How Germany could win WWII.
Lets pretent Hitler was never born and the Weimar was in power. They were social-democrates and already had a pact with USSR since 1920, so they too could have split Poland. They could have stoped after occuping Danzig and the Polish occupied German territory, and the Western Allies would have no casus belli, or reason to declare war. The Weimar would propably not be racist, so they would not get the jews against them. It would be a limited war.
If UK and France still declared war, then with Blomberg and Fritsch in command, and no Hitler, the war in the west would be likely to have another outcome. Guderian would propably capture 330 000 british pows in Dunkirk, and Churchill would be sacked, and Halifax would prey for peace. If not, then Germany would go full into the Med and liberate Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Iraq and Persia from the British imperialists and supressors, and get free oil from Middle East through the Berlin-Bagdhad railway, that was build in 1918.
If Weimar attacked Sovjet Union, they would be liberators. The people in the East that was supressed by Stalin would rise and join Weimar in a community of interests. Weimar would get the resources they needed by trade, not by killing the population or turn them into slaves, like Hitler did.