Ok, so if I corrected all the mistakes I made in my first PBF game with you, we should see the second game created HERE!
My son and I have the original World Axis and Allies game (which we love) and we bought the D-Day game which we were disappointed in.  We would like to buy the Pacific game or the Europe game but not sure which one.  Could someone please rate the games from 1-10, with the original game being an 8.  Also if you have time, which of those two (Europe and Pacific) plays closest to the world.
Original = 8
D-Day =3
Revised = 9
Pacific = 10
Europe = 9
Miniatures = 7
I am a vet of Classic, only recently obtaining Revised.
Classic 8
Revised 9
Scale of 1-10
Original = 8
D-Day =4
Revised = 9
Pacific = 7
Europe = 11
Miniatures = -13
Zeno pacific= 5
Zeno europe=6
TSR Europe Aflame=10
Neppa Games ETO= 14
Advanced Axis and Allies second world war=11
Advanced Axis and Allies Europe 1942=13
Advanced Axis and Allies Delux second world war=19
Advanced Axis and Allies War in the Pacific=15
Advanced Axis and Allies World War 1=17
Advanced Axis and Allies Battle of the Bulge=20
Advanced Axis and Allies War in the East= 18
A wee bit partial to your proprietary products there IL? LOL
And I love the NEGATIVE 13 for Minatures :-P
Choo got it! :mrgreen: I gotta call them as i see them. I cant make games that are actually inferior, because thats the whole reason why i made it in the first place… to be better.
Choo got it! :mrgreen: I gotta call them as i see them. I cant make games that are actually inferior, because thats the whole reason why i made it in the first place… to be better.
I’ll go with that.
But I’m surprised you ranked Battle of the Bulge above Axis and Allies Deluxe Second World War. Or is this only temporary before you do the new map and any revisions for it?Â
Speaking of your new map layouts. What about oil fields. Will they be designated on the map the same way as originally owned territory markers? Or were you leaning on using the oil drum pieces only as to designate the supplied areas.
I prefer to play shorter games. Delux SWW takes like 10 hours to finish a 1939 scenario, while Bulge is a quick fun 3-4 hour adventure. However, if you got like 6 people … their is nothing better that playing a long game like that. When delux war in the pacific and war in europe comes out i think they will be in the 25 range to be sure. Another reason why i downgraded it a bit, is the map quality isnt the best i can do anymore, it represents old technique and old philosophy… so in a small way it looks dated when compared to other projects.
Classic 8
Europe 8
Pacific 6