• Heard this topic on the BBC radio late one night and thought we on this forum should solve this issue.

  • @ABWorsham:

    thought we on this forum should solve this issue.

    Presumably by having a debate rather than by staging a re-enactment of the war.  I think Jennifer’s our only female, and I’m not sure how she’d feel about playing Margaret Thatcher.

  • If she turns down the part, I will volunteer to dress in drag.
    Has been a while.
    Come to think of it, the last time I did,  I crashed my Panda(tiny Fiat) into a parked car.(I blame the heels.)I drove off, only to be rung  by plod the next day.
    Wearing women’s underwear and crime do not pay!

    Of course the Islands are ours.

  • @wittmann:

    Of course the Islands are ours.

    KIRK: You’re the ones who issued the ultimatum to withdraw from the disputed areas!
    KOR: They’re not disputed, they’re clearly ours!

    – Star Trek, “Errand of  Mercy”

  • Customizer


    ––There’s yet another possibility afloat(G) here.
    ----I nominate our own “Gargantua” as “El Dominatro Magistero” of the Mighty Falkland nation.
    ––IMHO Gargantua’s long list of specific(peculiar?) personality traits(syndromes?), including(in his own mind) his awesome leadership capabilities(delusions?), puts him head and shoulders above any other candidate for the leadership of such a large nation(hmmm) as the Falkand Islands.
    ----He could lead his own treaty organization,…GATO, Gargantua Area Treaty Organization.
    ––And by far the most important consideration would be that this would send “El Dominatro Magistero” thousands of miles away, isolated.
    ----The only other consideration that I would insist upon would be to outlaw his internet access, because he’d be way too busy with important matters of state to have time for the internet, thereby allowing us all to recover from his “presence”.
    ----After he “illuminates” the Falkland Islanders, and then leading them to world primacy, we should invite him to return to our small little world after a short time (say a thousand years).
    ----IMHO This sounds like a winning plan for EVERYONE! What Do YA’LL Think?

    Many grins and Happy New Year to everyone.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:

    The only other consideration that I would insist upon would be to outlaw his internet access, because he’d be way too busy with important matters of state to have time for the internet, thereby allowing us all to recover from his “presence”.

    Do the Falklands even have Internet access yet or are they so remote that their telecommunications technology still consists of telephones made from a length of fishing wire strung between two empty tin cans?

  • Customizer

    CWO Marc,



    The only other consideration that I would insist upon would be to outlaw his internet access, because he’d be way too busy with important matters of state to have time for the internet, thereby allowing us all to recover from his “presence”.

    Do the Falklands even have Internet access yet or are they so remote that their telecommunications technology still consists of telephones made from a length of fishing wire strung between two empty tin cans?

    ––This makes my nomination of “Gargantua the Great” an even more perfect solution.

    ----Mr ABWorsham,…I formally request you to hereby alter the voting responses to officially include the nomination of our beloved(?) Gargantua to the title of "El Dominatro Magistero". Start the “applause” machine and que the national anthem.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    There are 2 Falkland islands, so I always thought it would have made more sense if Argentina got the one on the left and Britain got the one on the right instead of having a war over it.  Kind of an obvious compromise when you look at the map.  But I guess the leaders of Argentina and Britain needed something to distract people from economic issues at the time, kind of like our great leaders do today over junk like Iraq and Iran.  I know!  Lets give Israel the one on the right and USA can have the one on the left.  Gargantua can have Syria.  Sound fair?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    ––There’s yet another possibility afloat(G) here.
    ----I nominate our own “Gargantua” as “El Dominatro Magistero” of the Mighty Falkland nation.
    ––IMHO Gargantua’s long list of specific(peculiar?) personality traits(syndromes?), including(in his own mind) his awesome leadership capabilities(delusions?), puts him head and shoulders above any other candidate for the leadership of such a large nation(hmmm) as the Falkand Islands.
    ----He could lead his own treaty organization,…GATO, Gargantua Area Treaty Organization.
    ––And by far the most important consideration would be that this would send “El Dominatro Magistero” thousands of miles away, isolated.
    ----The only other consideration that I would insist upon would be to outlaw his internet access, because he’d be way too busy with important matters of state to have time for the internet, thereby allowing us all to recover from his “presence”.
    ----After he “illuminates” the Falkland Islanders, and then leading them to world primacy, we should invite him to return to our small little world after a short time (say a thousand years).
    ----IMHO This sounds like a winning plan for EVERYONE! What Do YA’LL Think?

    Many grins and Happy New Year to everyone.

    “Tall Paul”


    Epic… :P


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    See you all in a THOUSAND years! :P

  • Customizer


    ––Well, I guess you’re rubbing off on me(bad influence?) :-o. But seriously, please remember to send all us, your fans(victims?) :roll:, an autographed photo of you in your royal attire attaining your reign.(proof of departure?) :-D

    ----Happy New Year, “G”

    “Tall Paul”

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