• http://advancedaxisandallies.com/page29.html

    Here are some pics of my upcoming game. Card driven ( for events and some movement) . All the goodies are included and the game is a perfect tribute to risk and axis and allies because its foundation is based on what both of these games represent.

  • This looks great!!

  • Only a coupe of really big mistakes. Seville is not in Extremadura, is in Andalucia. Murcia in your game is in Eastern Andalucia and so should be called “Almeria” or “Granada”.And the ports of Lisbon and Valencia are bad possitioned. Lisbon should be more in central coast of Portugal and Valencia should be north of this current position (in fact, you put Valencia in Murcia).Sorry but this should by chaged. Spain was a main battlefield in Napoleonic wars and deserve a proper representation.

  • Only a coupe of really big mistakes. Seville is not in Extremadura, is in Andalucia. Murcia in your game is in Eastern Andalucia and so should be called “Almeria” or “Granada”.And the ports of Lisbon and Valencia are bad possitioned. Lisbon should be more in central coast of Portugal and Valencia should be north of this current position (in fact, you put Valencia in Murcia).Sorry but this should by chaged. Spain was a main battlefield in Napoleonic wars and deserve a proper representation.

    Hmmm… funny thing is i was using a map that was published over a hundred years ago. Some of what you stated ill have to check
    (recheck). Remember some of the positioning was deliberate because i needed some cities in one territory, while others needed to fall in a different section. Of course i could have just redrawn the lines, but 1) the lines are actually based on the historical based “territory” that was defined by its name and 2) the territories had to be of similiar size so that i dont get any tiny spots ( e.g. malta) where i cant fit a fairly large group of pieces. I will check into all you stated… do you see any other aspects in other areas? Are you from Spain?

  • Well, i don’t think you have to change the border lines of the territories. If you wanted a victory city in Extremadura, you could name it “Merida”, “Cáceres” or “Ciudad Real”. If you want represent a famous battle, could be “Bailen”, were Napoleonic army was first defeated in Spain. This was near Jaen (Eastern Andalucia). If you wanted a port in Murcia, you could name “Murcia” (and call the territory “Murcia”). Sure gameplaying needs some territories more bigger than geografically (England in Revised is a good example), but the cities should be were they really are. Sure you’ll be surprised if find Los Angeles being in Central U.S. in an A&A game  :lol:.Seville was in Andalucia in 1808, of course, as now. The changes you need only mean change the name of some territories, cities or ports (well, Lisbon should called “Oporto” in his actual position), so you not need change your territory borders, only the names.

    He,he, you catched me, I’m Spanish. I think your work is in general good and only need minor changes in the names. Oh, I’m not sure, but Bessarabia maybe shold be north of Romania (as in Axis & Allies: Europe), in her actual position, maybe should be named Bulgaria or Estambul. Not Constantinople, the Ottomans changed the name to Estambul when they conquered in 1453.

  • It cant be Bulgaria… because it was not a nation yet… Bessarabia does in fact fit because the territory continues in a north eastern direction which includes this area… the problem was i needed only one territory in this area, because the ottomans are “dry” as basically a neutral nation and they dont have any major victory cities in the game. I had to choose one “name” and since Bessarabia was more readily memorable to players of other games and included most of this area i decided to make its name to same.

    I checked and your correct about Spain… ill fix it on the second print.thanks!

  • OK on Bessarabia. That are good reasons. If you change the victory city in Extremadura, choose one of these: Merida, Caceres or Badajoz. Not use Ciudad Real as i said first because it is in Castilla la Mancha (Castilla la Nueva in that time, so your territory New Castle is correct). As you see, i also make mistakes  :lol:

    Your work is good. Go on as now.  :wink:

  • I may be wrong, but wasn’t Egypt controlled by the Ottoman Empire at the this time in history. I know latter in the 19th century Egypt became a territory of the English but at the turn of the century I am almost positive Egypt was under Ottoman rule.
    As I understand it, the player countries are, Great Britain, France, Spain, Saxony(make neutral or replace it with making all those white regions on the map the German Federation) Kingdom of Naples, Austria-Hungary, Prussia, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire (nine playable nations total, to much!)
    In your pics I did not see any turks although their provinces take up nearly a quarter of the board. If your out of colors I would get rid of the Kingdom of Naples and use their pieces as Ottoman ones. Most of Napoleans battles in France were with Austria not with Naples, nor did Naples use guerrilla tactics after they were conquered, unlike Spain and Russia. Naples is just not an important enough to have a player play it. Even though the Ottoman Empire did not involve itself in the Napoleonic wars much either (save Napoleons expedition to Egypt and Palestine) The Ottoman Empire was still a major power in the region and it would be cool if player got into debates trying to convince the Ottoman player to join their side. Having an unhistorical out come in a game is what historical wargaming is all a bought for me. Sorry for all the run-ons

  • I may be wrong, but wasn’t Egypt controlled by the Ottoman Empire at the this time in history. I know latter in the 19th century Egypt became a territory of the English but at the turn of the century I am almost positive Egypt was under Ottoman rule.

    +++++++ the game starts at the time of the third coalition which was before the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. By this time Napoleon was allready pushed out of Egypt by the British and they occupied it to secure the trade route to India. I further version of the map may be offered in a year or two to actually include the middle east in order to possibly engage Napoleon’s dream of invading India.

    heres something from page one:

    Napoleonic Wars is an introductory level strategic simulation covering the period of 1805-1815. The game represents the situation during the time of the third coalition of nations arrayed against France. Two to eight players are confronted with the task as a member of France and her allies or the coalition of nations and empires that are arrayed against her bid for European Hegemony. At start France is in control of Spain and Portugal, Italy, and the Confederation of the Rhine. The Coalition that begins the game fighting France consists of England, Russia and Austria- Hungary. The balance of nations are considered neutral. On latter turns nations like Sweden come into play.

    As I understand it, the player countries are, Great Britain, France, Spain, Saxony(make neutral or replace it with making all those white regions on the map the German Federation) Kingdom of Naples, Austria-Hungary, Prussia, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire (nine playable nations total, to much!)

    ++++ this is not the case at all. many of what you have listed are actually very minor allies or neutral yes the game can accomodate up to 8 players. It is designed like this in order to take advantage of the large map and the intent was to allow for an expandable number of players in my advanced version which allows more of a free form “decide your own destiny” type of play not too unlike Risk… which is one of the reasons why i went with those pieces.

    In your pics I did not see any turks although their provinces take up nearly a quarter of the board. If your out of colors I would get rid of the Kingdom of Naples and use their pieces as Ottoman ones.

    +++++ The turks are neutral. certain cards “event cards” promote specific wars that occured between Russia and Turkey and another war with England which occured in the period of 1805-1815.Of course a war my be started by any nation against them if they feel greedy.

    Russo-Turkish War, 1806-1812
    Anglo-Turkish War 1807-1809

    these both involved the Ottomans and can’t be ignored. A main reason why they are included…

    Most of Napoleans battles in France were with Austria not with Naples, nor did Naples use guerrilla tactics after they were conquered,

    +++++My rules don’t have guerrilla “tactics” unless the conflict is in Spain. The idea to include parts of africa promote the idea of a more flexible strategy for the Medd. for those nations that would benifit to this. Also France has a chance to redeem herself after the battle of the Nile which was a disaster.

    From my ruleset:

    Spanish guerrilla warfare:
    If at any time the French player attacks Spain, the Spanish player can announce a guerrilla warfare campaign. Each turn they roll one D6= the number of free Jager units that can now be placed in these territories. They can even be placed in French occupied territories in Spain forcing combat during that turn. For each French controlled Spanish territory the combat die roll is modified +1 for Coalition forces.

    unlike Spain and Russia. Naples is just not an important enough to have a player play it.

    ++++ Naples is a ninor ally. It uses the French blue pieces which control it.

    Even though the Ottoman Empire did not involve itself in the Napoleonic wars much either (save Napoleons expedition to Egypt and Palestine) The Ottoman Empire was still a major power in the region and it would be cool if player got into debates trying to convince the Ottoman player to join their side. Having an unhistorical out come in a game is what historical wargaming is all a bought for me. Sorry for all the run-ons

    +++++ As its own nation under my advanced rules section they do indeed have their own say in which side they allign with. Its either Imperial or Coalition forces you can be alligned with.

    from the rule set:

    Alliance game
    Each nation has the ability to decide its destiny. With this feature every player controls his own nation and must win a decisive victory in order to win the game. A new turn phase is installed at the start of every turn. This is known as the Alliance phase. A player may offer a treaty of assistance with another nation. The treaty is bound by a minimum number of turns equal to the roll of one D6. After this point the treaty can be extended with a new roll (upon agreement by both players), or it can then be kept into a turn by turn status by either player. Alliances can be made or broken as long as France and England are maintained on opposite sides (they can never be aligned).All card rules are in effect except each nation now draws and plays one action card per turn. The event cards effect the members of the entire alliance which represent either those nations allied to either England or France.

    If i can answer any other questions please ask.

  • That clears a lot up, you seem to know a lot about history

  • Since you seen to be a nice chap…email me and ill send you the rules for your enjoyment. The game is much better than my pictures can discribe. The rules really present the ‘goodies’ of the game.

  • Hi IL,  tekkyy, a registered user both here and on the triplea forums suggested that I get in touch with you, as I am in the middle stages of building a Napoleonic era map. The game is based on the triplea engine, which has some limitations as it concerns ‘porting’ it to this particular time period. Its funny to see the parallels between the digital map i made and your ‘physical’ map. The territory structure is quite similar, as is the number of ‘players’, though i was only made aware of this post, and the game board pictures this morning.

    I’d like to discuss what you think and perhaps, if you’re interested, think about a collaboration to some degree.

    email me or reply to this post and i will send you a link to download site with the basic map and some units, Some of which can be seen on the triplea development thread http://tripleadev.org/index.php?showtopic=1353

    I also authored the map GALAXY:  http://tripleadev.org/index.php?showtopic=1341

  • Great map, kudos for good work

  • @Imperious:

    Since you seen to be a nice chap…email me and ill send you the rules for your enjoyment. The game is much better than my pictures can discribe. The rules really present the ‘goodies’ of the game.

    I wouldnt mind getting a hold of those either.  This game is interesting.

  • Customizer

    Hi IL - only me.

    You know what’s coming, don’t you?

    But for the record, and the benefit of other members, I’ll do for dear old Blighty what Funcioneta did for Iberia.

    I’d tend towards having just two Scottish regions, but those you have I’d rename:

    Scotland = Highlands
    South Scotland = Grampians
    Westmoreland = Lowlands

    For England:

    Gloucester?! = Cumbria
    Yorkshire = Northumbria
    Lincoln = Mercia
    Norfolk = East Anglia
    Can’t see what you’ve called the southern region; Wessex would be the nearest thing

    I’d divide it into Wessex, and Essex for the London territory
    Add Lincolnshire to East Anglia (no coastline for Mercia)
    Pleeeeeeeease redo the Yorkshire coastline - where I live is under the North Sea on your map!
    Manchester was tiny before the industrial revolution, and should be in “Gloucestershire” anyway. Coventry would be a better bet, but Edinburgh and Dublin should be considered for cities.
    Can’t see, but I assume Ireland is north & South?

    Bessarabia is of course wrong (in essence Bessarabia is part of Moldavia, the modern country calls itself “Moldova”) but if you don’t like Bulgaria then Thrace would be accurate.  Bukovina was tiny: this region is generally known as “Galicia and Lodomeria”, but as nobody seems to know which bit is Lodomeria usually just Galicia.

    Not sure about where you’ve put Hungary

    Belgium is a name invented in 1830, so Flanders would be more appropriate here.

    If you have a link to a complete map with all labels visible I’m sure I could give you some more advice…

    Additional: a thought about the look of the map:

    You’ll have noticed all the extra national insignia I placed on my A&A map.  As a student of heraldry I think you could do something similar with this map, i.e. have the coat of arms of each province printed on the board.  This would add tremendous colour, and could be matched up with flagbearer pieces carrying the arms on their flag; perhaps units fight more fiercely for their own “home” province?  Some compromises would have to be made, for example reviving the ancient anglo-Saxon Kingdoms to give the provinces I suggested for England, but in general the size of province you’ve featured would be ideal for this particular enhancement.

    I made a whole series of cards for kingmaker based on my research into British Heraldry, so I’d be very willing to research this subject if you get round to a new version of Napoleonic Wars.

  • These were brought up in another forum at length… The original artwork was drawn directly from a map of Europe dated about 1840 showing what these lands looked like in 1805. I am aware of some issues in Spain and England… but this is basically an advanced risk style game and the names are only an Identification in case somebody had to write down a position. Its not a major historical game but something more substantial than Napoleon edition of risk by Tilsit.

  • Customizer

    Well anyway I’ll work on a mock-up of what the map might look like with heraldry added.  I really think the idea of linking a province with it’s home produced troops is neat.
    Anyone can doodle a Risk map; this could be rather more than glorified Risk with a little bit more authenticity.  If you call Senegal “Rio de Oro” it DOES matter.  If you call Cumbria Gloucestershire it DOES matter. 
    If you’re charging money for games I really think it’s important to get things right.  After all there are no shortage of pedants out there who will delight in pointing out every little mistake…  :-D

  • OK: The territories overlap in fact all the territories inside each nation are created ONLY with playability in mind. If something is called Cambria is also probably 3 others because the carving again was based not on the actual territories but something designed for the game. IN the real maps i would quickly run into the issue of some quite larger provinces that led to areas where i dont want then to connect to based on my assessment of the boards dynamics. I specifically chose the names because “part” of my drawn territories could also be probably 3-4 others and i have to choose one… thats what happened.

  • '19 Moderator

    Hey IL cool game as usual.  I have been looking for ships like the ones you heve there, are they from something else or didyou have them molded?  I need them!

    I didn’t see an overview of your game, great pics though.

  • Customizer

    I think the ships are from Eagle Games Civilization.

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