Historical Board Gaming first Gaming Convention.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Historical Gamers,
    HBG is working to host their first Gaming Convention located on Tulsa, OK USA. We are looking to have it in June of 2014 and then annually there after (late May be a possibility also). We are in the middle of locating a venue and hope to have more information over the next coming months. We plan to have of course HBG games, Axis & Allies Games, Historical miniatures, as well as others table top games. We plan on emphasing “Historical” and not Fantasy or roleplaying.

    I know June is the same month of Origins but we think that HBG will bring the Historical aspect of gaming like Historicon and others.

    Please pencil us in and we hope to start seeing a website for this as well as other information in the coming months.

    We are in the middle of revising the contract for a Game Convention in Tulsa, OK on May 15-18, 2014
    Rooms will be $76.00 plus taxes. The Hotel is a very nice Mariott with refrigerators in each room. We will have Plenty of space for gaming and will have more information as we receive it. We will have a website and the whole nine yards. Please pencil us in, we need you to attend and get this where we can do it every year. The ticket prices are not set yet but we will need vendors, game master, volunteers, etc. Thank you in advance for all you do for HBG. We will hit this hard after Gencon but wanted to a least get a solid date.


  • Nice!  Good luck and hopefully we can make it down there.

  • Would you guys be willing to allow Heroscape at that Convention? I know many OK and TX Scapers who would love to go to play.

    Here is the link to our website: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?u=2

    For those not in the know, Heroscape is a pre-painted miniature game that features 3D customizable hex terrain. The figures are based on historical, science fiction, and fanasty figures. Basically, you can have Airborne Elite fighting samurai fighting robots fighting dragons, and so one. Awesome game; my most favorite :) (With AA being my second.)

  • And when are you guys coming to Europe?  :-P

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    Would you guys be willing to allow Heroscape at that Convention? I know many OK and TX Scapers who would love to go to play.

    Here is the link to our website: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?u=2

    For those not in the know, Heroscape is a pre-painted miniature game that features 3D customizable hex terrain. The figures are based on historical, science fiction, and fanasty figures. Basically, you can have Airborne Elite fighting samurai fighting robots fighting dragons, and so one. Awesome game; my most favorite :) (With AA being my second.)

    Still too early on this, I am open to many games, but Role playing games are out for sure.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    And when are you guys coming to Europe?  :-P

    I was in Europe about 6 years ago, flew into Switzerland, went to Lichtenstein, and then Innsbruck Austria……loved it!

  • Customizer

    Coach and others,

    ––I’m very glad to hear about this. Of course I wish you the best of luck. If your Convention is anything like the quality of your company & it’s products,…it will no doubt be a GREAT HBG EXPERIENCE.  :-D
    ----I hope I’ll be able to attend and meet everyone. Keep up the great work,…and Thanks again!

    “Tall Paul”

  • @coachofmany:


    Would you guys be willing to allow Heroscape at that Convention? I know many OK and TX Scapers who would love to go to play.

    Here is the link to our website: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?u=2

    For those not in the know, Heroscape is a pre-painted miniature game that features 3D customizable hex terrain. The figures are based on historical, science fiction, and fanasty figures. Basically, you can have Airborne Elite fighting samurai fighting robots fighting dragons, and so one. Awesome game; my most favorite :) (With AA being my second.)

    Still too early on this, I am open to many games, but Role playing games are out for sure.

    Ahh, okay. Well since Heroscape is not a rpg then I don’t need to worry about that. lol

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    I know the HBG crew would love to meet all you guys too! Our customers are always so nice, knowledgeable, and creative. Would be awesome to see a bunch of HBG games setup at the same time being played face-to-face.

  • '14 '13

    This is great news. Tulsa, OK is close enough to Austin, TX for me to drive. My friends will be back from deployment by then, so i will try to get all 6 of us there. I will definately keep an eye out for more info.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10


    This is great news. Tulsa, OK is close enough to Austin, TX for me to drive. My friends will be back from deployment by then, so i will try to get all 6 of us there. I will definately keep an eye out for more info.

    Good, we are up to 6 players! Great Start!
    We will keep you informed.
    Thank you!

  • I live in North Texas, Wichita Falls to be exact and would come as well, i can also maybe convince two or three others from Dallas plus one in Austin. We would be down with all forms of Axis and HBG games as well. I look forward to hearing more about this!

  • '14 '13

    Anything new to report since the original post last month?

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    I have met with my webmaster for pricing on website and logisitics on what is needed and will meet Wednesday with my event organizer for place and hotel. We should have a YES or NO in a couple weeks but it looks very promising. Thsi is a huge undertaking and I will probably hire somone to run all the prep work while I just Bark orders.  :-D
    I am hoping for 250 for the first one!

  • '14 '13

    Good to hear. I was just in Tulsa a few weeks ago, but it was on the Army’s dime, so i couldn’t sneak away to check out the area. Camp Gruber was an interesting place.

  • '10

    This is awesome news!  We have so much fun doing ours.

    Contact me if you need any help or advice,


  • Hey there,

    I’m a new member to the A&A messageboard (actually, I’m an former member of the messageboard whose account was still registered, but whose registered email is no longer valid, so I couldn’t effectively reset my password for the old user account)…

    …and I’m in Wichita, KS.  This convention sounds like a lot of fun and is close enough that I won’t have to take a week off to attend (GenCon, I’m looking at YOU).  I haven’t played A&A for quite a while, as in 8 or 9 years, and my A&A experience is pretty dated, having only played the Milton Bradley A&A Classic version AND Imp Games’ East & West.  But I’d still be interested in attending this convention if I can work it out.

  • I’d be very interested in going to this.  I live in North Texas.  Look forward to learning more.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I live in Northeast Texas and would love to go to this convention. Is there any more news on this?


    John Brown

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    If I’m still living in the western part of North America next June I might be able to make it.

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