@ScottMcCullar Where may I find the file or purchase a board please?
VIDEO: Grasshopper's G40 Custom Table
Table looks great. I am thinking of “borrowing” your idea of the casualty counter beads by my dice rolling corner.
Table looks great. I am thinking of “borrowing” your idea of the casualty counter beads by my dice rolling corner.
They’re very popular, and constantly being used allowing our players to concentrate on casualty removal strategies instead of remembering who hit what. I made mine from scratch and it wasn’t easy, but if you put the work into it or can find some to buy complete… you won’t regret it.
Looks like a Great place to ‘waste’ a weekend! :wink:
Looks like a Great place to ‘waste’ a weekend! :wink:
I wish… however, we usually finish in a 10 hour day.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Dec 8, 2013, 9:27 PM
Awesome Grasshopper. Very well setup. Like your NA and Tech cards. I do have events cards and I will make cards for NA and Tech now too. Thanks for all your info.
Awesome Grasshopper. Very well setup. Like your NA and Tech cards. I do have events cards and I will make cards for NA and Tech now too. Thanks for all your info.
Thanks SS, …and I know what you mean, there’s something about playing with laminated cards that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
YG this video was really great and the table and extras look fantastic!
YG this video was really great and the table and extras look fantastic!
Thank you very much toblerone!
I’ve just finished watching the video and I greatly enjoyed it – an excellent presentation of a first-rate custom table. It brought out the fact that your set-up has even more special features than is visible from the still photographs, for example:
Clickers to indicate the status of combat and non-combat moves
An auxiliary HQ for the US player
Lots of handy-sized laminated custom cards, with a roomy tray in which to store them
A groove in which victory city tokens can be placed (and moved) to track which side controls how many of them at any given time
A slot for a laminated copy of the rulebook
It’s clear that a lot of thought and planning and gaming experience went into that table, and the results really show. Well done!
Thanks CWO Marc,
I always knew that I would make a video eventually just for that reason alone (can’t capture everything in stills). This table took about 3 years to build, including an inferior prototype table that I eventually replaced when I built the higher quality, and better designed 2nd table featured in the video. Many ideas were implemented and tested over the years with playability in mind, and everything was designed to make the game experience easier for players, especially newbies. As a host, the best feature for me is how after 10 hours of playing, the room pretty much looks the same as when we started (except for the beer bottles, pop cans, and pizza boxes). Everything needed to play the game, as well as all the extra customized elements have their own place on the table. A big difference from when we first stated playing Global with so many separate boards, charts, and trays laying around waiting to get spilt just because someone had to get up and use the washroom. I’m hoping more custom table builders will consider presenting their creations in video form… I would very much like to view theirs in the same way.
LOVE IT!!! It even has a “feel” of a Bunker!
Hope I can make it over for a game one day.
LOVE IT!!! It even has a “feel” of a Bunker!
Hope I can make it over for a game one day.
Pick any day and I’ll invite the whole Oshawa gang over… we can also play some ROE.
I just edited the video with some informative subtitles… might be worth a second look. However, not sure why the newly edited subtitles didn’t show up on my mobil devices.
I just edited the video with some informative subtitles… might be worth a second look. However, not sure why the newly edited subtitles didn’t show up on my mobil devices.
They didn’t show up on my immobile desktop PC either.
I just edited the video with some informative subtitles… might be worth a second look. However, not sure why the newly edited subtitles didn’t show up on my mobil devices.
They didn’t show up on my immobile desktop PC either.
Odd… every time I play the video on my mac laptop, I can see them, but not on my I-phone.
Very cool game table - I like how organized you made everything!
If only for the space. I would love even the smallest space in my abode strictly for A&A…. alas LOL.
Thanks for the great comments guys… can anyone tell me if they can see the subtitle captions I’ve added to the video?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Dec 11, 2013, 1:29 AM
I just watched it again. Didn’t see any subtitles and it ran like it was in slow motion.
I just watched it again. Didn’t see any subtitles and it ran like it was in slow motion.
Just figured it out… You will need to enable your closed caption button (CC) on the lower right side of your Youtube screen. Click to get the full experience of the video.