• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, figured, but I wanted to make absolute certain.  Just because I read the rules one way does not mean that’s how they were intended…ahem, Bridging anyone?  Yea?  Remember that one!  I still remember armies of infantry walking from England to W. Europe because one transport was there to bridge them across. =p  Complete violation of the rules, but there was no internet back then, so…

    I did know about the 3000 fighters joining a naval battle if you had 1000 air bases bordering that specific sea zone.  (that’s a DID, not a DID NOT, just to make sure ya all saw that and read that correctly.)

  • Do the rules specify if you cannot have more than 1 NB or AB in a territory or is it implied.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Do the rules specify if you cannot have more than 1 NB or AB in a territory or is it implied.

    Page 25 of the Europe book does not explicitely state that you cannot have more than one airbase or naval base, and when you think about airbases and naval bases, you think “yea, they are pretty small, why can’t I have more than one in a territory” but then, so are factories.

    Page 24 SPECIFICALLY STATES that you can only have one industrial complex (minor or major) in a territory.

    So, good question!  Krieg, there appears to be ambiguity in the rules.  It seems more likely that you may only have one of each base in any specific territory or island, but it is not explicitely stated.

    (See Gamerman, I can open the rule book.  Now, don’t have a heart attack!  grin)

  • I am in shock, Jenn.

    Definitive, you are correct that the rules are silent on the matter.
    Kreighund, however, has already weighed in on the question on this thread some time ago, and he said absolutely not, you can never build more than one of the same type of facility on a territory.  So you can’t have more than 1 airbase, naval base, or industrial complex on a territory per Krieghund.  This is an item that should be added to the official FAQ/errata because study of the rulebook alone suggests it is allowed because it is not expressly prohibited by the rulebook.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I might add, it should be explicitely written into the Alpha +3 rules!

  • @Cmdr:

    I might add, it should be explicitely written into the Alpha +3 rules!

    It doesn’t need to be as the Alpha rules don’t imply that building a second airbase would be beneficial at all:

    "Scrambling is a special action that can take place at the beginning of this phase (Phase 3: Conduct Combat (Powers at War Only), and it must be completed before any combat occurs. A quick reaction team of no more than 3 defending fighters and/or tactical bombers (strategic bombers can’t scramble) located on islands and coastal territories that have operative air bases can be scrambled to defend against attacks in the adjacent sea zones. Scrambled fighters and tactical bombers are defending, so refer to their defense values and abilities when resolving combat. They can’t participate in any other battles during that turn, including a battle on the island or territory from which they were scrambled…

    …In situations where a sea zone is served by more than one airbase, Korea and Japan into sea zone 6 for example, each of the territories (or both in this case) can scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers. In situations where more than one sea zone is served by an airbase, United Kingdom into sea zones 109 and 110 for example, the territory may still only scramble up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers, but they may be split between the sea zones in any combination."

    The limit of 3 planes is explicitly restricted by the territory (and implicitly restricted by the airbase).  Even if you could build more than one, the rules EXPLICITLY state 3 planes per territory.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    Even with that info, it still needs to be explicitly stated. There could exist a situation where:

    I have 2 airbases in 1 territory, one is damaged and the other is not. I could scramble if this were the case.
    Only being allowed 1 AB per territory, this could never happen.

  • @Variable:

    Even with that info, it still needs to be explicitly stated. There could exist a situation where:

    I have 2 airbases in 1 territory, one is damaged and the other is not. I could scramble if this were the case.
    Only being allowed 1 AB per territory, this could never happen.

    Europe Rulebook, page 22: “You can’t have more than one facility of the same type per territory.”

  • @gamerman01:

    Definitive, you are correct that the rules are silent on the matter.

    Definitive, you are NOT correct that the rules are silent on the matter (and neither was I).  Good catch, kcdzim.

    My MAN……  
    Reading the actual RULEBOOK?  
    Unthinkable.  :-)

  • @gamerman01:


    Definitive, you are correct that the rules are silent on the matter.

    Definitive, you are NOT correct that the rules are silent on the matter (and neither was I).  Good catch, kcdzim.

    My MAN……  
    Reading the actual RULEBOOK?  
    Unthinkable.  :-)

    I’m going to be perfectly honest:  that was posted by Krieg on LHG and I posted it here as there is a mirrored conversation going on.

  • Lol found it, I did read the book before I posted but did not find it. Cheers.

  • @kcdzim:

    I’m going to be perfectly honest:  that was posted by Krieg on LHG and I posted it here as there is a mirrored conversation going on.

    Awwwww…… what a letdown.

  • Sponsor

    Can britain attack a German submarine with only a cruiser and a battleship?

  • Sure, but only if the German wants to fight.  Since there is no dd present the defending sub has the choice to submerge or not.

  • 8. Strategic Bombing Raids procedure:
    • Escorts fire @1, and interceptor casualties are immediately removed.
    • Bombers fire @ 1 and interceptors fire @ 2. Remove bomber and interceptor casualties (escorts may be taken as casualties only after all bombers are eliminated).
    • Surviving bombers are assigned a specific target (IC, airbase or naval base) if more than one type is in the territory.
    • The target fires its AA defenses at the attacking aircraft - @1
    • Surviving bombers attack their target, looking for the highest number possible.

    When bombing, each Strategic bomber rolls one die and 2 is added to each die result, giving the total number of hits the target will receive. Gray chips are placed under the target for each hit received.

    Tactical bombers
    Tactical Bombers can also conduct bombing raids. They are limited to attacking only naval bases and airbases, however. Other wise they follow the exact procedure as strategic bombers presented above. When bombing they roll one die. The number rolled is the number of hits the target receives. Do not add to the dice roll when bombing with tactical bombers.

    Damage Repairs… the removal of damage markers, is done during the controlling player’s - Phase 1: Purchase & Repair Units.
    It cost 1 IPC to remove each damage marker.

    Major industrial complexes can only mobilize 10 units per turn minus the number of damage markers they have. For example a major IC with 6 damage markers can produce only 4 units. A major IC can only receive up to 20 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned.

    Minor industrial complexes can only mobilize 3 units per turn minus the number of damage markers they have. For example a minor IC with 2 damage markers can produce only 1 unit. A minor IC can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers.

    Naval bases provide additional range and repairs to naval units. If a naval base has 3 damage markers it can no longer provide these services. A naval base can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers.

    Airbases provide additional range and the ability to scramble. If an airbase has 3 damage markers it can no longer provide these services. An airbase can only receive up to 6 damage markers, after that they are no longer assigned damage markers. Note: Aircraft can still land in territory whose airbase is out of service.

    My question is:

    In Alpha +2 during a strategic bombing raid on an mIC for example, can the interceptors be allied fighters or do they have to be fighters belonging to the same power as the mIC being bombed. I know allies can scramble to defend a sea zone from a territory with an airbase. Are they are treated as defending fighters regardless. I would still like this clarified.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Page 16, Europe Book:

    Any number of defending fighters based in a territory that is about to be strategically bombed can be committed to participate in the defense of that territory’s facilities.

    So any fighters, friendly or your own, that are in the territory being attacked by a strategic bombing raid may intercept.

    This is akin to the allied defense rule, where if there is an allied fighter on a carrier you are attacking, it gets to defend.

  • Jenn is right - one thing that actually is consistent in A&A rules, is that all Allied units defend together (unless one or more powers are not at war) in all circumstances, even interceptors and at scrambling opportunities.

    For example, from Scotland you could potentially have a French, American, and British fighter each scramble to 3 different sea zones, and you could have those same 3 fighters go up to intercept an SBR on the airbase.

  • @gamerman01:

    For example, from Scotland you could potentially have a French, American, and British fighter each scramble to 3 different sea zones, and you could have those same 3 fighters go up to intercept an SBR on the airbase.

    I believe your “and” (which I emboldened above) should be an “or”.  The same fighters can’t participate in the fighting over the sea zones and act as interceptors against bombing raids in the same turn.

  • @Pan:


    For example, from Scotland you could potentially have a French, American, and British fighter each scramble to 3 different sea zones, and you could have those same 3 fighters go up to intercept an SBR on the airbase.

    I believe your “and” (which I emboldened above) should be an “or”.  The same fighters can’t participate in the fighting over the sea zones and act as interceptors against bombing raids in the same turn.

    Right.  I was thinking in terms of the fact that they can do both (but not at the same time), but the “and” leaves an opening for misinterpretation - good catch.

  • Sweet thanks.

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