@tincanofthesea thanks! I’m going test it next time I play. Whats your feedback? @GeneralHandGrenade
Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)
If russia non-combat into an american controlled korea, does this affect the mongolia rule?
If russia non-combat into an american controlled korea, does this affect the mongolia rule?
negative ghostrider
the pattern is full
How is damage calculated when doing an SBR on a major IC?
I know each surviving bomber gets to roll a dice, but sometimes I see a 7 or 8 for a dice. Why is that? -
How is damage calculated when doing an SBR on a major IC?
I know each surviving bomber gets to roll a dice, but sometimes I see a 7 or 8 for a dice. Why is that?Strategic Bombers each inflict one die plus two (1d6+2) points of damage.
If you roll a 5, that’s 7. If you roll a 6, that’s 8. -
thanks for clarifying that!
Does a Japanese SBR on a Russian air base built in Amur activate the Mongolians?
Does a Japanese SBR on a Russian air base built in Amur activate the Mongolians?
“Also, if Japan attacks any Soviet-controlled territory that is adjacent to any Mongolian territory…”
SBR is an attack.
How would this scenario play out? 3 UK inf and 3UK art are loaded on three US transports attacking western germany from SZ 112, (UK’s turn) with a large US navy in the same sea zone and no UK navy or air. Germany scrambles to defend the sea zone but my question is are the German air able to sink US transports? If so that seems a little strange that the America navy would sit by while one of their transports are sinking. Also since it is an American transport on UKs turn it can’t retreat so what happens?
I would play it as, the UK has to sit on the US ships until they receive their own orders to attack. The ships they are offloading from are still manned, and there for would still be able to defend. And besides, you CAN’T single out or choose who you are attacking in a country/territory/SZ, you attack the whole space and everything in it. If the SZ that they are offloading from is loaded with friendly ships, they still get to defend the space. Its that way in every other case in the game. Friendly powers occupying the same space can defend at the same time, but can only attack during their own individual turns. Also in the case of an ACC with two Friendly planes on it (all 3 can defend that SZ, ACC and the 2 friendly planes, but the friendly planes can only attack on their own turn and with out being able to move the ACC that they took off from).
UK is the attacker in this scenerio.Rules don’t allow a friendly power to participate in your attack.That’s what I think.
UK is the attacker in this scenerio.Rules don’t allow a friendly power to participate in your attack.That’s what I think.
Right. The fleet is not defending against a scramble, the scramble is the defense against the attack.
In this scenario, if Germany scrambles then the attack is not allowed. No ships are sunk, no dice are rolled, no combat takes place.
Makes me think of other questions.
#1 If UK is also using other land based units to attack,do the air units that were scrambled(were they actually scrambled if the attack is cancelled?)get to defend?#2 What if UK has air units on friendly carriers .Can Uk use those units to protect the trannies?
Makes me think of other questions.
#1 If UK is also using other land based units to attack,do the air units that were scrambled(were they actually scrambled if the attack is cancelled?)get to defend?Air units that are scrambled can NOT defend against the land units of the amphibious assault. Likewise, air units that intercept an SBR cannot scramble or defend against land attack. They can only be involved in 1 battle.
#2 What if UK has air units on friendly carriers .Can Uk use those units to protect the trannies?
Absolutely. those UK air units can take off the carriers and fight scrambled aircraft and/or hostile warships that are now in the zone.
Guest fighters are only stuck on the allied carriers when it is that ally’s turn and that ally is moving/attacking.
But when the power owning the fighters has their turn, those fighters can be used freely in combat move/combat. -
UK is the attacker in this scenerio.Rules don’t allow a friendly power to participate in your attack.That’s what I think.
Right. The fleet is not defending against a scramble, the scramble is the deffense against the attack.
In this scenario, if Germany scrambles then the attack is not allowed. No ships are sunk, no dice are rolled, no combat takes place.
yup true, the scramble is the defender. AND, the amphibious assault is coming from Land units not controlling any of the naval ships in the SZ. ALL of the naval ships are controlled by friendlies, and if the scramble is defending the assault they would have to defend against ALL of the ships.
If the scramble can swoop in and destroy only the transports in the middle of ALL the war ships, I feel that this is just a manipulation of the words printed in the rulebook.
yup true, the scramble is the defender. AND, the amphibious assault is coming from Land units not controlling any of the naval ships in the SZ. ALL of the naval ships are controlled by friendlies,
and if the scramble is defending the assault they would have to defend against ALL of the ships.
Only against the ships of the power whose turn it is (in this case, there are none)
If the scramble can swoop in and destroy only the transports in the middle of ALL the war ships, I feel that this is just a manipulation of the words printed in the rulebook.
It’s a wrong interpretation, not a manipulation… :-)
Scrambled aircraft defend along with any defending warships against whatever naval or air forces of the power whose turn it is (in this case UK) are in the sea zone at the end of the combat movement phase. If there are no naval or air forces of the playing power (UK) in the first place, then there is no combat, and amphibious assaults off friendly transports would then not be allowed.
This is all under the set of facts that you have UK ground units on Allied (Not UK) transports and there are no other UK warships or aircraft in the sea zone at the end of the combat movement phase. Under this set of facts, if the defender scrambles (only 1 plane required), the attacker (UK) is simply not able to unload any troops and no combat takes place. The amphibious assault is stopped by the scramble, with no losses.
Before the US is at war, does the rule regarding stopping naval movement adjacent to Japanese territories apply just to surface ships…or does it include subs?
The rulebook uses the term “sea units”. I think submarines qualify for that :wink:.
In real life you might have a point (who can detect where a nation’s subs are), but the wording of the rules leave no room for interpretation.
If a sub does a non combat move into a seazone containing warships and transports ,are the transports allowed to move out of the seazone during combat move and then load and move again in non combat move?