I have a few questions, assume Alpha +2 rules - thanks in advance for help:
1.) When you place an airbase, navel base or upgrade a minor industrial - does that count againt the production limit for the territory it is placed in? Example: UK places an airbase at its South African minor IC - can it then place up to 2 more units or 3? How do new AA guns factor in?
2.) Which territories (other than the obviously original Chinese ones) can the Chinese fighter occupy? What conditions if any must exist 1st? Example: Does the UK need to be at war with Japan for China to land in Sham or Burma?
3.) Does the (optional) rader tech upgrade the quality of facility AA guns or just the AA guns that protect ground units?
4.) If defending air units participate in an air battle during a strategic bombing raid are they also eligible to participate in a scramble in that same turn?