@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
Classic game anyone?
Would anyone be interested in playing a game of classic? AAA or VASSAL preferred. Out of box rules, no bid, with Russia Restricted. You can pick your side.
-Aces (the good Captain)
@AcesWild5049 Hello Im also looking for classic games Utah and Anzio I play almost every day on Triple A my name there is Death_FromAbove let me know here when you can meet there.
Remind me what the rules are for Utah and Anzio in relation to OoB?
This request remains open. If anyone is interested in playing AnA Classic, shoot me a DM or post below. Thanks!
@AcesWild5049 Hello Utah and Anzio are both Russia Restricted, 2 hit Battleships, and 3rd edition rules, only difference is Anzio is no tech and axis get Jets for Germany and Super Subs for Japan, can you meet me on Triple A to play a game? if so when ? im on est time zone in Florida
@Death_FromAbove When you say “meet me” what does that entail exactly? I play by forum for the most part so is that what you mean? Or are you thinking of playing live?
My preference is the following: 2nd edition rules, no bid, RR, no IC (all rules from the OoB rules)
+strict neutrals (as mentioned in my YouTube video)I haven’t played 3rd edition since the computer game came out. In my opinion that would be quite a different game than what I’m familiar with. If you insist though, I’ll play a Utah with you if you play my pref above?