Yeah, that’s part of the reason why Churchill (asides from being a staunch anti-bolshevik) had no patience for the Soviet argument that they were the ones bearing the brunt of the fighting against Hitler, and that they therefore should receive some extra compensation:Â Because they were supplying the raw materials necessary for the Germans to conquer France, Benelux, Denmark, Norway, and that the Soviets would have been more than happy to see the British Empire destroyed…
Basically I startet this thread to analyze how the games rules models WWII history. But your off topic statement is so far fetched it cant be ignored.
First, the workers of Sovjet Union were not the only that would be happy to see the British Empire destroyed. Also president F.D.Roosevelt and the capitalist businessmen of USA wanted the protectionist colonial powers Britain and France to be destroyed so they could open a free world marked, with free trade. And correct me if I am wrong, but after the war all great suppressing racist colonial powers did get destroyed, but you cant blame the commies in Russia for that. You must blame the capitalist Yankees.
So both socialist workers and capitalist Yankees wanted the British Empire to die. To that you can add all the native population in the colonies, yes even Canadians and Aussies wanted to govern themselves, so did the Indies, the Africans and so on. Add to that 12 million African slaves, and a lot of minor nations that was bullied by the Brits.
As to who helped build up the German military, it was not the Russians. That trade agreement was made after the war had begun, and had no effect on the fighting in 1939 and 40. The Russians was forced to agree to it because they feared Britain and France would make a new Munich treaty against Russia the same way they did to Tchecoslovakia in 1938. After all both vice president Truman and Churchill did say in public before the war, that it would be nice if commies and nazies killed each other. Not just talk, since they gave a lot of resources to Germany in order to keep Russians out of Europe. But the main contributor to Nazi Germany was neutral Sweden. Hitler got 40 % of his steel from Sweden, starting just after WWI and not ending before Germany lost in 1945. It was so much steel that Hitler could build a Tirpitz battleship every day. And that steel was paid for with US dollars, delivered by Prescott Bush, on behalf of a US bank. So shout up.
And about who was bearing the brunt, I belive 85 % of the germans was killed in the Eastern front. USA only lost 250 000 men, so the main burden was not there. Actually USA become the richest country in the world after WWII, making good profit on the war, so again, just shout up.