Already Looking Forward to 1914 2nd Edition

  • @Imperious:

    Because you’ve never done that IL, especially not to vote your own posts up so you seem more popular, and especially not to post in support of your own arguments after your arguments are shot down by actual evidence. No, you would never have done that.  rolleyes

    Another troll post! LOLOL I guess that’s what you do…follow me around and try to pick fights. I don’t argue with children, sorry.

    Hmm, you seem to have broken your own rule IL. For someone that doesn’t “argue with children”, then proceeds to do so seems pretty childish. This post was on page 6, and you have made about 20 argumentative post to, or about the same person sense then lol. Why not take your own advice and stop prodding/provoking this stupid back-n-forth badgering, it’s going nowhere. You both come off looking like an 8 year old’s (I know, I’ve been there too).

  • Typical IL. Caught in a lie, and then he changes the subject.

    cool story bro  :roll:

    Typical Vonfartpants1914. Caught in a lie, and then he changes the subject.

  • Hmm, you seem to have broken your own rule IL. For someone that doesn’t “argue with children”, then proceeds to do so seems pretty childish. This post was on page 6, and you have made about 20 argumentative post to, or about the same person sense then lol. Why not take your own advice and stop prodding/provoking this stupid back-n-forth badgering, it’s going nowhere. You both come off looking like an 8 year old’s (I know, I’ve been there too).

    Page 6 was 30 years ago…

    It was a post for effect BTW. I just reply just to see what stupid reply i will read in 10 minutes. No harm in that.

  • @Imperious:

    Page 6 was 30 years ago…

    It was a post for effect BTW. I just reply just to see what stupid reply i will read in 10 minutes. No harm in that.

    No page 6 was about a week ago, and yet it still continues (but I’d agree you’ve probably been like this for 30+ years). BTW what effect are you looking for….it makes you both look a pair of asses again and again.

    It’s funny, because the stupid reply your looking for is a response to your own stupid posts (it comes full circle).

    …and the harm is that this thread (and many others) get so sidetracked and off off topic that ppl abandon them, because they don’t want to wade through the BS. In reality it is the members of your beloved that are getting screwed because of what you have called your personal entertainment.

    I’m simply asking (as a member) for you both to back off this nonsense, and stick to the topics. Try being civil to each other, or hold comment. Try actual debate if you don’t see eye to eye on a topic, instead of personal insults or one line zingers to get under ones skin……

  • No page 6 was about a week ago

    It was a joke BTW.

    Try being civil to each other, or hold comment

    You see as usual it was him that began:

    “Once again IL argues with only “common sense” against actual sources, and attacks the idea of providing sources because he knows that if he abides by procedures that reasonable people use to settle disputes, he will lose utterly. Just because you don’t want it in your game does not mean it is inappropriate for an A&A style game. Get over yourself. You are not the God of Axis & Allies.”

    You see i never begin in a thread with something like this. I don’t enter discussion with dirt all over my shoes on a clean rug. He is not even in the conversation, but starts with this gibberish.
    He should hold comment and stop hijacking threads. You should be yelling at him.

    Sounds like a good plan anyway Wild Bill, but if the first poster actually made a post that has nothing to do with me at all, it could work. He will never learn.

    Other than that…. cool story bro :-D

  • I’m not yelling (well maybe a little), and I did recently PM von (and he too responded in a positive manner). I’m not really interested in how it started, just when it will end (as most bystanders are). At least it sounds like you are willing to call a truce. I have been there before, and hope he takes this as an olive branch (its about as close as he’s going to get).

  • I’m not yelling (well maybe a little), and I did recently PM von (and he too responded in a positive manner). I’m not really interested in how it started, just when it will end (as most bystanders are). At least it sounds like you are willing to call a truce. I have been there before, and hope he takes this as an olive branch (its about as close as he’s going to get).

    I would hope that he NEVER REFERENCES ME OR REPLIES TO ANY POST FROM ME. It is just stupid.  Notice i carry perfectly normal discourse with many other members here, and the only nasty ones are from the same people over and over again. And they start the problems every time.

    The same people should stop entering threads with salvo’s from past defeats.

    Wild Bill, about 90% of the time ( if you bother to look) that is what he and about 3 others do. They just enter a thread with an argument and confrontation over a post i made. And it goes on from there into scrap metal discussions ( to coin a phrase).

    I respect you and all your opinions and i think you know that.

  • IL, you’ve PO’d me too a point of no return a few times in the past. I’ve even been guilty of jumping into heated off topic debates that you’re in the middle of (seems to be quite a few) just to not side with you (if that makes sense). I guess sometimes it’s not if you’re right or wrong, but rather how arrogant you are, and how you carry yourself. Even after all that I can still hold a conversation with you, debate a topic w/you (for or against). I hope that when you say “never” you don’t mean it. I agree that in order for it to work, both parties need to leave the past behind though (not forget it, just don’t bring it up), and watch that first shot across the bow.

    That’s all I’m going to say, the rest is up to you guys.

  • I have lots of wishes for the second edition, but these 3 are the biggest:

    1. Larger Map for a better playable westernfront

    2. Switzerland Impassable (or 4 IPCs worth)

    3. Maybe 2 “Rulessystems” one action scenario with US War entry R4/ Italy R1 and
        one historical scenario with Italys war entry Round 2 and USAs we Round 6

    Yours ?

  • Things that I would hope the 2nd edition has:
    -Updated rules obviously
    -Enough pieces to play the game
    -More chips!!
    These are the major things.  There are a bunch of other things that could be changed but would alter the game.  Really though, shouldn’t the game at least come with enough pieces to play it?  Lots of people have said this already but I’m saying it again because it’s silly.  Germany uses all its infantry in the initial setup and has to improvise in its first buy.  You also run out of chips way too often.  I can live with not providing IPC’s or IPC charts or other cardboard accessories; it sucks, but I can live with it.  Not having enough pieces to play the game you’ve bought without having to struggle for a solution annoys me.  Just give me enough pieces!!

  • I agree with you Ryguy completely. I have no problem with people who want to purchase multiple copies for their own benefit but to actually HAVE to purchase more than one game to actually play 1 is LUNACY to me. The sad fact is it wouldn’t have taken many more pieces to get the game we wanted. A total cost to them of about 3 dollars maybe.
    If they do an updated version I hope it is truly updated.

    Better movement system
    More and better pieces
    Bigger map

  • @Imperious:

    Typical IL. Caught in a lie, and then he changes the subject.

    cool story bro  :roll:

    Typical Vonfartpants1914. Caught in a lie, and then he changes the subject.

    Why can’t the moderators just stop the arguing?  Can’t we all just get along?

    Anyway, I a about to play AA WW1 for the 1st time on July 13th which I am happy to say is my 40th B-day (not to be confused with D-day).  Which errata should I use (and/or any rules modifications)?

  • '16


    Anyway, I a about to play AA WW1 for the 1st time on July 13th which I am happy to say is my 40th B-day (not to be confused with D-day).  Which errata should I use (and/or any rules modifications)?

    Check out Krieghund’s post on page 14 of the FAQ thread.

    And there is the “Potential” tournament rules, give it a look.

  • Customizer

    The movement issue remains the biggest problem with this, and indeed every other A&A game.

    Land units moved at the same rate - that of the trains carrying them, so the 2 space move needs to become official, and then applied to all future WWII versions. Since there were no railways there, land movement in Africa should be by one space only.

    I’d also like to see something done to make subs more useful; either a more powerful USW, or immunity from BBs.

    Less likely to happen are board fixes, with historical borders for Greece/Bulgaria, Prussia/Poland, Finland/Norway, England/Scotland. Mexico added. More Med SZs.

    Red revolutionary units for powers that have fallen into political collapse.

    More logical rules for minor powers colonies.

    America can do nothing until at war; Italy at war round two.

    Economic Victory conditions (from PTR) rethought to make them more balanced.

    I do not want more national units sculpts, since I only use the infantry & ships anyway.

  • More pieces and more types of pieces.

    Bigger, better connected board.

    A legit IPC tracker.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    More hot chicks on the box cover.

  • @Gargantua:

    More hot chicks on the box cover.

    A meritorious suggestion, though I’m puzzled by the “more” part because (if I recall correctly), no chicks – hot or otherwise – have ever appeared on any A&A box covers.  Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg and wife of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, had a good shot at showing up on the cover art of the 1914 game, but the poor lady got snipped from the artwork’s adaptation of the famous photo I’ve copied below.  And in any case, at age 46 she was hardly a babe when this picture was taken.

    Franz and Sophie.jpg

  • TripleA '12

    And in any case, at age 46 she was hardly a babe when this picture was taken.

    Oh, I don’t know… she looks quite fit to me!  :wink:

    Seriously though, I haven’t bought this game yet so you can put me down in the ‘waiting for 2nd Edition’ camp as well for all the reasons stated above.

  • Customizer

    I still think Franz Ferdinand looks like a Meerkat.

  • it would be cool if they did strategic rails kinda like the burma road in global. like, the more tts you had containing the road, the more units you could place at the end of it. might balance out the defender’s advantage of the front being closer to their production facilities…

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