I may be wrong, but wasn’t Egypt controlled by the Ottoman Empire at the this time in history. I know latter in the 19th century Egypt became a territory of the English but at the turn of the century I am almost positive Egypt was under Ottoman rule.
+++++++ the game starts at the time of the third coalition which was before the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. By this time Napoleon was allready pushed out of Egypt by the British and they occupied it to secure the trade route to India. I further version of the map may be offered in a year or two to actually include the middle east in order to possibly engage Napoleon’s dream of invading India.
heres something from page one:
Napoleonic Wars is an introductory level strategic simulation covering the period of 1805-1815. The game represents the situation during the time of the third coalition of nations arrayed against France. Two to eight players are confronted with the task as a member of France and her allies or the coalition of nations and empires that are arrayed against her bid for European Hegemony. At start France is in control of Spain and Portugal, Italy, and the Confederation of the Rhine. The Coalition that begins the game fighting France consists of England, Russia and Austria- Hungary. The balance of nations are considered neutral. On latter turns nations like Sweden come into play.
As I understand it, the player countries are, Great Britain, France, Spain, Saxony(make neutral or replace it with making all those white regions on the map the German Federation) Kingdom of Naples, Austria-Hungary, Prussia, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire (nine playable nations total, to much!)
++++ this is not the case at all. many of what you have listed are actually very minor allies or neutral yes the game can accomodate up to 8 players. It is designed like this in order to take advantage of the large map and the intent was to allow for an expandable number of players in my advanced version which allows more of a free form “decide your own destiny” type of play not too unlike Risk… which is one of the reasons why i went with those pieces.
In your pics I did not see any turks although their provinces take up nearly a quarter of the board. If your out of colors I would get rid of the Kingdom of Naples and use their pieces as Ottoman ones.
+++++ The turks are neutral. certain cards “event cards” promote specific wars that occured between Russia and Turkey and another war with England which occured in the period of 1805-1815.Of course a war my be started by any nation against them if they feel greedy.
Russo-Turkish War, 1806-1812
Anglo-Turkish War 1807-1809
these both involved the Ottomans and can’t be ignored. A main reason why they are included…
Most of Napoleans battles in France were with Austria not with Naples, nor did Naples use guerrilla tactics after they were conquered,
+++++My rules don’t have guerrilla “tactics” unless the conflict is in Spain. The idea to include parts of africa promote the idea of a more flexible strategy for the Medd. for those nations that would benifit to this. Also France has a chance to redeem herself after the battle of the Nile which was a disaster.
From my ruleset:
Spanish guerrilla warfare:
If at any time the French player attacks Spain, the Spanish player can announce a guerrilla warfare campaign. Each turn they roll one D6= the number of free Jager units that can now be placed in these territories. They can even be placed in French occupied territories in Spain forcing combat during that turn. For each French controlled Spanish territory the combat die roll is modified +1 for Coalition forces.
unlike Spain and Russia. Naples is just not an important enough to have a player play it.
++++ Naples is a ninor ally. It uses the French blue pieces which control it.
Even though the Ottoman Empire did not involve itself in the Napoleonic wars much either (save Napoleons expedition to Egypt and Palestine) The Ottoman Empire was still a major power in the region and it would be cool if player got into debates trying to convince the Ottoman player to join their side. Having an unhistorical out come in a game is what historical wargaming is all a bought for me. Sorry for all the run-ons
+++++ As its own nation under my advanced rules section they do indeed have their own say in which side they allign with. Its either Imperial or Coalition forces you can be alligned with.
from the rule set:
Alliance game
Each nation has the ability to decide its destiny. With this feature every player controls his own nation and must win a decisive victory in order to win the game. A new turn phase is installed at the start of every turn. This is known as the Alliance phase. A player may offer a treaty of assistance with another nation. The treaty is bound by a minimum number of turns equal to the roll of one D6. After this point the treaty can be extended with a new roll (upon agreement by both players), or it can then be kept into a turn by turn status by either player. Alliances can be made or broken as long as France and England are maintained on opposite sides (they can never be aligned).All card rules are in effect except each nation now draws and plays one action card per turn. The event cards effect the members of the entire alliance which represent either those nations allied to either England or France.
If i can answer any other questions please ask.