Kamikaze are a defensive weapon, which are resolved at the beginning of the combat phase, so the attacking air units have already launched from their carriers are not in danger (unless they are “guest” air units). As such, they will participate in combat even if their carrier is hit, and will have the remainder of their movement to land as normal afterwards.
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
Has to be a different transport to be strictly rules compliant.
Right, because you can never unload one unit from a transport in the combat movement phase and then another in the non-com phase. Once a transport unloads, it’s DONE for the turn
Can I attack a territory, take it and then move tanks/mech through it to reinforce a neighboring territory that I already controlled?
Can I attack a territory, take it and then move tanks/mech through it to reinforce a neighboring territory that I already controlled?
Another one… Does Colombia border seazone 89? It looks like Venezuela, Colombia and Central America converge.
You’re right, they meet at a point. Colombia does not border Z89
Here’s a reference of Krieghund explaining that Venezuela does not border Central America because they meet at a point. He says if they meet at a point, they’re not adjacent.
I think I might have found a loophole. If you are playing with tech and have rockets, you can target the rocket on an air or naval base and if you are also strategically bombing the same territory, you don’t have to nominate the target until after the air battle which means you can see the results of the rocket attack and attack the factory instead, or a different base or vice versa.
Am I reading the rules correctly?
The rules for rockets just say they take place “during the Strategic bombing phase of your turn” so it’s not definitive
I probably knew a couple years ago but haven’t played tech for at least that long so I don’t remember for sure. Somebody else would have to answer that for sure, and if someone doesn’t have notes from Krieghund’s previous clarifications on this you’ll probably need Krieghund himself to answer this for sure
But if there’s no air battle?
Then are targets chosen by all bombers before rockets are rolled? -
Why would it make a difference whether or not there’s an air battle? The air battle and the bombing both take place in the same step. The rocket attacks can be done before any of the SBRs are resolved.
Why would it make a difference whether or not there’s an air battle?
Because when there’s an air battle, the attacker divides his bombers into groups after the air battles. If there are no air battles, the attacker would declare targets at some point before AAA fire. It is unclear whether you have to declare targets before rolling rocket dice.
The rocket attacks can be done before any of the SBRs are resolved.
And there’s the answer we need - thanks!!!
Wait, you said “resolved”
To be 100% clear, you can roll rockets before you choose facility targets for bombers? -
Hmm, if the pull request I have on github is accepted this loophole will be closed in Triple-A. Order will be: nominate rocket targets, SBR, roll rocket damage. Current order is: nominate rocket territories; for each rocket pick facility to target then roll. I’m somewhat disinclined to change it.
Hmm, if the pull request I have on github is accepted this loophole will be closed in Triple-A. Order will be: nominate rocket targets, SBR, roll rocket damage. Current order is: nominate rocket territories; for each rocket pick facility to target then roll. I’m somewhat disinclined to change it.
But the correct order is:
1. Choose rocket target
2. Roll for rocket damage
3. SBR Air Battle (if occurring)
4. SBR declare targets
5. SBR AA fire
6. SBR roll for damage -
Isn’t the rule as clarified a bit against the spirit of the A&A rules? If it is as I have proposed it still isn’t against the rules, it just enforces some additional (house) rules.
BTW, Triple-A requires targets to be declared before rocket targets are if there are no potential interceptors.
It would be great if Triple A followed the actual official rules as closely as possible please
It would be great if Triple A followed the actual official rules as closely as possible please
A bit difficult to have rocket attacks and SBR in any desired order which appears to be rule.
In fact, the formerly noted “bug” about 2nd rockets being able to be targetted after the 1st rocket is rolled appears to be not a bug unless there is some previous answer making it a bug.
I suppose the order as expounded by P@nther is possible. Maybe have an option?
Can this point be clarified?
In fact, the formerly noted “bug” about 2nd rockets being able to be targetted after the 1st rocket is rolled appears to be not a bug unless there is some previous answer making it a bug.
You will need Krieghund’s answer on that because the rockets rule doesn’t specify.
I would guess that you have to declare all rocket targets before rolling any dice for any rockets, but you are right that there is room for interpretation if you just read the brief rules for rockets under “breakthrough chart 1”