• Sponsor

    After tons of hours, I have finally completed the G40 Delta Deck at artscow.com, you can find it here…


    Please be aware that I only designed the deck at artscow.com and I have no affiliation with them, nor can I guarantee the quality of their products and service. I designed the deck according to their instructions the best I could and I apologize for any unforeseen design flaws. As for myself, I will be taking the PDF file to my trusted printer guy who will cut and laminate a deck for me, if anyone orders from artscow, please share your review of the product here.


  • Sponsor


    No worries. Take your time.

    Here is a folder you can download which contains JPEG files of every delta card…


    Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing the manual,


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    No worries. Take your time.

    Here is a folder you can download which contains JPEG files of every delta card…


    Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing the manual,


    Great! Thanks. I will probably not be able to get to it for a few days or a week, but I will at some point.

  • Sponsor




    No worries. Take your time.

    Here is a folder you can download which contains JPEG files of every delta card…


    Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing the manual,


    Great! Thanks. I will probably not be able to get to it for a few days or a week, but I will at some point.

    Take all the time you need, any work you can do is greatly appreciated.

  • Sponsor

    After much thought, I have downgraded the major IC in India to a minor (players can still spend money to upgrade it)

    War Economy
    The British economy is no longer split between London and Calcutta, instead, the United Kingdom will now collect one income for all territories owned on the map. All IPCs must be relinquished each time an enemy power captures London, however, Calcutta is no longer a capital city, and the major IC on India has been downgraded to a minor. This optional rule is highly suggested due to the strategic objective card “British Empire”.

  • Customizer

    If London gets captured, does Calcutta become a secondary capital? Or is that simply it for the UK?

  • Sponsor


    If London gets captured, does Calcutta become a secondary capital? Or is that simply it for the UK?

    That’s it for them until London is liberated, if the UK can’t protect their capital with 45+ IPCs than they don’t deserve a second chance. It also gives the Axis extra incentive to at least consider Sealion if the reward is all that cash plus no units built on India.

  • Customizer

    Hey Everyone,
    I got my G40 Delta Deck from Artscow.com today. They look great! The artwork and printing is top notch. They are just like a typical deck of playing cards. Also, they are slick like playing cards which makes it easier to work with.
    There do seem to be a few misprints but overall I think the deck makes the G40 Delta rules very playable. I am going to mention what errors I had to Young Grasshopper and maybe these things will be corrected for the proposed 2nd edition later on. However, I think it is very useable as is and I am looking forward to trying this new system out this weekend.
    In my opinion, these are well worth the price, although artscow.com does kind of hit you on shipping. It took 1 week from order to receipt.
    I took a few pics to share. Sorry about the flash obscuring part of the pic, but you will get the general idea.
    Here are the Strategic Advantages and Progressive Advantages.

    Strategic Advantages.JPG
    Progressive Advantages.JPG

  • Customizer

    Here are the Strategic Objectives and the Card Backs. The Strategic Advantages are Blue, Progressive Advantages are Red and the Strategic Objectives are Green.

    Strategic Objectives.JPG
    Card Backs.JPG

  • Happy for you knp. Enjoy using them.

  • Sponsor

    This is Fantastic KNP! I’m sooo happy. I was worried about the border edges because it was difficult to size and place each card on to the blank template, but they look great. I will address each of your questions here throughout the day…

    Cheers and thanks for sharing.

  • Sponsor

    There is an error on the progressive advantage card “Manhattan Project”…

    It should read:

    America chooses an enemy capital and may then roll 3 dice to damage the IC, 2 dice to remove IPCs, and 1 dice to destroy units on that territory (enemy chooses which casualties to remove).

    …and not:

    America chooses an enemy capital and may then roll 3 dice to remove IPCs, 2 dice to damage the IC, and 1 dice to destroy units on that territory (enemy chooses which casualties to remove).

    To remove IPCs means to take cash.

  • Sponsor

    There is an error on the Russian strategic objective card “Lend Lease Act”, it should read sea zone #125 (not #120).

  • Sponsor

    There is an error on the American strategic objective card “The South Pacific”, it should include Java.

  • Sponsor

    Thanks KNP for pointing out those errors, and I apologize for the design flaws… I guess I was dreaming to think that I could pull this off without a single flaw. These and other changes will be adressed during 2nd edition.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Thanks KNP for pointing out those errors, and I apologize for the design flaws… I guess I was dreaming to think that I could pull this off without a single flaw. These and other changes will be adressed during 2nd edition.

    There is always something that escapes notice… which I hate, but it is virtually inevitable. If it is not an error it becomes something you want to change after the fact.

    But these cards look great. Haven’t had tome to progress on the rulebook yet, but I am looking forward to doing so. Bravo YG.

  • Sponsor

    Here is a post from KNP discussing a Commonwealth and a new production unit…

    Hey All,
    I am going to try this idea out this weekend. I am using the great Delta G40 card deck developed by Young Grasshopper and per his suggestion, it just seems better to have the UK as a single economy. Of course, so to not make the UK too wealthy, I am also using the Commonwealth to include ANZAC, South Africa, West South Africa and all of Canada. Here are the rules I am going with, sort of a mish-mash of ideas from the preceding Commonwealth ideas:
    1 > Calcutta is no longer a capital but just a Victory City. Also, the Major IC is now replaced with one of my patented Mid-Level ICs. (Okay, so it’s not really patented, but that just sounded good.) Also, if Calcutta is captured by the Axis, the UK does NOT lose it’s treasury.
    2 > I am using ANZAC units for all Commonwealth territories. The UK units in Canada, South Africa and the surrounding sea zones will be replaced with ANZAC units.
    3 > The Strategic Objectives for ANZAC will apply to all the Commonwealth. The Strategic Objectives for the UK will still go to the UK. A couple of the SOs sort of cross over but I figure that is okay since the UK and Commonwealth are kind of dependent on one another.
    4 > Commonwealth income can be spent at any IC: Canada, Australia and/or South Africa.
    5 > Commonwealth is an odd power as it has two capitals: Ottawa and Sydney. If one or the other gets captured by the Axis, all Commonwealth money on hand goes to the capturer but Commonwealth is still in play like normal and may use any or all remaining ICs to produce units. If both Ottawa and Sydney are captured by the Axis, then Commonwealth is out of the game until one or the other is liberated. For City Objective purposes with the Delta G40 rules, I will still treat Ottawa as a victory city rather than a capital. In other words, the capturer only gets 2 IPCs per turn for capturing it instead of 5 IPCs.

    I think this is the simplest way to incorporate this idea into the game. I didn’t want to use the rule where if one capital gets captured, then the economy is split from then on because I just think that adds unneeded complexity. I’m excited to see how this goes. I’ll let you guys know.
    Thanks to everybody for posting all your ideas. It’s nice to have a lot of choices to pick from and make your game truly your own.

    Perhaps we can put all these elements together for 2nd edition.

    Here’s what I’m thinking…

    The United Kingdom:

    The British economy is no longer split between London and Calcutta, instead, the United Kingdom will now collect one income for all territories owned on the map with London as it’s capital. All UK IPCs must be relinquished anytime an enemy power captures London, and the major IC on India is now downgraded to a major factory(see below). Japan will not collect the UK’s IPCs for capturing Calcutta is it no longer a capital city, instead Japan will gain 2 IPCs for activating a minor victory city. Also, due to the new British Commonwealth nation explained below, The United Kingdom’s starting income is now 38 IPCs.

    The British Commonwealth:

    All territories with an ANZAC and Canadian roundel on them will now be know as the British Commonwealth. This new nation will replace ANZAC in the game round sequence, and their collective 17 IPCs to start the game will now be spent and placed on any Commonwealth IC that the Commonwealth player wishes. All starting units on Canadian territories must be replaced with ANZAC gray pieces, and the initial setup has been modified to include a Commonwealth fighter in Ontario. The British Commonwealth has only 1 achievable national objective which is “5 IPCs for control of all original territories” which may only be collected when at war with both Germany and Japan.

    New Production Units: (this is KNPs Mid-Level IC idea with a few of my own modifications)

    Industrial Complex:
    Produces up to 10 units
    Maximum damage 20
    Unoperational at 10 damage
    Replaces all oob Major ICs in initial setup
    May no longer be purchased

    Major Factory:
    Produces up to 5 units
    Maximum damage 10
    Unoperational at 5 damage
    New unit replacing all oob Minor ICs in initial setup
    May not be purchased

    Minor Factory:
    Produces up to 3 units
    Maximum damage 6
    Unoperational at 3 damage
    May be purchased at a cost of 12 IPCs
    May be placed on any territory with an IPC value of 2 or greater.

    *****The War Time Production strategic advantage will now boost production of Industrial Complexes to 12, Major Factories to 7, and Minor Factories to 4.
    *****All Industrial Complexes, and Major Factories are downgraded to Minor Factories once captured.
    *****The Industrial Complex in India is downgraded to a Major Factory.
    *****Production facilities may no longer be upgraded from one to the other. (except the 3 Major factories into Industrial Complexes when America enters the war).

    A&A 1942 IC pieces as well as Monopoly hotels and houses will work fine.

    Industrial Complex = Gray ICs (1942 A&A)
    Major Factory = Red Monopoly Hotel (Red for 5)
    Minor Factory = Green Monopoly House (Green for 3)

  • Customizer

    Hey YG,
    So all factories that were Minor ICs at setup are now Major Factories and can produce 5 units. And the only purchasable ICs are the Minor Factories that produce 3. This sounds like a pretty good concept.
    You mentioned that there are no upgrades. Does this include when an Industrial Complex or Major Factory gets captured, which downgrades either to a Minor Factory, then gets liberated by the original owner or an ally? In other words, is the original owner no longer allowed to upgrade his/her factory? That seems a little unfair I think. I understand the conquering power not being allowed to upgrade, but I would think the original owner would be able to. Or is this meant to hasten the downfall of the original owner (particularly in the case of Germany or Italy)?
    As for what pieces to use, Monopoly pieces sounds like they would work very well. I have a copy of The War Game and I use the large factory pieces for Major ICs/Industrial Complexes. They are color coded to each country except for France. They had no blue large factory so I use the light grey. Also, both Russia and Italy use the dark brown large factories since each only have one Major IC.
    For my Mid-Level ICs/Major Factories, I use the city pieces from RISK. They look pretty good. Then I use the OOB A&A grey IC pieces for Minor ICs/Minor Factories.
    I’m looking forward to HBG’s Facilities Set. I think those will work out great for all 3 levels of factories. I’m still trying to decide if I should use light grey for all factories or get the national colored ones.

    I am curious about your Commonwealth setup and why you didn’t include South Africa in the Commonwealth.

  • '17 '16


    I am curious about your Commonwealth setup and why you didn’t include South Africa in the Commonwealth.

    I have the same question.

    Very interesting concept about IC, major and minor factory.

    Do you think it could be introduce in a 1942.2 game?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Whoa, whoa, whoa… time out.

    Whose idea is this? I am confused of it is KNP or YG. Ultimately, I suppose that it does not matter, but I find this concept VERY intriguing. Whoever came up with it is to be commended. If other people have suggested Commonwealth ideas before, I have never heard of them.

    Let me try explain what I think is going on:

    The UK is now separate from her Commonwealth in the turn order. Canada and ANZAC are a single Commonwealth power and take their collective turn in what was formerly ANZAC’s slot.

    Some clarifications:

    1. Is there a specific reason that India is not included in the Commonwealth? Is the economy for the UK and India now together (units can be placed in any South Africa, England or East India?)

    2. Can the UK place units at a Commonwealth factory/IC or use its money to repair them or their bases?

    3. Does this necessitate a revision to the DELTA card scheme? Does the Commonwealth benefit from UK Strategic Advantages/Progressive Advantages/Tech?

    The factory/IC concept is also interesting. I like it. Still wrapping my head around it though. Does G40 actually have the rule that you cannot build Major IC (10 unit production) in non-original territories? I know it was bandied about but I don’t think I have played that way if it is in fact a rule.

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