TripleA map for Global 1940 Alpha Final

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nevermind.  I refuse to use this software for anything anymore.  It’s too restrictive, which is partially to do with the AI, I am sure.

    Here are my grievances:

    MAJOR Grievances:
    (1) You cannot see 2/3rds of the map at a time.  I need to see All of Europe, including N. Africa, England the Med and Russia simultaniously, just like in Abattlemap.  End of story. 
    *** Yes, I know you can do it, but then you cannot tell what the pieces are in any of the zones. 
    (2) In relation to (1), Scaling SUCKS.  Very hard to tell what you have when zoomed, even harder to tell what your opponent has (at least you have your memory for what you purchased and moved recently!)
    (3) Tactical bombers strategically bombing factories.  They may only strategically bomb Air Bases or Naval Bases. (Not going to screen shot this, anyone under the sun can test this themselves, just use England round to SBR a factory with a tactical bomber.)

    MINOR Grievance:
    (1)  France can violate the neutral rules with impunity.  I have done this several times.  France declares war on the True Neutrals, then blithly walks from Rio through the Desert.  France has also walked through the Pipet Marshes, but that’s a pain to set up and you have to literally make sure that infantry walks there without getting killed on the way - so it won’t ever happen in a real game.
    (2)  China seems to be able to move south of Sikang / west of Yunnan over the Indian territory without ever declaring war on Neutrals (And even if they did, this is out of bounds for China.)
    (3)  Three times now the game has failed to give America the NO for Alaska after liberating the Aluetian islands.  This is more a nuissance, you can edit the map to fix this, but still, annoying!

    NOTE:  Due to the restrictions on file size, I have to upload each screenshot seperately.  There are 3 total.
    Screenshot 1:  France at the start of their turn.
    Screenshot 2:  France invading Rio de Oro
    Screenshot 3:  France moving from French West Africa to Rio de Oro

    Note, after this, the allies may violate the Sahara at leisure.

    France Violate Sahara Part 1.png

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I gotta get Djensen to increase the image size to 2000 instead of this 1500 crud…gotta shrink it a bit first…

    Blah, screw it.  Get me on MSN if you HAVE to have pictures, I am not going to waste hours today trying to shrink the images!!!

    Part 1:  France DOW True Neutrals
    Part 2:  France takes Rio de Oro
    Part 3:  France may now move from FWA to Rio de Oro at will.

    Recreate this all you want, I’ve dont it about a hundred times now!


  • '17


    Recreate this all you want, I’ve dont it about a hundred times now!

    I tested this with 1.6 and it did not let me move from FWA to Rio de Oro.  It also did not let tactical bombers SBR industrial complexes.

    Are you still using

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Recreate this all you want, I’ve dont it about a hundred times now!

    I tested this with 1.6 and it did not let me move from FWA to Rio de Oro.  It also did not let tactical bombers SBR industrial complexes.

    Are you still using

    No, but it was just released a day or two ago - or rather, it was posted about being released a day or two ago.  I still have 1.5…so if they fixed this in 1.6 great.  Does not help the lack of visibility, but at least it’s starting to follow the rules.

    BTW, decided I will use TripleA when I play fog of war games…since you have nothing BUT fog of war in TripleA…(this is why Mapview died in my opinion.  Lack of coherent visibility of the map leading to mistakes and confusion and eventually dissolution and a return to Battlemap.)

  • Customizer


    Nevermind.� I refuse to use this software for anything anymore.� It’s too restrictive, which is partially to do with the AI, I am sure.
    Here are my grievances:
    MAJOR Grievances:
    (1) You cannot see 2/3rds of the map at a time.� I need to see All of Europe, including N. Africa, England the Med and Russia simultaniously, just like in Abattlemap.� End of story.�
    *** Yes, I know you can do it, but then you cannot tell what the pieces are in any of the zones.�
    (2) In relation to (1), Scaling SUCKS.� Very hard to tell what you have when zoomed, even harder to tell what your opponent has (at least you have your memory for what you purchased and moved recently!)
    (3) Tactical bombers strategically bombing factories.� They may only strategically bomb Air Bases or Naval Bases. (Not going to screen shot this, anyone under the sun can test this themselves, just use England round to SBR a factory with a tactical bomber.)
    MINOR Grievance:
    (1)� France can violate the neutral rules with impunity.� I have done this several times.� France declares war on the True Neutrals, then blithly walks from Rio through the Desert.� France has also walked through the Pipet Marshes, but that’s a pain to set up and you have to literally make sure that infantry walks there without getting killed on the way - so it won’t ever happen in a real game.
    (2)� China seems to be able to move south of Sikang / west of Yunnan over the Indian territory without ever declaring war on Neutrals (And even if they did, this is out of bounds for China.)
    (3)� Three times now the game has failed to give America the NO for Alaska after liberating the Aluetian islands.� �This is more a nuissance, you can edit the map to fix this, but still, annoying!

    NOTE:� Due to the restrictions on file size, I have to upload each screenshot seperately.� There are 3 total.
    Screenshot 1:� France at the start of their turn.
    Screenshot 2:� France invading Rio de Oro
    Screenshot 3:� France moving from French West Africa to Rio de Oro
    Note, after this, the allies may violate the Sahara at leisure.�

    Jenn, you are out of date once again.

    Before doing anything, do the following:
    1. Update TripleA to version
    2. Update Global 1940 to version 3.2

    if you can’t do this, i don’t want to hear anymore from you.

    Your Grievances:

    (1) You cannot see 2/3rds of the map at a time.  Yes, I know you can do it, but then you cannot tell what the pieces are in any of the zones.

    1. I fixed this a month ago (when 1.6.1 was released).
    First, download  Then open up Global alpha 3.2.  Then zoom out to 60% or 75%.  Then click on the “VIEW” menu and select “DRAW TERRITORY BORDERS ON TOP” and then select “MEDIUM” (or high).

    Scaling sucks.  Very hard to tell what you have when zoomed.

    2. I also fixed this a month ago.  The zoom quality has been greatly improved.  TripleA is now using the best 2D zoom quality that java has to offer.  The results are very noticeable, I even made a thread about it.
    Sometimes when zoomed out, it helps to turn off the “relief tiles” (background art), so clean up the image.  Go to VIEW, and then turn off MAP DETAILS.  You can also increase the size of the units in the view menu.

    Tactical bombers strategically bombing factories.

    3. I fixed this 2 months ago.  Again, you need to be using the LATEST triplea, AND the LATEST Global map.  If either is out of date, you won’t see the updates.  (you must start a new savegame as well)

    France declares war on the True Neutrals, then blithly walks from Rio through the Desert.

    4. I fixed this several months ago.  
    Someone was kind enough to post here, telling me that there was a wrong connection between Rio and FWA, and then they included a savegame in their attachment.  It was a real bug report, not a complaint that has no details.  I took his post, thanked him, and fixed the problem, then released a new version of global with the fix.

    China seems to be able to move south of Sikang / west of Yunnan over the Indian territory

    5. Those are impassible in the engine, and you can’t access them on any version of triplea or any version of the map.  I’m calling bullshit on you until you give me a savegame.  You figured out how to upload a png, now upload a savegame.

    Three times now the game has failed to give America the NO for Alaska after liberating the Aluetian islands.

    6. I just tested and it works just fine.

    **If you have a real complaint or bug report, prove it with a savegame. (actually upload it. I don’t want a screenshot, i want a savegame.  i’ve been telling you this for over a month now jenn)

    Otherwise you are just wasting my time.**

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    You’ve been asking for screenshots, Veqryn.  Saved games are easier….

    Also, PM me a link to the new engine…if you don’t mind.  If it’s fixed a bunch of stuff, then fine.  All I have to work with is the 1.5.whatever version and it’s constantly screwing things up - which is probably why you fixed it…

    Can you make the software change alliances somewhere?  You know, so if you want a FFA or whatever, you can do it?

  • Customizer


    Also, PM me a link to the new engine…

    Can you make the software change alliances somewhere?  You know, so if you want a FFA or whatever, you can do it?

    main site (always shows which triplea is latest, and includes DL links):

    the announcement of on a& (with DL links):

    the TripleA dev forum, which shows release notes on the new versions:

    and lastly, how to update a map:

    or a video of how to update a map:

    On the issue of making an FFA, the basic answer is yes, but you must mod the map to make it FFA compatible.  This is relatively easy, you can go to the dev forum to see examples of how this is done (eg: with napoleonic ffa).

  • '17

    I didn’t realize scaling was updated, that’s awesome!  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes.  I just want to be able to see the east of Russia, Scandinavia, Europe, England and North Africa at the same time.

    Oh, you fixed the memory leak issues as well, where it crashed sometimes?  Or does it still crash sometimes?  (have not officially diagnosed it as a memory leak, but it’s pretty darn similar if it isnt.  Sometimes you can finish a game, most times it crashes at some point…I don’t bother saving usually…)

    Oh and where sometimes it goes to battle, but wont let you finish the game and you have to close it and start over…

  • Where is the factory in Ukraine?? Am i missing something here…

  • Customizer

    Any bug reports or things that need to change on TripleA  +  Global version 3.1/3.2 ?

  • The only things I can see is some of the setups are off, Ukraine needs a factory and 3 infantry. And a few other placements… Also is there anywhere that explains the technology in the tripleA global? I am not sure they were named properly… so that’s a little confusing.

  • Customizer


    The only things I can see is some of the setups are off, Ukraine needs a factory and 3 infantry. And a few other placements… Also is there anywhere that explains the technology in the tripleA global? I am not sure they were named properly… so that’s a little confusing.

    I don’t know what map you think you’re playing, but the one I am playing has a factory.  Please update you map, and then choose the correct one to play.

  • I used a 2.7 version, then upgraded it to the 3.2 it is all good now… I am still having a hard time finding any info on tech. Any guidance would be very helpful!

  • So I am playing my first game.  As Germany I bought a aircraft carrier.  I left a tac and a fighter in the sea zone where I placed the AC, but at the end of my turn, the Tac was gone.  I’m I mistaken in thinking I can leave a tac in a sea zone where a new carrier is going to be placed?  Is it only fighters that can do that?

  • Customizer


    i was able to leave a tactical and fighter, then place a carrier under them.

    go back and check what you did, you probably did something else.

    the history panel will show what happened to the tactical

  • @Veqryn:


    i was able to leave a tactical and fighter, then place a carrier under them.

    go back and check what you did, you probably did something else.

    the history panel will show what happened to the tactical

    Oh excellent!  I didn’t know about the history button.  And you are 100% right.  I accidentally grabbed that Tac again and moved it to Western Germany after I had moved it to the sea zone.  Thank you!!!

  • OK, Now China (as the AI) has moved troops into the Himalayas.  Is that allowed?  Maybe I don’t understand that rule, but I thought it was a dead space!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    LOL no… but what a cool house rule!

  • @Gargantua:

    LOL no… but what a cool house rule!

    OK, good.  I was worried I missed something.  Thanks,

    On a different note, if a transport is at a seabase, can it move one space, pick up a infantry, move another space, pick up a tank and move another space and drop off?  Or does stopping to pick up a unt negate the 3 space bonus of the original seabase?

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