I agree that Norway should be worth fewer points realistically speaking and Ukraine, Caucasus etc. more. However, probably for game balance reasons they decided against this.
Well, what can Germany do to hold Norway? Answer: Build a major IC there themselves! If the US doesn’t attack, the money certainly isn’t wasted because this way and this close to Leningrad you easily outproduce the Russian minor IC there. Under certain circumstances you could even build a fleet there with some transports and land in Nemetsia or Archangel outflanking the Russians.
BTW, is it only a global rule that a Major IC is downgraded to minor when captured or does this also hold true for Europe40?
Something I don’t like about the US is that in all my games so far, understandably, because the rules allow it, the US build up an invasion feelt, park it two sea zones off the European coast and right away land in France, Norway, Holland or whatever. I think they should be forced not to leave the sea zone bordering the Eastern seaboard until at war.
Perhaps also the Russians could be forced to leave a certain number of troops in the border territories (optional rule I’d say, because obviously this was the WRONG decision in actual life, but exactly why the German invasion was so successful initially and so many Russian forces were destroyed), in AAEurope/global 40, however, all they ever do is retreat from the border territories, thereby consolodating their forces.