So WWI was the war where technology like submarines, tanks, planes, grenades, radio, machine guns really came into their own. It is a shame that the OOB A&A 1914 rules wont reflect this, so lets brainstorm about tech.
The current 2 tech charts system (12 techs) has been with A&A now since anneverary edition, so lets shoot for that.
Tech Tokens as well have been with the game, and that may be the route to go.
HOWEVER an alternative I propose is:
A research die costs 1 IPC. You can buy as many as you like. Roll them. Whatever numbers you score are the techs you are allowed to choose to buy this turn for 4 IPCs.
You may not buy more than one tech on each chart per turn.
EXAMPLE: Germany decides to spend 3 IPCs on 3 research dice and rolls a 1, 3, and 6. It may then CHOOSE to pay 5 IPCs for any one of those techs.
ALSO, if your research rolls are doubles that tech is half price, or if tripples you can pick that tech for free
EXAMPLE: Germany buys 6 research dice, and rolls 1,2,2,4,4,4. It can pay 5 IPCs to unlock Tanks, OR 2 IPCs for Advanced Aircraft, � OR pick Observation Balloons for free
1. Tanks - You may now build tanks
2. Advanced Aircraft - Your aircraft become 2/2/3
3. Chemical Warfare - Roll a die when attacking a territory, 1-3: remove that many enemy infantry; 4-6: No effect (One Territory Per Turn Only)
4. Observation Balloons - In battles where no aircraft are present, one of your artillery counts as having air support.
5. Advanced Submarines - If you opt to submerge, all enemy ships may only fire at ‘1’ when trying to sink you.
6. Radio Communications - During combats where friendly forces are also in the contested zone, roll a die. That many friendly infantry may also participate in the attack
(I am gladly accepting suggestions for more techs (perhaps we can get up to 12) so go nuts people)
Here is a temporary 12 tech chart
Air/Naval Techs
1. Armed Transports - Your transports may fire defensively at 1
2. Advanced Aeronautics - Your aircraft become 2/2/3
3. Mine Detectors - Roll a die before your ships attack into a minefield: That many ships are immune to enemy mines.
4. Observation Balloons - In battles where no aircraft are present, one of your artillery counts as having air support.
5. Advanced Submarines - If you opt to submerge, all enemy ships may only fire at ‘1’ when trying to sink you.
6. Sea Plane Tenders - Your planes may take off and land from transports (as long as they are the only unit it carries)
Land/Economic Techs
1. Tanks - As long as it is after the 3rd turn, you may build tanks.
2. War Bonds - At the end of your turn roll two dice, collect the higher number as IPCs
3. Chemical Warfare - Roll a die when attacking a territory, 1-3: remove that many enemy infantry; 4-6: No effect (One Territory Per Turn Only)
4. Conscription - When you buy 3 Infantry, receive a 4th free.
5. Radio Communications - During combats where friendly forces are also in the contested zone, roll a die. That many friendly infantry may also participate in the attack
6. Advanced Railroads - Roll a die, that many of your infantry may move 3 spaces this turn. (not into attacks or into transports)