Try and take Tokyo? :-D
I’ve been able to take out Japan multiple times by clearing Tokyo and blockers and paving the way for a lone transport to capture the Japanese capital. If you have 4+ loaded US carriers plus some bombers, you can usually strafe Tokyo down quite a bit. Especially as Japan if strips most/all of the starting land units to move against the DEI/mainland and doesn’t build many replacements. US could always ncm a carrier or two into sz6 after strafing Tokyo and clearing out any blockers so the Aussies can use their air to help with the take if needed. US or Aussies could also throw out a blocker or two so Japan doesn’t just retake their capital.
Even trying for it can depend a lot on your opponent’s complacency, luck, and how much of a gambler (or desperate) you are. Trying to take Tokyo can be a very a high risk-high reward situation as you’ll likely be losing most of your US air force. But oh boy if you get it. I’ve tried it 6-8 times and taken it 4-5 of those ones.
One of the times I took it really salvaged a game for me that I in all honestly should’ve lost. A combination of bad dice and bad decisions against a really solid opponent had the axis poised to win on both sides of the map. My opponent got a little too cocky as he was kicking my ass up and down that board and left Japan lightly defended after ensuring my US trn were out of position or blocked from trying an invasion. But US air was able to mostly clear Tokyo, leaving the Aussies to send in 2 inf plus 4 fighters to finish it off. The only Japanese transports were off India, so Japan was done building in that game.
Good thing too as China, India, & Russia had all fallen. US was finally able to focus in Europe and left the Aussies to clean up the Pacific with the fighterless US Pac fleet. The British ME factories were overrun as the Brits retreated back to Egypt. 4+ US fighters a turn started landing in Egypt just in time to bolster the defense. Despite that Egypt still fell twice, but was recaptured both times either with US troops or UK mech/arm from SAF.
Meanwhile Aussies had 90+ IPCs from sacking Tokyo plus their regular income and could only build 6 units a turn. I eventually was able to get Korea, Kwangtung, & FIC producing plus a 2nd minor in Australia itself. By the time my opponent surrendered, the Aussies owned all the DEI, Korea, FIC, Japan, most of the 1 IPC Jap islands, and had liberated most of the SFE for itself as well as getting both India and China back into the game. Anzac was making like 55+/turn and actually had more income before India itself was liberated. Probably one of the crazier games I’ve played in.