Hey folks,
I saw an old post (2014) by Soup76 about his 1914 reference cards, and I am wondering if they are still available, or anything similar?
Thanks for the question… I know there has been some confusion on this .
There are:
8 Infantry sculpts
1 Artillery sculpt
1 Aircraft sculpt
1 Tank sculpt
1 Battleship sculpt
1 Cruiser sculpt
1 Transport sculpt
1 Submarine sculpt
Curses. So there are in fact just 15 sculpt types, not 22. I wish WotC would check its sales flyers more carefully.
Yikes….I hoped at least the artillery would be different.
Don’t worry the other game has like 32 sculpts.
Don’t worry the other game has like 32 sculpts.
The other game?
What game is that Imperious? Go ahead you can say it.
Thats pretty dissapointing considering the price this game is going to be…i was happy to see storage boxes though…at least the CP could have had some different sculps but guess thats the way the dice rolled this time.
What do you want to bet Tyboogie that second edition will have updated sculpts and possible new unit types(Zeppelins,heavy artilery, etc)
That’s unfortunate there are few sculpts. I was hoping there was 22.(Unique sculpts for Allies and CP) I guess we’ll have to wait for future editions or games if there are any to get more sculpts. Either that or HBG or FMG needs to get make more sculpts.
The other game?
Are those fighter planes multi-part; its evidently difficult to produce reasonable units in one piece.
Stange you’ve shown us 7 different types of rail gun, but no infantry.
That’s unfortunate there are few sculpts. I was hoping there was 22.(Unique sculpts for Allies and CP) I guess we’ll have to wait for future editions or games if there are any to get more sculpts. Either that or HBG or FMG needs to get make more sculpts.
Indeed, so disappointing! Especially because they apparently didn’t keep the sculpts that would have worked fine in the new game (i.e., French Infantry, German Infantry, British Infantry)… nor did they keep the old colors or control markers when they would have worked just fine (British, French, Italian.) Instead they give us an all-new look for things that could have stayed the same (and in many cases saved time and/or $)… and then they give us the same sculpts across the board for all the non-infantry pieces!
I just don’t get why WotC does this kind of stuff! It’s unbelievably bone-headed to me!
Yeah, definitely a bummer.
When the artillery and planes are so small would you even be able to distinguish a Spad from a Fokker?
The size issue is more of a bummer to me than having different sculpts.
What with all the infantry seemingly being similar-looking men leveling bayonets, there isn’t much distinction between the different infantry sculpts either. You can tell that this game wasn’t attended to with particular love and care. I’m afraid WotC just rushed it out in an attempt to cash in on the 100-year anniversary, that they don’t actually care about accuracy and playability so much as a profit. Sad, because in several respects the Great War is even more interesting than its successor and this game could’ve spawned a whole new generation of WWI historians.
They rushed the 1st edition so the 2nd edition will be ready for the REAL anniversary next year.
They rushed the 1st edition so the 2nd edition will be ready for the REAL anniversary next year.
You mean in 2033. Remember, we have to wait 20 years to get a Revised edition with unique unit sculpts.
I’ve been looking for it… maybe I missed it somewhere else? Have we yet been given the canonical explanation of which specific things the non-infantry sculpts represent?
The battleships looks to me like a Connecticut class semi-dreadnought and the cruiser looks to me like a 3-stack version of an Omaha-class?!?
Pairing a pre-dreadnought BB with a post-war CL seems likely an especially unfortunate choice to me. The one consolation for me is that once IL’s game and/or some other source of supplementary pieces is finally available, these bb’s could be used for house rules “pre-dreadnoughts” and/or “coastal BB’s.”
But we’d have to paint them.
Unless IL and his associates decide to change and “parallel” the official games colours. :-D
We are not making the same mistakes over. The colors will be different.