Thanks to those who replied. I actually have never played a game with a house rule but have always been intrigued to - even going back the old 80’s “enhanced realism rules book.” I tend to think about not altering original rules too much because of all the play testing that went into them. So it is great to see how many players use house rules - a larger sampling would be even better!
knp - I like the sub house rule. It makes sense to me why you play it that way. It would make them more effective at harassing enemy ships and force opponents to allocate, and then reallocate, units to destroy them. The rule also has some historical context. When I read your rule I thought perhaps two rounds of combat should have to be endured, but then the kill ratio of the subs would most likely go up a lot. Have you always allowed escape after one round? I also like the heavier payload carried by your heavy bombers.
Rhey - I read through your Finland house rule and it is too much change for me - particularly the 70+ IPC’s worth of units added to Russia to give balance. But that is just me - looks like your group enjoys it. I think that Germany needs to work more to create a northern flank and pressure on Russia by shuttling troops north of Lenningrad through Norway. Wondering if the extra Russian troops deter Germany from an earlier Barbarossa?
Crusaders1 - Transport planes is a cool idea. I always thought transport planes were associated with paratroopers. But as I read you it appears you use them more like naval transports? We were thinking of trying the railhead idea where land units get a plus one movement, but the transport planes would take some edge off of that especially if railheads would cost more than $10 (we were thinking $12 or $15). We are going to try Special Forces next game along with a mechanized artillery piece, possibly the research facility.
Anyone else?