I also don’t use my mechs to attack.
After first 3 rds (w/pics) *I'm Allies and Bro/Uncle are axis… HELP NEEDED
It’s too late for it in this game, but as UK i like to take out Tobruk instead of a Taranto (Which feels like suicide to me, esp. with the extra german scrambler). Tobruk can be wiped out and it will cost most of your Suez fleet (CRU to SZ96, might cost the GIB fig as casualty) to Malta and DD to block in SZ99 keeping Cairo relatively safe in turn 1), the AC can retreat to SZ80 to be joined by ships and air from India (which can strike turn 2), if India also sends 1 TRP and takes Persia, UK has a good set up to take Iraq turn 2 and secure the Middle East and Africa for a while.
result: (relatively) secured Africa and Mid East
downside: 1 less fighter to London, italian fleet can survive and join, a weaker Calcutta and less 1 money islandAlso, when germany goes Sealion, it can pay off to buy offensive with Russia instead of retreating and buying infantry.
Is it Germany’s turn now?
As a broader point, I’d posit that it’s almost always better to buy Artillery with the Soviets while not at war rather than all Infantry, regardless of whether Germany is doing a G3 Sealion or just posturing that he could. The difference in the # of pips you roll on defense between a buy of 12I and 8I and 3 Arty is only 1. But the difference in the # of pips you roll on attack is 5.
Every turn you can slow Germany’s advance increases the Allies’ chances of winning.
If you can make him wait for one turn because he doesn’t have the horses to yet hold a piece of real estate standing next to your stack while staring across the lines at 16-20 Artillery is good for you. If you can also strafe him of his infantry, trading your infantry and keeping all of your artillery, tanks, and planes intact, then you retreat into your advancing Infantry reinforcements that are 1 spot away – he either has to attack with less fodder or wait for his reinforcements (which take longer to get to him). The only way to take advantage of your logisitical position is to make it matter – make him need reinforcements or risk his pricey pieces in a battle that suddenly has a lot less room for error (or chance).
It’s too late for it in this game, but as UK i like to take out Tobruk instead of a Taranto (Which feels like suicide to me, esp. with the extra german scrambler). Tobruk can be wiped out and it will cost most of your Suez fleet (CRU to SZ96, might cost the GIB fig as casualty) to Malta and DD to block in SZ99 keeping Cairo relatively safe in turn 1), the AC can retreat to SZ80 to be joined by ships and air from India (which can strike turn 2), if India also sends 1 TRP and takes Persia, UK has a good set up to take Iraq turn 2 and secure the Middle East and Africa for a while.
result: (relatively) secured Africa and Mid East
downside: 1 less fighter to London, italian fleet can survive and join, a weaker Calcutta and less 1 money islandAlso, when germany goes Sealion, it can pay off to buy offensive with Russia instead of retreating and buying infantry.
Yes, its Germany’s turn
Is it Germany’s turn now? -
Russians are boring to play. You just count up the German Armor, divide them by two. Count up the Art/Inf/Mech and divide by three.
IF you have enough Infantry to sustain a round of combat without losing your 2 Ftr/Tac, you counter attack. (Meaning their hit number is equal to or lesser than the Infantry you can bring in)
If you do not, you take a step back and let the Germans move forward for free.
You do that each round - making your purchases entirely based on fodder purchases (Inf/Art/Mech) to allow your Aircraft to keep jousting in and hitting a few of the German fodder units.
Your BEST opportunity is generally the first round the Germans advance into East Poland. After that the stack gets bigger and you generally have to locate the breakoff stacks and try to chip away at those fodder units - because ALL those German units will be going into Moscow at once making it irrelevant if you’re hitting the big stack or the smaller ones. At the beginning they are likely all on one stack - making the target simpler to choose.
Sometimes the risk of an Armor or Artillery in those jousts can make a nice dent, but realize you’re likely losing them the next round to the German advance, so if trading 10 IPC of units gets 3 Infantry, you’re winning due to the lack of German fodder units once you chew them all up.
well I capture Berlin with Russia…I was able to capture the MAJOR complex in Romania and then build some offensive weapons and march into Berlin.
We are going to play again (same teams) but this time I will play it much smarter with UK using all of your advice
You did downgrade the major to a minor when you captured it, right?
nope, we didn’t do it :?
worked out in my favor though lol