Hi everyone,
This is a copy from another thread, but I wanted to add it to this thread so everyone can see what the 2013 donation drive is about:
Welcome to 2013 Donation Drive for TripleA engine development.
It is amazing to see how far we have come in only a few years. TripleA has gone from a game engine primarily used to play only two games (Revised and AA50) to a game engine with hundreds of different games. I have put in literally thousands of hours of work to get TripleA to allow for new types of games, such as Global 1940, and even more complex ones such as Total World War. And I hope to continue contributing to TripleA well into the future, adding new features, improving the user interface, and making everything better.
Please support us!
The donation will be primarily done by PayPal, but if you do not have PayPal let me know and we can accept other ways like a check or direct deposit, etc.
These funds will go towards the following:
Future work and development on the Engine
Get TripleA to run 1914 World War 1 game rules. Make the map as well.
Continue to improve support for 1940 maps and all other maps until they are perfect.
Support future A&A maps.
Continue to make TripleA able to support any kind of game we want to play.
Get TripleA to play Risk! and other boardgames.
Time spent already on developing the Engine
Version 1.7 release of TripleA is just a few weeks away!
TripleA is no longer just about A&A. I have spent hundreds of hours making TripleA a general game engine that allows far more customized maps, such as Total World War.
TripleA now plays all three 1940 maps including Global 2nd Edition, as well as the new 1942 2nd Edition.
Time spent on Promoting and Advertising of TripleA
We are now on Desura and also on CNET among many other websites.
I will apply for us to be on Steam and/or Origin.
I maintain all these website accounts and keep their copies updated.
To give some idea of the amount of work that has happened since TripleA was released 1 year ago, consider the following:
Since was released, there have been around 500 code commits to the engine.
For the past year, I have spent, on average, around 20 hours per week, sometimes more, working on the TripleA engine.
We continue to maintaine the TripleA Maps repository of all known maps and games, as well as art and all other material related to TripleA. This repository allows people to easily download any map they want.
Right now this is basically a one-man show, with me doing almost everything.
How to Donate:
To donate, just click on the link below to donate via PayPal.
Any person who donates will get a special “gear” symbol by their name in Sourceforge, IF they have registered a SourceForge account before donating. You do not have to register first, you can donate anonymously (most people donate anonymously).
If you do not have PayPal, please let me know by posting here or by emailing me, and we can discuss other ways to donate. My email is: VEQRYN {at} Hotmail [dot] com
Many thanks,
(lead developer)