@SuperbattleshipYamato If germanany does’nt send enough units to 110 and 111,I would consider scrambling.Generally if the number of dice I get to throw is equal or more than my opponents,I will scramble.
Of course that does’nt happen often.
UK1 @ SZ 95 scenario question
I’d love to give the U.K. a try. Count me in.
Panzerjager…only play the UK, or are you open to other Allied countries?
Guys, I want to post our game on the Global thread to see if others are interested as well.
I could play any of the allies. Russia would be fun.
The Germans transports one builds in the Baltic can be used to attempt a Sea Lion attack, but they can be used just as effectively to go East.
The main thing that the “threat” of a Sea Lion attack can do though is to tie up a lot of UK IPCs in the defense of the Home Isles instead of being used in other parts of the world. Once the Germans turn towards the USSR, then the UK player must figure out how to then transfer those units into the battle.
Once you have time to study the initial set up, you will see that the Germans can take out almost all of the RN, especially around the Home Isles. Which means that moving the CV and DD up to England is problematic. The only way to cover that is an all-out naval buy. An all-out naval buy means no ground units for island defense. And the navy you buy may still not be enough to deal with the combined might of the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine.
Hitting the Italians with UK Med. naval assets and air will look better and better to you in time. Trust me on this one.
Thanks. That seems to be the best way to not lose Africa.
And not losing Africa is going to be important when trying to recover from defending against a Sea Lion threat/attempt. I think a German Sea Lion threat will probably be one of the standard moves, because even if you don’t follow through, building extra transports and a carrier for the Germans isn’t a set back at all and it helps a lot if it causes the UK player to panic, or at least forces them to play conservatively for the first turn or two since if they don’t you can knock them out.
If you take the CV/TAC/DD and go after the Italians, Sea Lion takes out UK. Does that sound like a good trade to you? If that does, then I would be bored playing you in AA since I would kick you butt every game.
a succesfull sealion is like a non-wodkadrinking russian: it’s theoretically possible, but really…
Turn 1(UK)…attack German fleet in SZ112:
Germany= 1CV(2FTR’s), 1BB(damaged?), 1CA, 1SUB, 3TRS.[4,4,4,3,2,2].
UK= 1CV(1TAC), 2BB’s, 2CA’s, 1DD.[4,4,3,3,3,2]How is that 20%??? Looks like 50% to me.
Yes, UK builds 9INF. Is that enough vs 3INF/3ARM/1BB/1Bomber/2FTRs? Why would you take that chance to lose UK? Hit the German fleet with the entire UK fleet…at the very least Germany will have 2 less FTR’s in the attack on UK. Its the only chance UK has vs Sea Lion.
The 2 extra FTR’s are not enough to stop Italy from taking Egypt on turn two. The 2nd Italian fleet with TRS(1INF/1ARM) will invade Transjordan, the two Italian FTR’s in Italy move to N. Africa. The only way to stop Italy from taking Egypt on turn two is to not lose the UK TAC/FTR(originally from Egypt) in the naval battles, and send them all including FTR’s from India into Egypt. In which case the Italians wait one extra turn…on turn two align Iraq, take out Sudan and get about 5-6 more INF into the battle on turn 3.
If you go with your Med strategy as UK, then in the mean time Japan is salivating over an easy India, and Sea Lion may have taken out UK. The UK cant build any more units, the Germans can use their Sea Lion TRS vs the Russians, and have about 17(France)+29(UK)=46 extra IPC’s to build for Russia. Not to mention the 46(at least) economy Germany now has. A very depressing game for the Allies.
and then a russian bomber appears from a normal neutral sweden and takes over germany…
you plans too are based on nothing
like in your sealion, did you include the RAF?
the egypt force is strong enough to stand against italy on it’s own for few rounds with taranto raid -
UK needs to buy 9 infantry AND move the block fleet to SZ 110 ( CV , DD, 2 fighters).
Tactical bomber moves to UK with 3rd fighter.
This saves UK, but also gets an exchange with German air making Sealion G3 much harder.
But it at least saves the Italian fleet if Germany does buy 1 CV and 2 AP on G1
UK needs to buy 9 infantry AND move the block fleet to SZ 110 ( CV , DD, 2 fighters).
Tactical bomber moves to UK with 3rd fighter.
This saves UK, but also gets an exchange with German air making Sealion G3 much harder.
But it at least saves the Italian fleet if Germany does buy 1 CV and 2 AP on G1
Problem with blocking SZ110 is that Germany can take Scotland to stack for a joined attack on England in a next turn… i have found SZ12 to be the crucial zone to block (less easy since it is 1 more step away…). Local blocking just stops costals, no?
With the German naval station in Western Germany you can bypass 110 and do a landing in seazone 109.
With the German naval station in Western Germany you can bypass 110 and do a landing in seazone 109.
That too, although such an attack (if survived) is easier to block the next turn, where they german fleet has to go all the way back again (while even if they take UK they cannot use the naval bases there)