Hi Adam,
Quote from: bachus on April 03, 2011, 08:19:10 am
I would like to try your variant next week-end but I have 2 questions:
- What is the rule for fortification?
Is it really +2 for all infantry for the first round or as I saw elsewere +2 by infantry when matched 1/1 with a fortification? And also can you buy new fortification and place them anywhere you want? Even on the first turn you conquered a teritory?
- What is the rule for strict neutral?
Can you attack them whitout any penality?
What is the exact rule for the american submarine at 3?
Where is the best place ot obtain the latest version of the rule and the setup?
#1 Fortification: I was considering (house rule) : The fortification that are on the board at the setup are majors fortications and you can’t build more (maginot line, gibraltar,…) and they give a +2 to all infantry on the first turn of combat. But you can also build minor fortification on a territory you own at the start of your turn to a max of 1 per turn per territory at a cost of 6 ipc. They defend at 2 and give à +2 to one inf. The minors fortifications could be a great defensive unit.
What do you think about it?
#2 I left the strict neutrals alone and , they are neutral and are not swayed one way or the other. I am looking at a rule to be able to sway a neutral to your side.
Do you mean that we can’t attack the strict neutrals or that if we attack one of them they all swing to the oposite side (as in global1940). But what can you do to attack norway or denmark?
#3 U.S. torpedoes at the beginning of the war were very unreliable. I think the pre war stockpile were 75% duds.
Ok, but when (which turn) did the US subs stop being at 3 (and go back to 4)? Turn 10?
#4 I’ll post the latest revision of setups and rules Monday night.