Instead of the United States controlling Mexico, Southern Mexico, Central America (Panama Canal) and the West Indies make it so that the Allies control Morocco, Algeria, Tunis and the West Indies.
America could literally control all of those territories as well, and it gives the United States a reason (outside of just denying Italy the N. Africa NO) to take and hold Africa.
Exchanging the Mexico NO with a 5IPC NO for the US (at war) that says- “Allies need to control Algeria, Tunis, Morocco and Gibraltar”. Call it a “strategic foothold in the Mediterrean and Europe.” You don’t even need West Indies.
Realistically, US would be w/o this NO until (at the earliest) round 6-7 and from that point Axis and Allies can jostle back and forth for it. It also sends more units to Europe side and that means less to Japan. I think it does everything we need it to do to balance and solve the US balancing diliema.
I really like this idea- so much so that I believe you wouldn’t even have to change the starting setup- no need for addition of Axis units to capitals (although that could be a tweek if needed after testing game with this new/exchanged NO.) :-) :-) :-)