• Does it need to be under UK-Control for one full ROUND to give ANZAC the Movement-Advantage?

  • Official Q&A

    No, just since the beginning of the turn.

  • Is this correct?

    • a transport my load AND unload in friendly territory during NCM.

    • no further movement of these deployed units is allowed from there this turn (tanks / mech. inf.)

    • a transport my load AND unload in hostile territory during CM (amphibious assault).

    • no blitzing from there.

    I’m just not fully sure about that.
    Thanks and greetings from Munich.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, that’s true, as long as the transports and land units belong to the same power.

  • Thank you Krieghund for patiently answering my questions!

    Another one, we are not fully sure where AA-Guns can be built (Alpha +2):

    Can AA-Guns be build in any Territory under my control since the beginning of my turn, even without a factory being there?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    No.  AA Guns are built at factories.

    Factories, Naval Bases and Air Bases are the only structures that can be built in territories without Factories in them.

  • @Cmdr:

    Can you scramble 3 fighters to SZ 97 and to SZ 95 in the same round from the same airbase?

    That is, scrambling a total of 6 fighters in one round.

    If by round you mean one enemy turn, then no. You of coarse can scramble up to 3 air units in each of your enemies turns through out 1 round of play.

    You can build an AB in N Italy that will allow you to scramble up to 6 ftrs to these sz’s at any given time.

    My question is for as many games that you have played, how can you not know this about Alpha?

    Brain Fart, oh yea as a female it must be a “Brain Toot”

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Can you scramble 3 fighters to SZ 97 and to SZ 95 in the same round from the same airbase?

    That is, scrambling a total of 6 fighters in one round.

    If by round you mean one enemy turn, then no. You of coarse can scramble up to 3 air units in each of your enemies turns through out 1 round of play.

    You can build an AB in N Italy that will allow you to scramble up to 6 ftrs to these sz’s at any given time.

    My question is for as many games that you have played, how can you not know this about Alpha?

    Brain Fart, oh yea as a female it must be a “Brain Toot”

    I have yet to have the means and opportunity to scramble 3 Fighters in SZ 95 and 3 more Fighters in SZ 97.  Have you?

  • No, but why would you need to split up into two sz’s?  I have seen Italy build an AB in N Italy in later rounds to protect its fleet in sz 95 or 97 w/6 planes (some were German). In that game the UK pulled back to the Red sea to consolidate for a later return. Because the UK pulled back, Italy got much of Africa so its income was on the rise. Italy needed the extra protection for when both UK/US entered the Med. US/UK moving back to back can really be a bitch!  Its normally a loosing proposition for the Italians to try to keep up in an arms race, but it did take a lot of fire power to take Italy down.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It’s a hypothetical question, I highly doubt it will ever come into play.  I was just curious to see  if the scramble rules allowed for 3 aircraft per battle or 3 aircraft per airbase.

  • @Cmdr:

    It’s a hypothetical question, I highly doubt it will ever come into play.  I was just curious to see  if the scramble rules allowed for 3 aircraft per battle or 3 aircraft per airbase.

    It’s 3 per airbase per turn.  I should have corrected my response saying round, which is incorrect, as facilities “reset” each round for repair, scrambling, etc.

  • Hey Jenn, in that truncated 1940 game we last played, you were building airbases along the Atlantic with Germany like there was no tomorrow.  Surely you knew that having an airbase (I think you had them on) Holland and Normandy allows you to scramble up to 6 fighters to Z110?  I mean, I think you had 2 or 3 on each territory, so it looked like you knew exactly how that rule works.

    Speaking of which, I’m sorry about that game - it was totally my fault it got stuck after a couple rounds.  I got stalled out on the American turn (the Allied 4-play) and my work schedule got all unpredictable there….

    (And I know it’s my turn for R1 - I’ll see if I can get that in tonight here)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Already said it was no problem!

    And yes, I knew each sea zone could only have 3 fighters per airbase bordering the sea zone, I was just wondering on if the airbases bordered more than one sea zone if it could scramble up to three fighters per sea zone it bordered.

    Hypothetically (because such a place does not exist) say there is an island with 5 sea zones touching it and an airbase.  What I wanted to know is if I could station 15 fighters there and have 3 available to scramble into each and every sea zone to defend.

    Oh, and if you think W. France/Holland was bad, you shoulda seen the game with an airbase in W. Germany, Denmark and Norway!  That was fun!

  • @Cmdr:

    And yes, I knew each sea zone could only have 3 fighters per airbase bordering the sea zone, I was just wondering on if the airbases bordered more than one sea zone if it could scramble up to three fighters per sea zone it bordered.

    Hypothetically (because such a place does not exist) say there is an island with 5 sea zones touching it and an airbase.  What I wanted to know is if I could station 15 fighters there and have 3 available to scramble into each and every sea zone to defend.

    NOTE: The following applies to Alpha 2 only, not OOB.

    You probably know this now, but no you can’t scramble 15 fighters from a single airbase.  It’s limit 3 per airbase (even if different nationalities), but there is no limit per sea zone.

    So……  Scotland borders 3 sea zones but can only scramble a total of 3 fighters, although could potentially scramble 1 fighter to each of the 3 sea zones if attacked in all 3 or from all 3 at once.  This would be possible even if the 3 zones each had allied ships under attack, and none of them belonged to the UK.

    Z99 (and Z97) are each bordered by 5 named territories, so if you had an airbase in each and 3 fighters at each one, you could scramble 15 fighters to Z99 if there was a sea battle.  But IIRC you could only scramble 3 from one territory there if only one was being amphibiously assaulted and there was no sea battle.  But if you have a destroyer there you could scramble all 15.  (These extra examples are not directed at you, Jenn, they’re meant for everyone’s benefit)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, figured, but I wanted to make absolute certain.  Just because I read the rules one way does not mean that’s how they were intended…ahem, Bridging anyone?  Yea?  Remember that one!  I still remember armies of infantry walking from England to W. Europe because one transport was there to bridge them across. =p  Complete violation of the rules, but there was no internet back then, so…

    I did know about the 3000 fighters joining a naval battle if you had 1000 air bases bordering that specific sea zone.  (that’s a DID, not a DID NOT, just to make sure ya all saw that and read that correctly.)

  • Do the rules specify if you cannot have more than 1 NB or AB in a territory or is it implied.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Do the rules specify if you cannot have more than 1 NB or AB in a territory or is it implied.

    Page 25 of the Europe book does not explicitely state that you cannot have more than one airbase or naval base, and when you think about airbases and naval bases, you think “yea, they are pretty small, why can’t I have more than one in a territory” but then, so are factories.

    Page 24 SPECIFICALLY STATES that you can only have one industrial complex (minor or major) in a territory.

    So, good question!  Krieg, there appears to be ambiguity in the rules.  It seems more likely that you may only have one of each base in any specific territory or island, but it is not explicitely stated.

    (See Gamerman, I can open the rule book.  Now, don’t have a heart attack!  grin)

  • I am in shock, Jenn.

    Definitive, you are correct that the rules are silent on the matter.
    Kreighund, however, has already weighed in on the question on this thread some time ago, and he said absolutely not, you can never build more than one of the same type of facility on a territory.  So you can’t have more than 1 airbase, naval base, or industrial complex on a territory per Krieghund.  This is an item that should be added to the official FAQ/errata because study of the rulebook alone suggests it is allowed because it is not expressly prohibited by the rulebook.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I might add, it should be explicitely written into the Alpha +3 rules!

  • @Cmdr:

    I might add, it should be explicitely written into the Alpha +3 rules!

    It doesn’t need to be as the Alpha rules don’t imply that building a second airbase would be beneficial at all:

    "Scrambling is a special action that can take place at the beginning of this phase (Phase 3: Conduct Combat (Powers at War Only), and it must be completed before any combat occurs. A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on islands and coastal territories that have operative air bases can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the adjacent sea zones. Scrambled fighters and tactical bombers are defending, so refer to their defense values and abilities when resolving combat. They can’t participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle on the island or territory from which they were scrambled…

    …In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. In situations where more than one sea zone is served by an airbase, United Kingdom into sea zones 109 and 110 for example, the territory may still only scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers, but they may be split between the sea zones in any combination."

    The limit of 3 planes is explicitly restricted by the territory (and implicitly restricted by the airbase).  Even if you could build more than one, the rules EXPLICITLY state 3 planes per territory.

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