My name is Emiel Lieffering,
I am planning on hosting a tournament for Axis and Allies 1940 Europe 2nd Edition through TripleA. Anybody could enter and we will host it in a discord server. We will play for fun and the games will be played in teams of 2 players. You could join this tournament as a team or be matched with another player.
If you are interested you can add me on discord (Emielson#2198) or send me an e-mail at
Are there any triplea modules for AAE40/AAP40AAG40 out yet?
I do believe that there is still a lot of work to be done to incorporate all the new rules and variables and it’s probably a major headache to do so.
So no, not really yet. There is an AAP40 but it doesn’t work the same as the actual game because of the lack of new rules/variables.
Thanks for info. How about abattlemap modules.
with the potential changes….it may be a year before triplea will have a workable 1940 game.
Yeah, I tried playing the 1940 Pacific on Triple A, but it is still a long way off… with no Air Bases, Naval Basis, or national objectives, it is just not the same.