Well, playing the same number all the time is as good a strategy as playing different ones each time…
Playing more than one number increases the odds. Thats the only way. To play more events at the same time. In poker you can easily determine the odds of getting a hand because you know the number of cards in a deck and you know the cards you got and these don’t ‘remember’ what you got last time. Only in the sence that the deck was not shuffled after each hand, can you infer differences of odds based on future draws. The dice are always a new roll from start.
If anything else were true than all Vegas games are busted because people would just play the SAME NUMBER. Since thats one of the worse ideas in any table game and we can also assume it has no bearing in this game. These are dice the ultimate gamble and why its hard to win at craps
Well, if you play more and different numbers, you also invest more, thus the net gain isn’t any higher than if you played just one number with less investment. (1$ at a 1/32 chance has the same net gain as 5$ on five numbers with a 5/32 chance)
Unless you are lucky of course. And that’s the concept of Vegas. You’ll loose if you play infinite times, most will loose if they play a couple of times, and only a few get lucky and hit that 1/32 more than only once in 32 attemps (which is possible, since the events are independent, you could roll 3 times and win 3 times, just really unlikely 0,00003%, but given the number of games played, it’ll happen now and then)
You only increase the number of attempts by rolling more dice, not the %.
Well yes, the probability of success for each die doens’t go up, but with the number of attemps I increase the % that I’ll, at least once, get the desired result.
More units in A&A will usually get more hits won’t they? The probability of 4 arm making at least one hit is far greater than that of one wouldn’t you agree? to be precise 93,75% compared to 50%.
This all is true in the case of independent events, such as throwing dice.
Also, my attacks are nothing as you stated 37% > The worst one is a coin flip and thats just a freebee at Labrador. Why don’t you post thew results of each of Jim’s attacks and compare.
Thats ridiculous. I used more than one simulator and posted the one that seemed more official. You didn’t look at my moves or plug them in a simulator. Most of them are 85% + combat results.
The ‘cumulative’ result of the aggregate of these results cant drop by 50%
We’ll it is not really ridiculous, but you seem to have an hilarious understanding of the concept of probability. The cumulative result can’t be higher than the lowest % of any result involved, even if all the others are 100%, in which case the probability would be exactly that of the non-100% event.
To give you a figure, how the chances of succeding drop each time, lets only take your 80%+ battles into account:
92,3% and 99,5% in 109 and 110
~92% of succes in both cases
With the 85,6% in 111
~78,6% of succes in all three cases
with the 89% in 112
Chances of success in all four cases: ~70%
Now take these odds with the chances of surviving your SZ 106 attack (which in a game would not be possible, since I took the best cases for above SZs, meaning we’re short of one sub at this point) at 40,6%
and voila, we’re at 28,4%
With Jims moves (I haven’t checked if he’s right, but he has done the math) he comes up with a 42% probability, which is the highest rate of success of any Sealion so far posted. Allbeit still not high enough for me to use it (unless, I’d be playing a far better opponent, granted Germany wins the game after a successful Sealion, which hasn’t been thought out enough yet, though) and far from having to be called broken.
here it is again: G1 moves
Attack SZ 106 with 1 sub ( UK has 1 DD) 2 vs. 2. 40.6% to 39.5% ( you can also bring sub to SZ 109 and get better odds, but take the bomber to SZ 111)
Attack SZ 109 1 Bomber vs. 1 DD ,4 vs. 2. 55.4% to 14% ( both die at 30.6%), alternatively: 1 SS and 1 fighter vs 1 DD ( 92.3% vs. 3.8%)
Attack SZ 110 2 subs, 1 tactical, 1 fighter, 1 bomber vs. 1 BB, 1 DD ( should win) 99.5%
Attack SZ 111 2 subs, 1 tactical, 1 Fighter, vs. 1 BB, 1 CA ( should win) 85.7%
Attack SZ 112 1 BB, 1 tactical, 1 Fighter vs 2 CA ( should win hit on BB) 89%
Key Move: CA blocks UK Gibraltar fleet in SZ 104!
The cruiser block in SZ makes my BB and CV with 2 fighters protected against 3-4 of his fighters attacking on UK1 I win 80% versus his 20%
Ok, I have taken these numbers (haven’t used any of the alternative move suggestions), the combined probability is 26,4%. (Note, I took the 40,6% in SZ 106, since you need to win and survive, or the UK will bring more units to England, thus your G2 Sealion drops even more below 40%)
So, as is, your moves don’t come close to a reasonable chance of winning.
Question IL:
What in your opinion is the probability of
An AA hitting one plane?
An AA hitting six attacking planes?