• Germany needs to take Russia quickly, before the doughboys and the yanks can get orginized enough to send them any real help. Build all tanks on the first turn, and attack karelia with everything possible. (See My German strategy post) (see also my sovie and russian strategies) for the brits, build a bomber everyturn keep strategicly bombing germany. and build an IC in south africa. For the americans. build a battleship in the pacific and harras the japanese

  • LG,
    As for US moving into Africa too qiuckly…
    Arrange Germany’s air and sea attacks on UK foces on turn 1 so that you land your air power in W. Europe (to hit UK again on turn 2 or US transports…within bomber range at least).Options, always look for options.

    “Where did those bombers come from?”--------
    Japanese Imperial Command after Dolittle raid

  • i think people put way too much stake into what happens in africa. Granted, its important to both sides and Germany must eliminate the english tank and infantry in egypt T1, this way they can slowly overrun it and get about 6 ipcs/turn but I think it quite ridiculous for the allies to comeback with america or uk by retaking it. If they do not all collectively attack germany then the rising sun in the east is going to march on moscow. America’s tanks and men are needed much more in the capture of western europe or the defense of karelia then dinking around with 6-7 ipcs for england.

  • Affirmative!

  • So Africa is a good idea? I mean it is relatively unprotected and it will hurt the UK alot, but won’t it spread out germany? And what happens if russia keep building infantry and nothing else?

  • IMO you shouldn’t spend the money to build any sort of fleet in the med. Just use what you got, and send down a fighter.

    Doesn’t always work though…like everything.

  • So does Russia attack at all or not?? Are they just pure defense???

  • That is a call best left during the game itself. With Russia unrestricted, it is a must, but only attack when the German player has his flank exposed.

  • as russia you have to attack/defend based on what the german player does….if he brings all his tanks to the frontline then buy a bunch of men and a couple tanks and spank that booty…of course if he leaves them1/2 spaces away beware!..maybe just buying men is better.

  • OK ty to all who helped. I appreciate it

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