & Russian Empire. Basically GE. needs to pour her land & air forces into Russia, overwhelmed them, while building a fleet, to control the North Sea, &, prevent British Empire making any naval landings(in Russia/Germany).
Russia needs to buy time for Brits., going on the offensive on land and by sea, early in the game.
Brits. cannot wait to turn 4/5 to send help, get control of the seas, and, make those landings. Along the way clean up Africa.
Round One: Russia builds fighter, sub., 3 troopers , &, gun. Reinforcements pour into Poland, while Polish garrison invade Prussia. Six troopers & 2 guns versus GE. 6 troopers & 3 guns. Losses Allies 4 troopers & Axis 5 troopers & gun. Prussia is invested to buy British Empire time.
Russian BB suffers no mine hits versus off Kiel GE. BB & 2C. Losses Allies BB & Axis C & damaged BB.
Knowing that the BB would be wiped out, but, hopefully weaken GE. pending attack on Brits. home fleet.
GE. builds BB, sub., 2 fighters, &, trooper. Troopers from GE. colonies seize undefended Nigeria & Gold Coast. In Europe moving land forces towards Russia, leaving on coastal provinces 2 troopers & gun. Moves reinforcements into Prussia, 14 troopers & 5 guns versus Russian 2 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis trooper & Allies all. Prussia freed!
All sea units get to off London, with no mine damage. Four subs, damaged BB, &, fighter, versus, Brit. BB, 2 C, & transport. Losses 3 subs. & fighter, &, all Allies.
GE. C suffers no mine damage engages Russian sub.(latter destroyed).
British Empire builds fighter, BB, sub. , &, transport. Moves Canadian transport(trooper & gun) to debark at Wales with C. Reinforces Scotland & Yorkshire with a trooper. Also C & transport(trooper & gun), leaves Egypt for Wales. Indian C heads for London, &, BB & transport(trooper & gun) heads for GE. East Africa.
Trooper from Sudan heads for Egypt, while trooper from Rhodesia, heads for S. Africa. Trooper & gun enter GE. South Africa from Brit. South Africa, versus, defending GE. trooper & gun. Losses none Allies & all GE. forces lost(the colony falls). Also in GE. East Africa, BB & transport from India, lands trooper & gun, shelling takes out GE. defending trooper, colony falls!
Round Two: Russia builds sub., fighter, &, 4 troopers. Moves more land forces into Poland, fighter goes from capital to Karelia. Forces already in Poland invade Prussia again, 15 troopers & 6 guns, versus, GE. 13 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies 10 troopers & Axis 9 troopers.
Germany builds 2 troopers, fighter, BB & C & submarine. In Africa sends remaining 2 troopers into Togoland to hunker up from attack. Sends Silesia forces into Poland. Twenty-two troopers & 3 guns versus Russian 12 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Axis 8 troopers & Allies 5 troopers.
Berlin garrison goes into Prussia, 3 troopers & 7 guns, versus, Russian 6 troopers & 8 guns. Losses, Axis 2 troopers & 3 guns, &, Allies 4 troopers.
No mine lost, in Russian Home Waters, C versus Russian sub.(both lost). In British Home Waters, damaged BB & sub, versus, Brits. BB, transport, & fighter (only GE. BB survives).
British Empire builds fighter, 2 subs., &, BB. Moves from off Wales to off London C & sub.(versus damaged GE. BB). Losses GE. BB & Brits. submarine. Transport off Wales heads for Canada. From Egypt & India 2C & transport(with trooper & gun) are now off coast of W. France.
BB & transport(trooper & gun) head to West Africa from East Africa, land & take back Nigeria. Also 2 troopers from S. Africa head towards Egypt.
Round Three: Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Land units abandon Prussia to defend Poland, &, reinforcements enter Poland from Belarus(fighter flies in from Karelia). Battle 2 fighters, 13 guns & 14 troopers, versus, GE. 3 guns & 15 troopers. Losses Allies 9 troopers, &, Axis 14 troopers & 2 guns. Losses are heavy both sides, but, GE. cannot replace them, as Russian forces outnumber the Axis in Russia(and GE. has few reinforcements for the Eastern Front).
GE. builds fighter, sub., gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves reinforcements from Silesia & Prussia to Poland(fighter from Berlin). Fifteen troopers, 13 guns, &, fighter, versus, Russian 2 fighters, 8 troopers, & 14 guns. Losses each side losses a fighter in air duel, Allies lose 7 troopers & 5 guns, &, Axis losses 14 troopers & 4 guns.
Both sides have left about the same forces(except for a fighter for Russia), and. GE. has in Berlin 4 troopers & a fighter as a reserve force(that will not be enough to take Moscow).
BB & 2 subs.(no mine damage), go to off London, versus, Brit. fighter, 2 subs. & BB & C. Losses all Axis & Brit. damaged BB & C are left.
Brits. build 2 subs., transport, &, 2 fighters. Moves gun into Yorkshire, transport(gun & trooper) & 2 C move off London. Another transport(gun & trooper) from Canada arrives off Wales.
Transport(trooper & gun) & BB from S. Africa, go to undefended Kamerun, and land trooper only and take over the colony. Also trooper & gun enter Togoland from Nigeria & transport lands gun(BB shells & trooper & 2 guns versus GE. 2 defending troopers, losses all but Brit. trooper, Togoland falls).
Damaged BB(no mine damaged) enters GE. home waters, and, destroys submarine(no GE. fleet left) based there.
GE. calls it quits, except for a Allied fighter both forces in Poland are the same. Except for the coastal defense force of 2 troopers & a gun, all GE. has to take Moscow is a reserve force in Berlin of 4 troopers & a fighter. In Moscow alone are a fighter & 9 troopers to defend it.
Major political lost, losses Prussia(now a independent nation), moves out of Poland, and, losses three colonies(keeps Togoland).
Losses IPCs Troopers 54 Axis & 33 Allies, Guns 11 Axis & 9 Allies, Fighters 2 Axis & 3 Allies, transports 2 Allies, Subs. 6 Axis & 5 Allies, C both sides 3, BB 2 Axis & 3 Allies.