I am not a Axis & Allies player, but I play a lot with Conquest of Nerath. I like this zombie version.
I believe that can be improved.
These are my house rules
Deadnapper convoys revised . Add to existing rule: Shore zombie bombardment In a amphibious assault your transport can fire once against zombies: score an hit . Its attack value is (3).
Strong Neutrals: When a zombie card create an outbreak in a neutral territory add 6 zombie in 2 IPC territories (Turkey and Spain )and 3 in the other (1 IPC value) territories -(“call us neutral not zombies !”)
Zombie apocalypse revised (not so easy allies victory ).The side that controlls the greates number of zombie-free territories wins. In case of tie who controll the greatest IPC value of zombie-free territories win.
Different set up every game . Starting purchase : place everywhere pieces on the game board in territories/sea zones (example I have not text this )
add 4 IPC Russia
add 3 IPC Germany
and 6 IPC UK
add 8 IPC Japan. /
add - IPC to US
I try also to use Nerath deployment rules:
If you have 14/16 Ipc to spent you can immediately reinforce a new conquered territory by boat or make a land invasion more easy.
It seems that this variant helps more the Allies
What you think about gameplay(forget realism,you are playing with zombie ;-) ) ?