Preview: Unit Details and Abilities

  • It is meant to be a quick game. Short of reducing a Tank’s movement by 1, or blocking a Tank with 1 Inf each time, suppose we live  with it. Cannot wait anyway. Feel like a child again.

  • I know what you mean. I’ve been counting down the days. I’ve seen 3 different days for the release so I’m not 100% when the count down ends

  • same here. finally a version to play with friends.

  • I love how we talk. Sounds like we are signing up non believers to a cult. I have a friend’s girlfriend and a sister in law already lined up and interested(I think.)

  • My wife says game is over and we(Axis) won in 2 turns! I do not do Facebook.

  • back to the original subject, after carefully studying line drawings of all UK and US fleet carrier, I don’t think the new sculpt matches any of them.

    The funnel is somewhat split from the bridge, which really eliminates all classes except the Lexington class (and the funnel is certainly not large enough to qualify as that of the Lexington class).

    In addition, the AA weapons platforms on each side of the hull do not confirm to any of the following classes; Lexington, Yorktown, Wasp, Essex/Ticonderoga, Midway, Illustrious, Implacable, or Ark Royal.

    The only class which comes close, in my opinion, is the cancelled Soviet Kostromitinov project.  It may seem like a stretch, but compare the weapons platforms on both sides of the forward hull of the new sculpt, and the shape of the flight deck; they are pretty close, and just do not appear similar to any UK or US design.

    EDIT - Removed my link (Which was internal to anyway), as my post was flagged as spam.

  • I just made a post indicating that the only Allied CV design which comes close to the new sculpt is the cancelled Soviet Kostromitinov design - however, I posted a link within this site to another thread with images, and my post was marked as spam and removed. I apologize if I unknowingly violated the site’s rules regarding links, but the link was purely internal (to another thread). Anyway, I’m too lazy to repost my comparison right now - maybe later.

  • The Akismet spam blocker seems to be sensitive to links. I’ll see if I can remove the restriction for internal link.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    I just made a post indicating that the only Allied CV design which comes close to the new sculpt is the cancelled Soviet Kostromitinov design - however, I posted a link within this site to another thread with images, and my post was marked as spam and removed. I apologize if I unknowingly violated the site’s rules regarding links, but the link was purely internal (to another thread). Anyway, I’m too lazy to repost my comparison right now - maybe later.

    I’m with AG124 on this. I’ve looked through US carriers. I’ve looked through UK carriers. I can’t find one where the deck and stack seem to match the new sculpt. It’s just as close to the Yorktown or Essex as it is the Ark Royal. I looked at some drawings of the Kostromitinov as well. None of these seem to have a square deck with separated stack lower than the top of the tower. I will be curious as to the answer.

  • TripleA

    do battleships repair themselves or do they stay tipped?
    do they bombard?

    nevermind i read the posts on your article and it answers my questions
    for those like myself that missed it the first time

    yes to repair, no to bombardment

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Oh, the bombardment is gone too? That’s even simpler than Classic. That would explain the cheaper price some. 2 hits, 1@4 BB for 16 vs 2 hits, 2@2 subs for 16… hmmm, I’m thinking subs is a slightly better buy unless you have some protection for that BB.

  • Want to identify the carrier? Have at it… a good place to start is here:

  • @reloader-1:

    Want to identify the carrier? Have at it… a good place to start is here:

    Another place to look which might be even better, because the images are of simplified miniatures rather than photos of real ships, is the section of the Panzerschiffe catalog…

    …titled “World War II”.  Clicking on it gives a list of countries.  In each country, you’ll find a list of ships.  Each ship entry has a “Click” link in the “Image” column which will call up a small photo.  There are quite a few carriers listed in the catalog.

  • TripleA '12

    What I would like to see is some photos of the new pieces placed next to their AA50/1942 counterparts, to compare size/detail. Djensen, you mentioned that the Infantry pieces are a little larger tan previously… any chance we could see a pic of this? It would also be cool to compare, say, the new German Tiger next to the old Panther. Would that be okay? Thank you.

  • Customizer


    Another place to look which might be even better, because the images are of simplified miniatures rather than photos of real ships, is the section of the Panzerschiffe catalog…

    …titled “World War II”.  Clicking on it gives a list of countries.  In each country, you’ll find a list of ships.  Each ship entry has a “Click” link in the “Image” column which will call up a small photo.  There are quite a few carriers listed in the catalog.

    Thanks for that link. I went to look myself and still couldn’t positively identify the Allied carrer. I guess the Ark Royal does come closest, but it’s still not an exact match. The new sculpt looks like some kind of hybrid carrier to me – with the conning tower of a British carrier and the flight deck of an American carrier.

  • @knp7765:

    Thanks for that link. I went to look myself and still couldn’t positively identify the Allied carrer. I guess the Ark Royal does come closest, but it’s still not an exact match. The new sculpt looks like some kind of hybrid carrier to me – with the conning tower of a British carrier and the flight deck of an American carrier.

    It could be a hybrid or it could be just a case of inaccuracy.  Some of the A&A sculpts over the years have been pretty accurate (though simple) representations of the units they’re based on, but others have deviated significantly from their real-life counterparts.  The worst case I can think of is the traditional Japanese battleship sculpt, which is supposed to be modeled on the Yamato class.  The shape of the sculpt’s stern in particular is a faulty caricature of the one on the real ship, which was quite distinctive in appearance when viewed from above.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Very true on the sculpt vs. actual observations… I decided the new carrier is close enough to the Ark Royal and Essex classes that I’m happy to use them for both!

  • @Lozmoid:

    What I would like to see is some photos of the new pieces placed next to their AA50/1942 counterparts, to compare size/detail. Djensen, you mentioned that the Infantry pieces are a little larger tan previously… any chance we could see a pic of this? It would also be cool to compare, say, the new German Tiger next to the old Panther. Would that be okay? Thank you.

    I second that motion.  I’d like to see the size of the new sculpts vs the size of the AA40 sculpts, especially the ships and tanks, to see if they give us some interesting new customization options.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Very interested in the piece comparison as well since I can’t do this myself for another month now… Maybe I could come by and have a look? What do you say DJ?  :-D

  • About the same.



    What I would like to see is some photos of the new pieces placed next to their AA50/1942 counterparts, to compare size/detail. Djensen, you mentioned that the Infantry pieces are a little larger tan previously… any chance we could see a pic of this? It would also be cool to compare, say, the new German Tiger next to the old Panther. Would that be okay? Thank you.

    I second that motion.  I’d like to see the size of the new sculpts vs the size of the AA40 sculpts, especially the ships and tanks, to see if they give us some interesting new customization options.

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