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What is the best a/a game ( title not screwed up)
sorry for another poll, i just LOVE polls
despite the balance and production issues, i have to say AAP40. I like the map detail, the political rules and the air and naval base rules( although the the physical pieces are crap). A close runner up is AA50 which is always fun and is the best produced A&A.
Global 40 :wink:
Global 40 will be the best, but thats if your not counting ILs games. still waiting for something definitive on that thou.
I can see Global 40 taking the cake here, but I had to vote for Anniversary. It is something I have played almost exclusively since it came out. It is pretty well rounded and offers an exciting game with every play.
I would hope the same is true with Global 40… but I will wait and see.
AA42. Very little errata.