Well, I haven’t even played a full game yet, but here’s my first taste of AA.
We set the board and I manage to find it says on the cardboard pieces where to place everything.
Then we notice that Germany is cramped, but then we look at Japan and laugh our heads off.
It’s Russia’s turn, so I explain you buy tech then units. He doesn’t tech and buys a tank and puts it into the loading thing and… That’s where we ended. We were confused as to how the attacking worked with the dices and all the special abilities.
My group doesn’t have a lot of patience, so we stuffed the game back into the box and proceeded with Xbox 360. If video games are pricey, at least they require less maintenance.
I think I get the gist of the game, but little things like how it says place a boat in Britain, yet there’s 4 seas surrounding it, or if we can choose what units we want to commit rather than all in an attack, or why you would move planes back and forth bother us.
It’s really a step up from Risk 2210, which we are used to. I’m not a fast learner, so reading from a book is worse than from being taught from another player.