How on earth can sub hitting with 2 an a des hitting with 2 have fighting against each other have different odds? Roflmao, that is just so wrong on first sight.
The 40% is correct, you need to set your Simulator on throwing more often, and you’ll see, you’ll get closer to 40%. (A simulator doesn’t do math, it just rolls dice, so it’ll be of a bit of the true odds, unless you do a huge number of rolls (like a million))
I posted the wrong numbers.
anyway. The result is like 39.7 to 41.2% with 10,000 events
But you see the statistical variation also shows the differences depending on throws.
with 1,000 runs the odds are 40.8 for the sub
with 5,000 runs the odds are 39.9 for the sub
at 10,000 it goes to 39.7
This is why with only 7 rolls i don’t see why you can make a claim of 67%+ Not enough numbers.
Only with large numbers can the truth of plane loses be qualified.
Still getting it wrong.
When I say the outcome of 7 AA rolls is 72% at least one hit, then I’m not making that assumption by rolling qa dice seven times, that assumption is made on rolling 7 dice infinite times.
A coin flip is 50%, 7 rolls at least one 1 is 72%, that is the probability of that event.
If I roll 7 AA rolls infinitely, then it’ll show 72% of the rolls containing at least one hit.
If I only roll those 7 dice once, ten or a hundred times, that is where the standard derivation comes in, since then, not neccassarily 72% of the 7 rolls will contain at least one 1, but the number would still be around that 72%, most likely at least.
7 dice rolls is not where I deduct the 72%, hell I don’t roll any dice, I calculate the odds. And when I calculate them, I get the result which throwing the dice an infinite number would yield me.
And that is the only % to take when planning, since standard derivation will obscure these 72% in my games, but it, or in that area, still is the likliest event to come up in my AA games.
The number 7 AA dice is not equal to the number of times I throw these 7 dice, that’s an important difference.
I can calculate the odds of tossing a coin once (50% tails), that doesn’t mean one toss is where I calculate the odds from.
When you calculate the odds, you get the correct %, and if you like (but it’s uneccessary in A&A), you can also calculate the standard derivation.
You can also calculate the odds of a specific situation coming up (e.g. exactly two hits, or less than 3 hits, if you can afford losing two planes for example). This may be neccassary at times, but with our AA example we only calculated the odds of at least one AA hit, which is, as many people have posted the formula, really easy.
Using your sim shows how you won’t get the exact odds, since with what you let them roll it is not enough. The true odds are 40/40/20, and logic dictates, that des sub and des must have the same chance of winning, since they have equal stats.
Still, the Simulator doesn’t give any odds, but something that is near the truth. And that’s usually good enough for AA games.
here is another result: This accounts for 8 different rolls and the odds of killing 0-8 planes
To kill one plane it shows: 18.98% which is much closer to my 16.6% than your 67%
Probability % # units / losses
23.12% 8: 4 Fig, 4 Bom. no units. : 0 IPCs
18.98% 7: 3 Fig, 4 Bom. 1 Fig. : 10 IPCs
18.27% 7: 4 Fig, 3 Bom. 1 Bom. : 15 IPCs
14.52% 6: 3 Fig, 3 Bom. 1 Fig, 1 Bom. : 25 IPCs
5.48% 6: 2 Fig, 4 Bom. 2 Fig. : 20 IPCs
5.42% 6: 4 Fig, 2 Bom. 2 Bom. : 30 IPCs
4.87% 5: 3 Fig, 2 Bom. 1 Fig, 2 Bom. : 40 IPCs
4.67% 5: 2 Fig, 3 Bom. 2 Fig, 1 Bom. : 35 IPCs
0.68% 5: 4 Fig, 1 Bom. 3 Bom. : 45 IPCs
0.8% 5: 1 Fig, 4 Bom. 3 Fig. : 30 IPCs
1.33% 4: 2 Fig, 2 Bom. 2 Fig, 2 Bom. : 50 IPCs
0.65% 4: 3 Fig, 1 Bom. 1 Fig, 3 Bom. : 55 IPCs
0.56% 4: 1 Fig, 3 Bom. 3 Fig, 1 Bom. : 45 IPCs
0.06% 4: 4 Fig. 4 Bom. : 60 IPCs
0.01% 4: 4 Bom. 4 Fig. : 40 IPCs
0.24% 3: 2 Fig, 1 Bom. 2 Fig, 3 Bom. : 65 IPCs
0.23% 3: 1 Fig, 2 Bom. 3 Fig, 2 Bom. : 60 IPCs
0.04% 3: 3 Fig. 1 Fig, 4 Bom. : 70 IPCs
0.04% 3: 3 Bom. 4 Fig, 1 Bom. : 55 IPCs
0.01% 2: 2 Bom. 4 Fig, 2 Bom. : 70 IPCs
0.01% 2: 1 Fig, 1 Bom. 3 Fig, 3 Bom. : 75 IPCs
0.01% 1: 1 Fig. 3 Fig, 4 Bom. : 90 IPCs
How can someone be so blind, that just was an classical own goal, but thank you for posting that.
Your table shows the odds of no plane being hit at 23,12%. That means the chance of losing at least one plane (=rolling at least one 1, what we all have been talking about) is 76,12%.
If you calculate the odds, you get 76,74% for at least one 1 throwing 8 dice. And that are the true odds.
Again, the Simulator is a little off, but the result is still very much near the truth.