Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • '12


    Thanks Boldfresh. Yes, that does seem like a pain in the butt…and I’ll have to explain it to my opponent now…I hope he agrees to it…Anzac needs that extra money!

    it’s not something he needs to agree to.  you just give yourself the money and tell him why  :wink:

  • '23 '21 '20 '19 '17 '16 '15 '13

    I’ll just change territory ownership from US to Anzac…then I won’t have to add the NO each turn.
    I’ll let my opponent know what’s going on …it’s just a friendly game so I don’t want him to feel like I’m making up rules as I go.

  • '12

    that’s fine except for if you ever want to build a base on the territory - the base would be purchased, placed, and operated by USA, unless axis takes NG back and then another power retakes.  just make sure there are no other original anzac territories that are not owned by the axis to thwart the NO.

  • '16 '15 '10

    hey guys, sorry for a nub question……I forgot about the relationship between airfield damage and scramble.  Does a certain amount of airfield damage negate the ability to scramble, or does that only relate to air movement?

  • Hi Zhukov. You cannot scramble or get the extra one  movement if the AB has 3 or more damage. Not one or two.

  • Sorry if that last phrase was unclear.
    I meant with 1 or 2 damage you can still scramble and get the extra movement.
    It is 3 damage that negates these two abilities.

  • And for the tech players out there -

    I recently got clarification from Krieghund that air bases with 3 or more damage can’t launch paratroopers (or rockets - which was clear in the rulebook).

  • What about Interception, can i intercept when my airbase has +3 or more damage? I guess yes but a clarification would be nice! thxs

  • '12


    What about Interception, can i intercept when my airbase has +3 or more damage? I guess yes but a clarification would be nice! thxs

    No ab needed for intercept

  • thxs Boldfresh for your fast answer  :-D

  • '16 '15 '10


    Hi Zhukov. You cannot scramble or get the extra one  movement if the AB has 3 or more damage. Not one or two.

    Thanks. I had never really thought about it.  And it’s a very significant detail indeed.

  • TripleA

    Say Russia is at war with Japan but not Germany.

    Say USA is at war with everyone. Can USA land units into amur?

    Yes rolling 1s or 2s on airbase damage with tactical sucks balls. Just bomb UK’s airbase with Italy if you have to, so when germany does sea lion, it goes off without scramble problem.

  • @Cow:

    Say Russia is at war with Japan but not Germany.

    Say USA is at war with everyone. Can USA land units into amur?

    Yes, any of the allies can move into any Russian territory on the Pacific map in this situation.

    Yes rolling 1s or 2s on airbase damage with tactical sucks balls. Just bomb UK’s airbase with Italy if you have to, so when germany does sea lion, it goes off without scramble problem.

    The cool thing about the +2 on Strat bombers is if they get through the interceptors and AA fire, you are guaranteed to disable a base with a single Strat bomber

  • @Cow:

    Just bomb UK’s airbase with Italy if you have to, so when germany does sea lion, it goes off without scramble problem.

    That is brilliant.  I must remember this so it’s not pulled off with success against me.

    Although UK normally has a few fighters and Italy’s fighters are normally out of range, so it wouldn’t be a very high success rate, I wouldn’t think.  And if Italy moved her fighters/tac within range of London I think I would be tipped off…

    But thanks for advertising that nasty little trick

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    In a sealion game you could have Germany SBR London.  Send tacs to serve in the air battle and to hit the airbase. Money spent to repair it may be 1 less infantry they can build.  Then SBR it a second time with Italy from the Paris airbase.  If they intercept you might shoot down a fighter.

  • TripleA

    I got lots of tricks up moo sleeve. I am the candy man, you can call me the screaming lord, or ice, the super machine. Prepare the next attack, this is the liberation!

  • Oh my goodness, I shouldn’t have encouraged him

  • TripleA

    My transports are always in the pipe 5 by 5 with a squad of badasses looking sharp. I will always escort them to the perfect drop.

    I just need help remembering the rules to this complicated game!

  • We’re always here for your rules questions, Cow
    Never hesitate to ask

  • Whoa!

    PGMatt and I both got rockets (he with Germany, than I got them with UK) and we’re starting to rain them on each other!

    Poring over the rules for rockets, we have a question.

    The rule book says each of your operative air bases can make a single rocket attack against an enemy IC, air base, or naval base within 4 spaces

    There is no stated prohibition against targeting the same facility with more than one rocket attack.

    My question is:

    1. Can you attack the same facility with multiple rockets (coming from different air bases)?
    2. If no, can you attack DIFFERENT facilities within the same target territory (coming from different air bases)?

    Or is it still the rule that basically you can only target a single enemy territory once per turn?  Last I remember, that’s the way it was, but that was when (I thought) it was only IC’s that could be targeted.  I see this changed as of Alpha3.

    Thanks, Krieghund!

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