Awesome news! I am already looking forward to the release!
House rules for using the new 1941 sculpts in other global games…
I love your ideas. I have been working on an extensive set of House Rules that we will be using soon in our group.
We will borrow some of your thoughts here.One question: If we use the IS-2 as a heavy tank then how can we use the KV tank that is coming out in the HBG set? Both heavy tanks but should there be some distinction between them?
I would just play with them as fun units. If you like the 1941 tiger tank or the panzers from HBG instead of the panther tank then use whichever tank you like, but at 3-3-2-6 as usual.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 8, 2012, 1:12 AM
OK i understand about HBG/FMG. These rules are for people who don’t own those pieces.
Of course eventually a complete list of units may be prepared when we got all the new units, but its hard to keep adding them in because new HBG/FMG pieces are showing up all the time.
I agree we need a combined list for all the new pieces. IN a real world, the sculpts for most of the 1941 would not be used because they are not dedicated sculpts because WOTC went cheapo and made American and British “Stalin Tanks”
Ideally, the list would be only for the nation the sculpt was originally intended for.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 8, 2012, 1:15 AM
I would just play with them as fun units.
Yea sure thats one way to go, but having something like heavy tanks or light bombers might spice up the game as you add in different units.
You could even add in new techs with heavy tanks or heavy bombers. Thats fun too.
I love the idea of having them as techs. I got my rockets from HBG for use in game and am always looking for cool little things to use for techs. Like the old fat subs for super subs. These subs will do for that.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 8, 2012, 1:53 AM
Yea im thinking of a new plan for these…
Just like techs you spend 5 IPC and roll each turn as per rules…Also, perhaps some limitations would exist like neutral major nations ( USA, USSR) cant participate until activated.
if you roll 6 then you roll a D8 and you get randomly one of these new units. The new sculpts could even be on cards.
Each unit would cost the same as normal units… heavy tanks still cost 6 IPC… the deal is if your successful, you can buy the first one for -5 IPC, and can always buy more for the original price.
So if you draw Battlecruisers, you pay 11 IPC ( 16-5) for the first one, and can build them from any turn forward.
It is not Historical because some of these would be available in the early war period.
Allied Bomber = UK Lancaster
This is a light Allied bomber that can be built anytime 3-1-6-10The Lancaster was a heavy bomber, not a light one. In fact I believe it was the only Allied bomber capable of carrying the 22,000-pound Grand Slam earthquake bomb.
Do you think there are enough new units to make 3 tech charts (land, air, and naval) with 6 techs apiece? You could easily reuse many of of Global 1940’s existing techs, naturally.
Ie the naval tech tree could be something like:
Improved shipyards
Super Subs
Super Carriers
Super Heavy Battleships
Advanced Destroyers -
I still like the idea we talked about awhile back about the lancasters and he-111 being terror bombers. 4/1/6/15 SBR and Terror Bombing Raid as special abilities.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 10, 2012, 5:25 PM
4/1/6/15 SBR and Terror Bombing Raid as special abilities.
What? The He-111 was like a medium bomber, why pay +3 for a bomber with no extra abilities?
He-111 and Lancaster 4/1/6/15 SBR also can do a SBR on an enemy capital doing 1d6 damage that comes out of the enemies pocket. Think the London Blitz or the night bombing of Berlin and Toyko
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 10, 2012, 10:34 PM
He-111 and Lancaster 4/1/6/15 SBR also can do a SBR on an enemy capital doing 1d6 damage that comes out of the enemies pocket.
What is the difference from a regular bomber thats 4-1-6-12 and does 1D6 damage?
Why would anybody spend 3 more IPC to get the same?
it’s the old SBR rules. I’m talking about instead of doing damage counters to an IC. These let you take the money out of the players IPCs. The reason to pay the +3 is the 1d6 bomber damage isn’t opinional. Example UK bombs berlin and rolls a 4. The German player pays the bank 4 IPCs. Instead of the bomber doing 4 damage to the IC and the German player desiding not to repair it. It would give a “Round the Clock” feel to the Allied bomber offensive. USA bombs doing damage to the IC and the UK does the damage straight to the IPCs in hand.
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 11, 2012, 2:55 AM
Yea but most people are using Alpha 3+ rules. The new ideas are just to bring in the new sculpts into existing games with minimal impact on the game.
You pay 5 IPC roll a 6 and randomly get a new unit with upgraded values and can build more. ON top of that the investment pays down the cost by 5 IPC so it works for everyone on an equal scale.
then reduce the cost but keep the basic idea
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 11, 2012, 3:18 AM
Yes right.
With all the new units coming out we tried putting together a list for integrating all the new HBG/FMG/AA41 units.
All our elite infantry have differing special characteristics, such as raiding capability (British Commandoes). We also limit the number of builds per turn for elite and heavy TD/tanks. Haven’t play tested yet. We are using a 6d system.Infantry 1-2-1-3
Elite Infantry 2-2-1-4: +1 1st round of Att. or Def.
Mechanized Infantry 1-2-2-4: blitz with tanks
Artillery 2-2-1-4: supports infantry in attack
Light Tank 2-2-2-2@9: blitz, +1 com. Arms w/ Med or Heavy armor on attack
Mechanized Artillery (SPA) 2-2-2-5:supp. inf; 1st strike salvo
SPG (tank destroyer) 2-3-2-5: blitz, tank hunt on roll of 1
SPG (Heavy TD) 3-4-1-7: tank hunt on roll of 1
Medium Tank 3-3-2-6: blitz, combine arms w/ Tac
Heavy Tank 4-4-1-8:I have seen similar charts done in house rules some time ago, so we borrowed from others and we put the chart together with the new units specifically in mind. **One example: Heavy tanks - HBG Hellcat for USA, Tiger from AA41, and IS2 from AA41 or KV from HBG. **Appreciate any thoughts.
All our elite infantry have differing special characteristics, such as raiding capability (British Commandoes).
Could you explain?
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Jun 16, 2012, 4:43 PM
I don’t see the value in bringing all the OOB, FMG, and HBG pieces together as a new inventory of pieces.
It’s got to be two lists:
OOB/ HBGToo many new units and their is too much duplication in these sets. It just complicates the game just to “fit in” the new units arbitrarily.
I like your ideas except the FW 190 - you have:
Axis Fighter = German FW-190
Alternate Axis fighter. 3-3-4-9Wasn’t the FW 190 superior to the ME 109? I’d make it 4-5-4-11.