Thanks for the update. Enjoy your travels :)
Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament
I will post Round 2 matchups after I see that most everyone has started their Round 1 matchups.
Until then, let me begin by repeating some ground rules for the tournament.
All the games must be played with TripleA or later versions. You can download TripleA here: -
TripleA already comes with all these games installed (except for 270BC), so no need to download anything else right now. We will cross that bridge of downloading 270BC when we get to it, but if you can’t wait, here is a tutorial video of how to download maps:
1. Veqryn, Gargantua, and coachofmany, are in charge of this tournament. If you have questions or need rulings, direct them to us! If you need help understanding the rules of a map, just post here.2. No teams. All games are 1v1.
3. All players who are participating must make an account at Historical Board Game’s website:
This is so that you can receive your prize money at the end of the tourney.4. The Tourney is Swiss style, noone is eliminated. Any players who play ALL 5 rounds AND Win at least 2 games, will receive $5 on Historical Board Games.
5. The Grand Winner of the Tournament will receive $40 on Historical Board Games.
(You have to cover your own shipping costs if it goes over your prize amount)6. Because everyone is new to most of these games, rulings will be based on a “Common Sense” approach, and will not be very strict.
7. Everyone should post regularly, like at least several times per week unless you notify everyone you are on a holiday or something. Failure to post regularly enough can result in a loss for that game. (minimum 2 posts per week, unless you notify ahead of time)
8. Games will be played in the A&A forum, unless both players agree to play the game live on the lobby, or by email (please post the result save when the game is over).
9. All games will use the DEFAULT rules in TripleA, unless both players agree. (So for example, Great War is dice, while New World Order is low luck)
10. Both players must find a way to agree on who plays which side. If they can not agree, then I will roll a dice to determine who plays what side.
So, let me repeat this:
**You and your Opponent must decide on:
1. What dice rules to use (ie: Dice or Low Luck).
2. What side each player plays.**If you can not agree, then:
1. You will use whatever rules are default for that map (ie: Napoleonic is Low Luck, while Great War is dice)
2. I will roll a dice to determine who gets what side.thanks, and everyone may start now!
Please start your threads, and pm the other guy to join them! -
can u plz send me my opponents email so i can comunicate with him? using this forum for that could be very confusing i think
ah noticed u made seperate post for matches ill try the same
sorry for double post
usually you just start the thread, and also “private message” the person
to send a private message, go through the first 5 pages here and look for the name of the person you are playing. then click on their name and then click ‘send private message’, or just click the little “chat” icon by their name on the left side of the screen
also, i should throw this out there:
If players can not agree on how to play the game (forum, lobby, email, etc), then the default method is to play via forum.
Put in Seththenewb in for me if you want, he seems pretty keen, I am playing several other games at the moment anyway. Apologies for any hassle.
Put in Seththenewb in for me if you want, he seems pretty keen, I am playing several other games at the moment anyway. Apologies for any hassle.
I didn’t want to boot anyone who was interested in playing. Just figured I’d throw my name in the hat in case someone was a no show.
Is this thread going to be Stickied? Would make it easier on my sanity, for one.
Ok i have an account now, so i will be ready to start this week. Sorry im a little bit late.
Put in Seththenewb in for me if you want, he seems pretty keen, I am playing several other games at the moment anyway. Apologies for any hassle.
I didn’t want to boot anyone who was interested in playing. Just figured I’d throw my name in the hat in case someone was a no show.
Ok i have an account now, so i will be ready to start this week. Sorry im a little bit late.
BacalaSeth and Bacala, you 2 are welcome to start your game ASAP
Randmacts, it would be cool if you could stay in the tournament. Your opponent is ‘ice’, and he has already started a thread for you two: you must drop out, please let me know, but it would be much better if you stay in and have fun!)
I’m waiting for Lala to show up in the forums!
I’m waiting for Lala to show up in the forums!
send him a private message, with a link to your new thread
(i’ll also slap him if I see him in the lobby)
Put in Seththenewb in for me if you want, he seems pretty keen, I am playing several other games at the moment anyway. Apologies for any hassle.
I didn’t want to boot anyone who was interested in playing. Just figured I’d throw my name in the hat in case someone was a no show.
Ok i have an account now, so i will be ready to start this week. Sorry im a little bit late.
BacalaSeth and Bacala, you 2 are welcome to start your game ASAP
Randmacts, it would be cool if you could stay in the tournament. Your opponent is ‘ice’, and he has already started a thread for you two: you must drop out, please let me know, but it would be much better if you stay in and have fun!)
Yeah, I PM’d him already asking what side he wanted.
I played 6 rounds of Napoleonic Empires and I still don’t quite get when you get addtional income and when it get’s reduced and how the reduction due to convoys is calculated.
Ok, so a quick status update, mostly so I can figure out who has started and who hasn’t (and therefore who needs to be poked and prodded)
RED = has not started or contacted each other
BLUE = has contacted each other or started a thread, but not started the game yet
GREEN = are currently playingNothing to see here
Most Holy
Bacala -
Nice work V. I have no idea what I’m doing in this game but your notes in this thread have been a great help. I love Napoleonic history and am loving this game so far. What a great way to introduce players to new games.
Nice work V. I have no idea what I’m doing in this game but your notes in this thread have been a great help. I love Napoleonic history and am loving this game so far. What a great way to introduce players to new games.
Very glad you like it. This is the whole point of this “tournament”: to get people to try new games and have a ton of fun.
For the previous question about convoy income, here is a longer explanation:
There have been several iterations of how convoys work according to A&A, and Napoleonic uses the version from the first A&A Europe game.
The rules are this:
1. The original owner (the person who controlled it at the beginning of the game) receives the income from a convoy zone, so long as he still controls it.
2. If anyone else controls it, then no-one gets any income from it.
3. You can only conquer a convoy zone with a unit that has some attack power greater than zero. You can only attack it during combat move.
So, lets say France’s income is 56, and UK’s income is 50, and France currently owns a 6 value convoy zone.
Now, UK conquers this zone. The new incomes are 50 for France, and 50 for UK.
This is because France loses 6, while UK gains nothing.If France conquers it back (or an ally liberates it), then France goes back up to 56, and UK still stays at 50.
There are some national objectives at the end of France, UK, and Spain’s turns. They are not related to the convoys at all actually. Basically, it was decided during balancing that the incomes of some players needed to be reduced for balancing reasons. So, for example, France receives -6 income every turn, no matter what (France could control every territory and sea zone on the board, or France could control nothing except for Paris. No matter what, France will get -6 per turn). This balancing was done over the course of 2-3 years of playing, so trust me: the game is very balanced.
Ok, I found “Ney” by accident (because my opponent moved him).
Where are the other guys: Wellington/Blucher/Charles/Kutusov ?
you can build more of these “Marshals” from the second turn onward. (and in unlimited numbers)
only france gets to start with 1 (and he is by egypt, to represent France’s forces down there)
they are quite powerful units, 4 attack, 3 defense, 3 movement, but they cost 9, which means you had better protect them with a hell of a lot of fodder
I rarely buy more than one or two of these guys…
(except if next turn you are hitting a stack 3 moves away and need the extra punch) -
Bacala and myself should both be green.